Content Posted in 2021
10 Tips for Farm Social Media, Kevin Burkett, Charlotte Maxwell, and Carey Herndon
1981-2001, Strom Thurmond Institute: Two decades of service, 2001
2008 Farm Bill Decision Tools, Jody Campiche, Mike Dicks, Rodney Jones, Larry Sanders, Daniel Skipper, and Eric A. DeVuyst
2021 Summer Workshop Series Program, Clemson Libraries
307 East McBee, Deborah Schadel, Jason Armstrong, Sean Luther, and Michael Freeland
360-Degree Analysis of the Produce Prescription (Rx) Program, Joel Hamilton
3D nonlinear tropical cyclone boundary layer model: From meteorological perspective to wind engineering applications, Liang Hu and Ahsan Kareem
40 MW offshore wind energy estimated economic and rate impacts, 2014 May 16, Kenneth Sercy, Robert T. Carey, and Ellen Weeks Saltzman
4-H and Aquatic Robotics, Brian McNeill, Patrick Jirik, and Bradley Rugg
4-H and Forestry Afterschool Clubs: A Collaboration to Foster Stewardship Attitudes and Behaviors in Youth, Angela S. Gupta, Samantha Grant, and Andrea Lorek Strauss
4-H and Its Relevance in the Era of #Moments in Urban Communities, Nicole Webster
4-H and the Maker Movement, Paul A. Hill, Dave W. Francis, and Gaelynn Peterson
4-H as a Catalyst to Enhance Quality of Life for Hispanic Individuals, Wash A. Jones, Douglas D. LaVenge, Chanda D. Elbert, Alvin Large Jr, and Patricia J. Larke
4-H at Work: Career Lessons Provide New Dimension to School Classrooms, Laurie Murrah-Hanson, Brittani Kelley, Jennifer Cantwell, and Jeremy Cheney
4-H ChickQuest: Connecting Agri-Science with STEM Standards in Urban Schools, Robert L. Horton, Jackie Krieger, and Katrina Halasa
4-H Community Clubs and the Challenge of Inclusion: The Isleton Experience, Maria G. Fabregas Janeiro and Marianne Bird
4-H Engineering Design Challenge Program: Engaging Youth in STEM Learning, R.Michael Compton, Rebecca L. Meyer, Anne Stevenson, and Somongkol Teng
4-H—Going Beyond Life Skill Development, Alexa Lamm and Amy Harder
4-H Health Ambassador Programs: A Survey of Organizational and Programmatic Aspects, Theresa M. Ferrari
4-H International Camp United Program and the 2025 4-H Strategic Vision, Alayne Torretta, Matthew Newman, and Sharon Kinsey
4-H International Visitor Exchange Programming Barriers, Challenges, and Alternatives, K. S.U. Jayaratne and Daniel P. Collins
4-H Members and Firearms: The Case for 4-H Shooting Sports, Jeff Goodwin, David J. White, and M'Randa R. Sandlin
4-H Participation and Science Interest in Youth, Katherine E. Heck, Ramona M. Carlos, Cynthia Barnett, and Martin H. Smith
4-H PetPALS Juvenile Diversion Program Supports At-Risk Youth and Seniors, Connie L. Goble and Lucinda B. Miller
4-H Science Inquiry Video Series, Jeremy W. Green, Lynette Black, and Patrick Willis
4-H Southern Swines Feral Hog Challenge, Kenneth T. Gioeli, Susan Munyan, Lindsay Adams, Joanna Huffman, Elizabeth Russakis, and Edna Vachon
4-H Student Nutrition Advisory Councils Support Positive Youth Development and Health Outcomes Among Underserved Populations, Shannon Klisch and Katherine E. Soule
4-H Teen Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), Lynette Black and Pamela Powell
4-H Tractor Operator Program Teaches Employability Skills and Safety to Youth, Debra K. Barrett
4-H Volunteer Continuing Education Academy, Ken Culp III and Leslie R. Bullock
4-H Women and Their Horses: An Extraordinary Relationship with an Extraordinary Animal, Janet Kiser Lambarth
4-H Youth Development Programming in Indigenous Communities: A Critical Review of Cooperative Extension Literature, Joshua Farella, Mike Hauser, Amy Parrott, Joshua D. Moore, Meghan Penrod, and Jeremy Elliott-Engel
4-H Youth Development: The Past, the Present, and the Future, Lynne M. Borden, Daniel F. Perkins, and Kyle Hawkey
4-S Positive Youth Development in Latin America: Professional Schools in Costa Rica, Sandro Lopes, G. John Geldhof, Edmond P. Bowers, and Asia Thogmartin
5 Steps to Food Preservation Program Meets the Needs of Idaho Families, Lorie Dye and Katie Hoffman
6th AAWE Workshop Program - Conference Proceedings, Nigel Kaye
A 10-Step Process for Environmental Scanning, Lisa A. Guion
A 5-Year Look at Cotton Coverage by the Texas Print Media, Courtney Gibson, Cindy Akers, Alyx Oshel, and Erica Irlbeck
A Bayesian Approach to Computer Model Calibration and Model-Assisted Design, Carl Ehrett
A Beef Calf Retention Decision Tool, Kellie Curry Raper, Eric A. DeVuyst, and Damona Doye
A Beginner's Guide to Local Meat Processing, Lauren Gwin and Kathryn Quanbeck
A Binary to Decimal Converter, Charles Kent Ham
A Call to Embrace Program Innovation, Nathan J. Meyer, Sherry P. Boyce, and Rebecca L. Meyer
A Case for Training Signed Language Interpreters for Legal Specialization, Len Roberson, Debra Russell, and Risa Shaw
A Case of Shifting Focus Friction: Extension Directors and State 4-H Program Leaders’ Perspectives on 4-H LGBTQ+ Inclusion, Jeremy Elliott-Engel, Donna Westfall-Rudd, Eric Kaufman, Megan Seibel, and Rama Radhakrishna
A Case Study Involving Pocket Gopher Damage Abatement in Alfalfa, S Nicole Frey and Rory Wilks
Accelerated Molecular Dynamics for the Exascale, Andrew Garmon
Accelerated Stress Testing of Tandem Amorphous Solar Cells, Patrick L. Hefley
Accessibility to Theater for Deaf and Deaf-blind People: Legal, Language and Artistic Considerations, Brian R. Kilpatrick
Accommodating Extension Clients Who Face Language, Vision, or Hearing Challenges, Sam Angima, Lena Etuk, and Deborah Maddy
Accounting guide for South Carolina water districts, 1991 March, E. Lewis Bryan
Accuracy: Omissions in consecutive versus simultaneous interpreting, Evy Cox and Heidi Salaets
Accurate Antenna Measurements at Millimeter Wavelengths, Jabberia R. Miller
Accurate Modeling and Design Techniques for Loaded Monopole Antennas, Michael D. Lockard
A Checklist for Interdisciplinary Teams When Planning Issues-Based Programs, Lisa A. Guion
A citizens guide to national defense and national security, 2010 September, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
A closer look: Appropriations to higher education (1982-2006), 2007, Author Unknown
A closer look: State governance models, 2006, Author Unknown
Ac Measurement System for Resistometric Analysis of Electromigration, Tapan Mohanti
A Collaborative Bovine Artificial Insemination Short Course for Students Attending a Caribbean Veterinary School, Joseph C. Dalton, James Q. Robinson, and JM DeJarnette
A collection of papers, 1997-2001, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
A Comparison of Methods to Measure Crop Water Use in South Carolina, Andrew C. Ewing
A Comparison of Recreational- and Intermediate Survey-Grade GPS Units for Importing Data into GIS Software Packages, Tyler A. Brown, Lawrence R. Gering, and Thomas J. Straka
A Competency Model for Video Relay Service Interpreters, Norma Oldfield
A component-based interior and contents hurricane vulnerability model for low-rise residential buildings, Roberto Vicente Silva de Abreu, Jean-Paul Pinelli, Kurt Gurley, and Karthik Yarasuri
A Comprehensive Process to Identify Issues in Extension, Jeff Ripley
A Conceptual Model for Retaining County Extension Program Professionals, R Dale Safrit and Mitchell B. Owen
A Conceptual Process Model for Improving Youth Science Comprehension, Peter Skelton, Brenda Seevers, Tom Dormody, and Frank Hodnett
A Controllable Dynamic Dynamometer for Testing Electric Motors and Adjustable Speed Drives, Richard E. Langley
A Conversation Tool for Assessing a Food Pantry's Readiness to Address Diet-Related Chronic Diseases, Dan Remley
Acquisition, Custody, and Storage of Firearms Used in 4-H Shooting Sports Programs, David J. White and Jedediah D. Smith
A Critical Evaluation of China’s Thirteenth Five-Year Plans for Economic and Social Development, Shaobo Li
A Critical Time for Extension Leadership in Public Policy Education Programming, Eric Walcott and Heather A. Triezenberg
A Cross-Sectional Assessment of CEM Curriculum Offerings at the Pre-College Level in the Carolinas, Cayla Lenore Anderson
Act 388 and school funding in Beaufort County, South Carolina, 2013 May, John Salazar and Ellen Weeks Saltzman
Act 388 and the minimum guarantee, 2014 January, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich and Ellen Weeks Saltzman
Act 388 revisited, 2012 November, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich and Ellen Weeks Saltzman
Action Learning—An Experiential Tool for Solving Organizational Issues, Sharon B. Kinsey
Action Steps and Tools for Managing a Statewide Curriculum Development Process, Hannah K. Epley
Activating Volunteers for Statewide COVID-19 Pandemic Response, Lisa T. Washburn, April Martin, and Shelly N. Barnes
Active Machine Learning in Large Scale Wind Tunnel Experiments, Mohit Chauhan, Mariel Ojeda-Tuz, Michael Shields, Kurtis Gurley, and Ryan Catarelli
Adapting Annie's Project in Maryland: Findings and Results, Shannon Dill and Jennifer Rhodes
Adapting Community and Economic Development Tools to the Study of Local Foods: The Case of Knox County, Ohio, Jeff S. Sharp, Jill K. Clark, Gregory A. Davis, and Molly Bean Smith
Adapting Extension and Outreach Content to Audiences' Educational Interests, Bernabas Wolde, Pankaj Lal, Pralhad Burli, Pricila Iranah, John Munsell, Jianbang Gan, and Eric Taylor
Adapting Extension Food Safety Programming for Vegetable Growers to Accommodate Differences in Ethnicity, Farming Scale, and Other Individual Factors, Terence R. Kline, Harold Kneen, Andy Kleinschmidt, Eric Barrett, and Doug Doohan
Adapting to Provide Innovative In-Person Extension Programming During a Pandemic, Brad Stokes, Elizabeth Lynn, and Tiffany Belt
Adaptive Clutter Rejection Filters for Airborne Doppler Weather Radar Applied to the Detection of Low Altitude Windshear, Byron M. Keel
Adaptive Learning: An Innovative Method for Online Teaching and Learning, Gwyn Shelle, Dawn Earnesty, Alan Pilkenton, and Erin Powell
Adaptive Power Control Protocols for Broadcast Transmissions with Frequency-Hop Signaling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Ratheesh J. Kumar
Adaptive Protection Scheme for a Real-World Microgrid with 100% Inverter-Based Resources, Trupal Patel
Adaptive Signal System Safety Impacts Final Report, Mashrur Chowdhury, Weiman Jin, M. Sabbir Salek, Sakib Mahmud Khan, Katherine Brunk, Patrick Gerard, Nathan Huynh, and Mohammad Torkjazi
Adaptive Techniques for Transformer Protection, David G. Hart
Adding a "Youth Flavor" to Extension's Programs, Dustin M. Homan and Hannah K. Epley
Addressing Declining Rural Communities Through Youth Entrepreneurship Education, Karen Ballard and Kelly Nix
Addressing Facilitators and Barriers Related to Early Childhood Obesity Prevention in Rural Appalachian Communities, Nancy O'Hara-Tompkins, Joanna S. Beane, Gwen Crum, Lesley Cottrell, and Emily Murphy
Addressing Nature Deficit Disorder Through Primitive Camping Experiences, Kevin Allen, Keegan Varner, and Jeff Sallee
Addressing Nature-Deficit Disorder Using A Multi-program Area, Multi-State Approach, Rod N. Williams, Robert Cordes, Rebecca Koetz, Jarred Brooke, Molly Hunt, and Lindsey Pedigo
Addressing Next Generation Science Standards: A Method for Supporting Classroom Teachers, Tamara Pellien and Lisa Rothenburger
Addressing Retention in Youth Programs: A Survey for Understanding Families' Experiences, Kendra M. Lewis, Timothy Ewers, JoLynn C. Miller, Marianne Bird, John Borba, Russell D. Hill, Jeannette Rea-Keywood, Nancy Shelstad, and Kali Trzesniewski
Addressing Scientific Literacy in Oklahoma: The STEMist Program, Hannah Branscum and Jeff Sallee
Addressing the Community Impact of Forced Pooling on Local Drilling Decisions, Sarah Osmane and Timothy Kelsey
Addressing the Opioid Epidemic: Defining Cooperative Extension's Role, Je'Kylynn Steen, Mary Nelson Robertson, Holli Seitz, Laura Downey, Alisha Hardman, and David Buys
Addressing Turbulence Model Form Uncertainty, M. F. Ciarlatani, Z. Hao, and C. Gorlé
Adolescent Healthful Foods Inventory: Development of an Instrument to Assess Adolescents' Willingness to Consume Healthful Foods, Amber B. McGuerty, Melissa Cater, Witoon Prinyawiwatkul, and Georgianna Tuuri
A Domain Decomposition Method with Local Time Discretization for a Fluid-Structure Interaction Problem, Jacob Britton
Adoption of Integrated Pest Management Practices Among Oklahoma Greenhouse Producers: A Case Study for Experiential Learning, Eric J. Rebek, Michael A. Schnelle, and Kay D. Kelsey
Advanced Anti-Buckling Device Coupled with Real-Time Digital Image Correlation for Complex Cyclic Tension-Compression Testing of Lightweight Materials, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha
Advanced Control Applications for Robotic Manipulators, Hariprasad Kannan
Advance Directives in Extension Services, Keydron K. Guinn
Advancing Positive Youth Development: Perspectives of Youth as Researchers and Evaluators, David J. White, Anna Shoffner, Kendal Johnson, Netti Knowles, and Madison Mills
Advancing Technology: GPS and GIS Outreach Training for Agricultural Producers, Allison Flynn and Shannon Arnold
Advancing the Public Value Movement: Sustaining Extension During Tough Times, Nancy K. Franz
Advancing Use of Key Integrated Pest Management Practices in Schools, Tim Stock, Alexander Kowalewski, Micah Gould, and Paul Jepson
Advancing Waterfowl Ecology and Management: Assessments of an Online Course, Professional Credentials, and Graduate Student Publication Performance, Lauren Hernandez-Rubio
Advantages of Gardening as a Form of Physical Activity in an After-School Program, Joshua Phelps, Janice R. Hermann, Stephany R. Parker, and Barbara Denney
Aerodynamics of low-rise buildings: large-scale open-jet testing to address Reynolds number effects, Aly Mousaad Aly and Md Faiaz Khaled
Aerodynamic testing and response evaluation of a large-scale high-rise building model at a high Reynolds number, Aly Mousaad Aly and Suvash Chapain
A Farmer's Choice: Which Field to Put That Manure On?, Erich Stroheim
A Feasibility Template for Small, Multi-Species Meat Processing Plants, Rodney B. Holcomb, Kyle Flynn, and Philip Kenkel
Affecting Community Change: Involving Pro Bono Professionals as Extension Volunteers, Diane T. Kelley and Ken Culp III
Affordance Judgment for Collision or Bypass of Objects by Rotating Panels, Balagopal Raveendranath
A financial description and evaluation of public water systems in South Carolina, 1986 August 25, C. Don. Wiggins, B. Perry Woodside, and Norman Keith Womer
A Five-Step Stakeholder Communication Plan for More Effective Natural Resource Management, Hannah O. Brown, Susan K. Jacobson, Marcy Cockrell, Jessica Sutt, Katherine Allen, and Amy Copeland
A Floodplain Connectivity Feasibility Study - The Waccamaw River Watershed, Justice Walker
A Food Policy Council Guide for Extension Professionals, Nurgul Fitzgerald and Kathleen Morgan
A Formative Evaluation of the Children, Youth, and Families at Risk Coaching Model, Jonathan R. Olson, Burgess Smith, Kyle R. Hawkey, Daniel F. Perkins, and Lynne M. Borden
A Formative Evaluation of the Cooking with a Chef Program, Margaret D. Condrasky, Sara G. Griffin, Patricia Michaud Catalano, and Christine Clark
A Formative Experiment to Align Middle-School History Instruction with Literacy Goals, Jamie Colwell and David Reinking
A Formative Experiment to Enhance Teacher-Child Language Interactions in a Preschool Classroom, Barbara A. Bradley and David Reinking
A Framework for Developing Multiyear Conferences on Current Societal Issues, Susan M. Collins, Laurel L. Kubin, Christine A. Fruhauf, and Ann Zander
A Framework for Identifying Implementation Issues Affecting Extension Human Sciences Programming, Ellen Abell, Rebekah Cummings, Adrienne M. Duke, and Jennifer Wells Marshall
A Framework for Integrating and Managing Expectations of Multiple Stakeholder Groups in a Collaborative Partnership, John M. Diaz, KSU Jayaratne, Robert E. Bardon, and Dennis Hazel
A Framework for Success: The Importance of Board Member Orientation, Dan Teuteberg and Brian Brandt
A Framework for the Evaluation of Large-Scale Regional Conservation and Management Strategies, John M. Diaz, Jennifer Evans Fawcett, K.S.U. Jayaratne, and Jackie Bruce
African-American Land Loss and Sustainable Forestry in the Southeast: An Analysis of the Issues, Opportunities, and Gaps, Colmore S. Christian, Rory Fraser, and Amadou Diop
African-American travelers, 1998 July, Author Unknown
After the Abbeville decision, 2014 December 9, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Afterword: Can We Return to Martha’s Vineyard?, J. Albert Bickford
A full-cost water pricing strategy for South Carolina rural water utilities, 1988 July 26, G. L. Carriker and Buddy L. Dillman
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Fair: Using Humor to Decrease Stress and Increasing Productivity, Alayne Torretta
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2001, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2002, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2003, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2004, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2005, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2006, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2007, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2008, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2009, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2010, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2011, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2012, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2013, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2014, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2015, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2017, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, and Attachments, 2018, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Agendas, Minutes, Annual Reports, and Attachments, 2001-2010, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
A GIS-based analysis and prediction of parcel land-use change in a coastal tourism destination area, 1999, Jeffery S. Allen, Kang Shou Lu, and Thomas D. Potts
A Global Worldview Among Extension Professionals: A Case Study of Best Practices for Study Abroad Programs, Landry Lockett, Lori Moore, and Gary Wingenbach
Agricultural and Natural Resources Awareness Programming: Barriers and Benefits as Perceived by County Extension Agents, Roslynn G. Brain, Tracy A. Irani, Alan W. Hodges, and Nicholas E. Fuhrman
Agricultural Awareness Days: Integrating Agricultural Partnerships and STEM Education, Brian T. Campbell, Carol A. Wilkinson, and Pamela J. Shepherd
Agricultural Energy Information Needs of Cooperative Extension Agricultural Agents and Their Clientele, Daniel Kluchinski
Agricultural Extension Agents' Perceptions of Effective Teaching Strategies for Adult Learners in the Master Beef Producer Program, Robert Strong, Amy Harder, and Hannah Carter
Agricultural Producer Perceptions of Climate Change and Climate Education Needs for the Central Great Plains, Amber Campbell Hibbs, Daniel Kahl, Lisa PytlikZillig, Ben Champion, Tarik Abdel-Monem, Timothy Steffensmeier, Charles Rice, and Kenneth Hubbard
Agricultural Water Quality BMPs: A Standardized Approach to Financial Analysis, John Tyndall and Gabrielle E. Roesch
A growth policy for the 21st century in South Carolina, 2007 October 24, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
A Guide to Buying Local Beef, Brian G. Bolt, Steve Richards, and Matthew Fischer
Airbags as Real-Life Applications for Science, Carly A. Rock and Brooke A. Whitworth
Ako začať ubytovanie na súkromí, circa 1990, Thomas D. Potts and Carole Jones Amos
A Laboratory Surge Generator, Morris Wiley Jones
A Literary Rememberance of John Ridland, Lisa A. Seale
Alliance policy updates, 2006 October, Author Unknown
Alliance policy updates, 2007 February, Author Unknown
Alliances, the balance of power, and American national interests, 1998, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
A Look Inside: Self-Leadership Perceptions of Extension Educators, Kristina G. Ricketts, Hannah S. Carter, Nick T. Place, and Teresa McCoy
A lost opportunity in the recent spy plane incident, 2001, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
al Queda, 2003 May 22, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Altared Bodies: Evangelical Purity Rhetorics in the Age of Sexual Politics, Victoria G. Houser
Alternative Practicum Experiences for Early Childhood Preservice Teachers, Qianyi Gao, Sandra Linder, and Anna H. Hall
A Marketing Standpoint: What Marketers Can Teach Extension Professionals About Internet-Based Media, Holly Whitaker, Holli R. Leggette, and Shannon Barbeau
A Menu Driven Trouble Shooter for the Digital Conferencing and Switching System, Ronald Ross Kinner
American Bison Impacts on Riparian and Wallow Vegetation Communities, Sze Wing Yu
American foreign policy in East Asia: Don't ask, don't tell, 1997 August, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
American military options in a Taiwan Strait conflict, 1999, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
American Sign Language and the Academy: The Little Language That Could, Brenda Jo Brueggemann
American Sign Language Competency: Comparing Student Readiness for Entry into a Four-Year Interpreter Degree Program, Barbara Garrett and Emily G. Girardin
American Sign Language for Everyone: Considerations for Universal Design and Youth Identity, Samuel J. Supalla, Anita Small, and Joanne S. Cripps
American Sign Language: Innovations in Teaching and Learning in One of the Most Popular Languages in the United States, Stephen Fitzmaurice and Salvador Oropesa
America's continuing search for allies, 2005, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
A Meta-Analytic Approach to Simulator Sickness in Head-Mounted Displays: Sex Differences, Latency Effects, Time-Course, and Comparison of Subjective Symptom Reports, Sarah Christine Beadle
A Method for Bonding Interstitially Staggered Surface Mount Connector Leads to a Printed Wiring Board, Curtis Wade Malone
A Method for Collaborative Assessment of Fish Consumption Risks and Benefits, Susan Donaldson and Kerry Seymour
A Method of Adding Approval Signatures to Documents Included in an Electronic Storage, James Josesh Menth
A Method of Visual Demonstration of Fm, Robert Noel Kersey
Am I doomed to hate?, 1990, Walter Anderson -1944
A Mixed Methods Approach to Public Art Planning, Sean Ashley Scoopmire
A Model for Evaluating eXtension Communities of Practice, Kathleen D. Kelsey and Eric T. Stafne
A Model for Youth Financial Education in Extension Involving a Game-Based Approach, Luke Erickson, Lyle Hansen, and Barbara Chamberlin
A Model of Employee Satisfaction: Gender Differences in Cooperative Extension, Richard P. Vlosky and Francisco X. Aguilar
A Modified Importance-Performance Framework for Evaluating Recreation-Based Experiential Learning Programs, Nicholas A. Pitas, Alison Murray, Max Olsen, and Alan Graefe
A Monitoring System for an Ethernet Installation, Michelle Stewart Leuner
A Multifunctional Tool for the Electrokinetic Manipulation and Characterization of Cells, Devin Monroe Keck
A Multiple Indicators, Multiple Causes Analysis of Farmers' Information Use, Elizabeth McLeod, Kimberly L. Jensen, Karen L. DeLong, and Andrew Griffith
A Multi-Reservoir Study of the Impact of Uncertainty in Pool Evaporation Estimates on Water-Availability Models, R. C. Phillips, Nigel Kaye, and John Saylor
A Multiyear Evaluation of the NaturePalooza Science Festival, Lisa Pennisi and N. Qwynne Lackey
An Absolute Pressure Sensing Mote for Measuring Full- Scale Wind Pressure Loads on Buildings, John Hochschild and Catherine Gorlé
An Achilles’ Heel? Helping Interpreting Students Gain Greater Awareness of Literal and Idiomatic English, Ineke Crezee and Lynn E. Grant
An Adolescent Nutrition Learning Model to Facilitate Behavior Change in Overweight Teens, Kimberly J. Young, Samantha A. Ramsay, and Laura B. Holyoke
An Agent Allocation System for the West Virginia University Extension Service, Michael John Dougherty and Daniel Eades
Analysis Identifies Need to Educate Wine Grape Growers on Crop Insurance Issues, Beau Olen
Analysis of Electrical Characteristics as Predictors of Commutating Safe Operating Area Parameters, Elizabeth A. McTeer
Analysis of Harmonic Filter Performance and System Modeling Using On-Line Sampled Data, Dan Eric Hasenwinkel
Analysis of Melt Pump Outlet Pressure Using Digital Signal Processing, Gurudutt S. Hosangadi
Analysis of Narrow Conducting Strips on a Grounded Dielectric Slab by Means of the Modified Diakoptic Theory, Robert G. Kaires
Analysis of privatization of Russia's nuclear ministry on the nuclear nonproliferation objectives of the United States, 2001, Michael T. Maloney and Oana Diaconu
Analysis of Relative Frequency of Commuting Modes During COVID-19 Pandemic", Shreya Chintawar
Analysis of the Matching Performance of Dielectrically-Overlaid Nonuniform Microstrips Implementing the Grundmeyer Exact Solution Conditions for Nonuniform Transmission Lines, Jonathan A. Kidney
Analysis of the S.C. Accountability Act and no child left behind, 2003, Barbara Stock Nielsen
Analyzing Likert Data, Harry N. Boone Jr and Deborah A. Boone
Analyzing South Carolina's rapidly urbanizing I-85 corridor, 2005, Donald L. Ham, Patricia A. Layton, Chris Post, and Donald VanBlaricom
Analyzing the Implementation of Nutrient Management Plans by Farmers: Implications for Extension Education, Haiying Tao, Thomas F. Morris, Boris Bravo-Ureta, and Richard Meinert
Analyzing the Natural Resource Extension Needs of Spanish-Speakers: A Perspective from Florida, Miriam Wyman, Francisco Escobedo, Sebastian Varela, and Cesar Asuaje
An Analysis & Improvement of an In-Circuit Test'S Fault Coverage, Robert Brian Kieffer
An Analysis of Aging-Related Needs and Programming Across the Extension North Central Region, Erin L. Yelland, Jacquelyn J. Benson, Kristin Litzelman, Chelsey Byers Gerstenecker, Suzanne Bartholomae, and M. Hunter Stanfield
An analysis of financial conditions and collection system options for the tri-county solid waste authority, 1992 September, James B. London and Kerry Brooks
An Analysis of Presence and User Experiences Over Time, John J. Porter III
An analysis of the impacts of property tax-based economic development incentives on school districts in South Carolina, 2000 March 3, Frank L. Hefner, Randolph C. Martin, Harry W. Miley Jr., and Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
An Analysis of the Impacts of the Ready, Set, Go! Program on Program Participants and the Ability to Build Community Capacity, Carrera Romanini
An Analysis of the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service's Role in Bridging the Digital Divide, Antoine J. Alston, Lashawn Hilton, Chastity Warren English, Chanda Elbert, and Dexter Wakefield
An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of an Axially Directed Antenna in the Presence of an Infinite Conducting Cylindrical Tube, Anthony Q. Martin
An analytical study into the performance of cross-laminated timber structures subject to tornado events, M. Stoner and Weichiang Pang
An Assessment of 4-H Volunteer Experience: Implications for Building Positive Youth Development Capacity, Mary E. Arnold, Brooke J. Dolenc, and Roger A. Rennekamp
An Assessment of Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension Program Needs on American Indian Reservations in Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, Loretta Singletary, Staci Emm, and George Hill
An Assessment of Current Feeding Practices in Louisiana Dairy Farms, C Leonardi, VR Moreira, RD Bardwell, ME McCormick, M. Autin, B. Perez, and M. C. Martinez
An Assessment of Estate Planning Among Older Adults in Alabama, Dorothy P. Brandon and Kevin Crenshaw
An assessment of shoreline management options along the South Carolina coast, 2009 August, James B. London, Caitlin S. Dyckman, Jeffery S. Allen, Courtney C. St. John, and Samantha R. Jackson
An assessment of the fiscal impact of population growth on the city of Aiken, South Carolina, 2006 September, Charles D. Taylor, Robert T. Carey, and William E. Molnar
An assessment of the fiscal impact of the Clarendon Farms and McLeod Farm developments on Beaufort County, South Carolina, 2006 April, William E. Molnar and Charles D. Taylor
An Assessment of Thermal Barrier Coatings for The Low-Temperature Combustion Family: From HCCI To GCI, Ziming Yan
A National Framework for Urban Extension, Julie M. Fox, Marie A. Ruemenapp, Patrick Proden, and Brad Gaolach
A National Perspective on the Current Evaluation Activities in Extension, Alexa J. Lamm, Glenn D. Israel, and David Diehl
A National Perspective on Women Owning Woodlands (WOW) Networks, Emily S. Huff
An Automated Data Analysis Tool for Livestock Market Data, Galen S. Williams and Kellie Curry Raper
An Automatic Temperature Control System for a Ceramic Kiln, John William McCombs
An Ecological Approach to Rehabilitation for Traumatic Brain Injury, Lisa Hoskins
An Ecological Risk/Protective Factor Approach to Understanding Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents, Jonathan Olson and H Wallace Goddard
An economic analysis of low water levels in Hartwell Lake, 2010 November 8, Jeffery S. Allen, Robert T. Carey, Lori A. Dickes, and Ellen Weeks Saltzman
An Educational Evaluation of Web-Based Forestry Education, Shorna Broussard Allred and Peter J. Smallidge
A Needs Assessment of Aquaculture Extension Agents, Specialists, and Program Administrators in Extension Programming, Michael H. Schwarz and Jerry Gibson
An Efficient Distance Tracking Algorithm Using Near-Infrared Light for Biomedical Applications, Steven Thomas Manz
An Email Model to Answer Consumer Questions During Times of Staff Shortages, Alan Majka, Beth Calder, Jane Conroy, and Louise Kirkland
An Empirical Large Signal Model for Silicon Carbide Mesfets, Siddharth Manohar
An Evaluation of Nutrition Education Program for Low-Income Youth, Olive MK Kemirembe, Rama B. Radhakrishna, Elise Gurgevich, Edgar P. Yoder, and Patreese D. Ingram
An Evaluation of Partners in Parenting: A Parent Education Curriculum Implemented by County Extension Agents in Colorado, Kristina Wilson, Laura Hahn, Patricia Gonzalez, Kimberly Henry, and Christine Cerbana
An evaluation of the gain from interbasin water transfers in a coastal area of South Carolina, 1988 September, Janardan Bikram Khatri-Chhetri, James C. Hite -1941, James Cyprian Okuk Nyankori, Mark Henty, and Myles Wallace
An Evaluation of the Missouri Master Naturalist Program and Implications for Program Expansion, Caroline N. Broun, Charles H. Nilon, and Robert A. Pierce II
A New Extension Model: The Memorial Middle School Agricultural Extension and Education Center, Peter Skelton and Brenda Seevers
A New Family of Fault Tolerant Quantum Reed-Muller Codes, Harrison Beam Eggers
A New Regional Model for Increasing Extension's Capacity to Reach Metropolitan Audiences, Brad Gaolach, Fe Moncloa, Rebecca Sero, and Dayna Emmons
An Examination of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Associated with the Adoption of Moodle™ by eXtension, Tayla Elise Hightower, Theresa Pesl Murphrey, Susanna Mumm Coppernoll, Jennifer Jahedkar, and Kim E. Dooley
An examination of why people volunteer, 1986 May 14, Clyde Thompson Mounter
An Excel-Based Mean Weighted Discrepancy Score Calculator, Billy R. McKim and P Ryan Saucier
An Experimental Study Exploring the Influence of Different Representation of Requirements on Idea Generation, Akash Patel
An Explanation of Anomalous Frequencies in Varactor Frequency Multipliers, Rees Hawkins Kimble
An Exploration of Outdoor Recreation Experiences Among Adults with Developmental Disabilities: Benefits, Constraints, and Facilitators, Merry Armstrong
An Extension Application of the RE-AIM Evaluation Framework, Laura H. Downey, Donna J. Peterson, Joseph L. Donaldson, and Alisha Hardman
An Extension Case Study in Institutional Innovation: Microfinance Intermediary Formation, Mark A. Edelman
An Extension Education Program to Help Local Governments with Flood Adaptation, Gretchen Gary, Shorna Allred, and Elizabeth LoGiudice
An Extension Educator Perspective on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Stephen A. Small and Mary Huser
An Extension Educator Perspective on Trauma-Informed Care, Stephen A. Small and Mary Huser
Anger Management Program Participants Gain Behavioral Changes in Interpersonal Relationships, Suzanne Pish, Teresa Clark-Jones, Cheryl Eschbach, and Holly Tiret
Animal agriculture and watershed impairment in South Carolina: A GIS-based spatial assessment, 2002 May, Kang Shou Lu and Jeffery S. Allen
Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate Online Course: An Effective Tool for Creating Extension Competency, Elizabeth Whitefield, David Schmidt, Lindsay Witt-Swanson, David Smith, Jennifer Pronto, Pam Knox, and Crystal Powers
Animal Disaster Training: Assessing Disaster Preparedness and Perceptions of Responders, Carla L. Huston
An Incremental Approach to Improving Evaluation Response Rates for Multiday Events, Robert Goodling, Winifred McGee, and Coleen Jones
An Integrated Approach to Supplying the Local Table: Perceptions of Consumers, Producers, and Restaurateurs, Dena Wise, Christopher Sneed, Margarita Velandia, Ann Berry, Alice Rhea, and Ann E. Fairhurst
An Integrated Pest Management Tool for Evaluating Schools, Blake Bennett, Janet Hurley, and Mike Merchant
An Integrative Approach Concerning Radiological Protection of the Environment: Plant Influence on Biogeochemistry and Transport, Plant Uptake, and Non-Human Biota Dosimetry for Select Radionuclides, Dawn Angel Montgomery
An Intelligent Multisensor Robotic System., Ser Yong Lim
An International Short Course for Training Professionals as Effective Science Communicators, Dilshani Sarathchandra and Karim M. Maredia
An Introduction to Stormwater Ponds in South Carolina, Amy E. Scaroni, Debabrata Sahoo, and C Guinn Wallover
An Introductory Course in Electronics, Diane Lynn Hinterlong
An Investigation of Structure, Thermochemistry, Electrochemistry, and Stability of Tunnel Structured Hollandite Materials, Mingyang Zhao
An Investigation of the Effect of Subtractive Defects and Grain Size on Early Failures in Vlsi Metal Interconnects, Satish S. Menon
An Investigation of the Extension of Kalman Filter Theory to the Estimation of Stochastic Signals, Lee Stephen Miller
Annotated Bibliography of Research in the Teaching of English, Anne Crampton, Lisa Ortmann, Amy Frederick, Bridget Kelley, Kate Brodeur, Stephanie M. Madison, Candace Doerr-Stevens, Madeleine Israelson, Anne Ittner, Robin Jocius, Lauren Aimonette Liang, Tracey Murphy, Ian O'Byrne, Jeff Share, Sara K. Sterner, Erin Stutelberg, Mark Sulzer, Amanda Haertling Thein, and Stephanie Rollag Yoon
Annual Reports, 2001, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Annual Reports, 2002, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Annual Reports, 2003, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
An Observational Investigation of Mid-Latitude Thermospheric Temperatures and High-Latitude E-Region Neutral Wind Structures, Rafael Luiz Araujo de Mesquita
An On-Line Interactive Graphics System for Laboratory Applications, Carey Barksdale Miller
An Online Parenting Program Grows Digital Parenting Skills and Parent–School Connection, Anne Clarkson and Lori Zierl
An Online Resource Site for Extension Master Gardener Coordinators, Gail Ann Langellotto and Sheri Dorn
A Northern Bookend for King Street - The Midtown Project, Team Six
A Novel Technique for Distributed Measuring of Strain in the Vadose Zone, Grant A. Plunkett
A Novel to Method to Measure Food Waste: The Mobile Food Record, Kaitlin Danible, Chloe Panizza, Carol Boushey, Deborah Kerr, Fengqing Zhu, and Jinan C. Banna
An Overdetermined System for Improved Autocorrelation Based Spectral Moment Estimator Performance, Byron M. Keel
An Unexplored Direction in Solid Waste Reduction: Household Textiles and Clothing Recycling, Celia Stall-Meadows and Cynthia Goudeau
A partial-turbulence approach to estimate peak pressures on low-rise buildings with flat roofs, Yitian Guo, Chieh-Hsun Wu, and Gregory A. Kopp
A Participatory Approach to FCS Food, Nutrition, and Wellness Program Planning, Elena Serrano, Alicia Powell, Donna H. McBride, and Kathryn Strong
A Partnership Model for Training Episodic Environmental Stewardship 4-H Volunteers, Jane Chin Young, Janice Alexander, and Martin H. Smith
A Phenomenological Inquiry into Producers' Experiences Growing Organic Produce, Amanda Olbrick Marabesi and Kathleen D. Kelsey
A Phenomenological Look at 4-H Volunteer Motives for Service, Jessalyn Shcrock and Kathleen D. Kelsey
A Planting Guide for Coastal Communities, Juliana Barrett
A Powerful Teaching Tool: Self-Produced Videos, Patty Case and Jeff Hino
Applicability of DAD methodology for low-rise buildings to European and Italian wind load standards, Daniele Crisman, Luca Caracoglia, and Salvatore Noè
Application of a Modified Brainstorming Technique, Suzanna Windon, Mariah K. Stollar, and Theodore R. Alter
Application of a Three-Phase Needs Assessment Framework to Identify Priority Issue Areas for Extension Programming, Lendel K. Narine, Amanda D. Ali, and Paul A. Hill
Application of Crossover Design for Conducting Rigorous Extension Evaluations, K.S.U. Jayaratne, Carolyn L. Bird, and Jacquelyn W. McClelland
Application of Genomics in Nursing Practice, Elizabeth Cameron Hassen
Application of IMPLAN to Extension Programs: Economic Impacts of the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension SNAP-Ed Spending, Ashley Kerna, George Frisvold, Laurel Jacobs, Vanessa A. Farrell, Linda Houtkooper, and Scottie Misner
Application of Item Analysis to Assess Multiple-Choice Examinations in the Mississippi Master Cattle Producer Program, Jane A. Parish and Brandi B. Karisch
Application of Precision Technologies Used in Row Crop Production in South Carolina, Tyler Scott Soignier
Applications of Set-Theoretic Topology in the Construction and Analysis of Engineering Design Spaces, Joshua Bronson Ortiz
Applied Research Engages Extension Master Gardener Volunteers, Lynne Davenport-Hagen, Julie Weisenhorn, and Mary Hockenberry Meyer
Applying 4-H Judging Strategies to Board, Dice, and Card Games: Developing Skills in Urban and Suburban Youths, Brian Brandt and James Stowe
Applying Coaching Strategies to Support Youth- and Family-Focused Extension Programming, Jonathan R. Olson, Kyle R. Hawkey, Burgess Smith, Daniel F. Perkins, and Lynne M. Borden
Applying Drone-based Spatial Mapping to Help Growers Manage Crop Diseases, Qingren Wang and Shouan Zhang
Applying New Diabetes Teaching Tools in Health-Related Extension Programming, Alexandra Grenci
Applying the USA National Phenology Network's Growing Degree Day Maps in Making Management Decisions, Theresa M. Crimmins
Appraising the Appraiser: Extension Agents' and County Directors' Perceptions of Their Appraisers, Joseph L. Donaldson
Approach to Establishing an Infrastructure for Delivering Third-Party-Reimbursable Community-Based Health Education, Dawn A. Contreras and Laura A. Anderson
"Apps"—An Innovative Way to Share Extension Knowledge, Joseph S. Dvorak, Tanya C. Franke-Dvorak, and Randy R. Price
A Practical Method for Collecting Social Media Campaign Metrics, Laurie W. Gharis and Mary F. Hightower
A Preliminary Feasibility Study for the Development of a Mixed-Use Project at the Pendleton Oil Mill Site, Shelley Smith Pelliccione
A Probabilistic Casualty Model to Include Injury Severity Levels in Seismic Risk Assessment, Weichiang Pang, S. Majdalaweyh, A. Safiey, K. Rokneddin, S. Prabhu, M. Javanbarg, and E. Ziaei
A probabilistic composite resistance model for the vertical load path in typical residential construction, Brandon M. Rittelmeyer and David B. Roueche
A probabilistic loading model including the vertical angle of attack to estimate tornado loading, Antonio Zaldivar de Alba, Franklin T. Lombardo, David J. Bodine, and Anthony E. Reinhart
A Programmable Dynamometer for Testing Rotating Machinery, Ying Huang
A property tax for the 21st century, 1998, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
A Prototype Pc Based In-Circuit Test Set, Fanning Marshall Miles
A Qualitative Exploration of Entrepreneurial Learning Among Southern Arizona Small-Scale Farmers and Ranchers, Jessica Zamudio, Matthew M. Mars, and Robert M. Torres
A Qualitative Study of Connected Middle and High School Broadcast Journalism Programs and Their Relationship to Career Broadcast Journalism, Michelle Fowler
A Quantitative Evaluation of the Performance of Certain Block and Convolutional Codes, Donald Joseph Healy
Aquaponics: System Layout and Components, Lance Beecher
Arbor Park, Brett Basnight, Matt Evans, Ellen Mundy, and Tina Sul
Are Accents One of the Last Acceptable Areas for Discrimination?, Patreese D. Ingram
A Reader’s Guide to Yeats’s A Vision, by Neil Mann, Claire Nally
Are Beginning and Small-Scale Farmers Drawn to Diversification? Ten Years' Findings From Ohio, Matthew Mariola, Amyaz Moledina, and Larry A. Nye
A Recipe for Creating a Web-Based Virtual Community, Eva Haviarova and Richard P. Vlosky
A Reconsidering of Place and Space, Megan Ashley Waller
A Reduction of Risk Behaviors Through Teen Interactive Theater Education (TITE), Daniel A. McDonald, Lela Rankin Williams, and Ruth Carter
Are Rural 4-Hers More Connected to Their Communities Than Their Non-4-H Counterparts?, Omolola A. Adedokun and Mark A. Balschweid
Are some environmentalists more equal than others?, circa 2007, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Are Transformational Directors Required for Satisfied Agents?, Amy Hastings Elizer
A Retrospective Pretest-Posttest Evaluation of a One-Time Personal Finance Training, Robert B. Nielsen
A Return to the Basics: The Solution for eXtension, Dave King and Mike Boehlje
A Review and Critique of 16 Major Parent Education Programs, Christina L. Collins and Robert J. Fetsch
A Review of Extension Master Gardener Program Record-Keeping Systems, Sheri Dorn
A Review of Extension Master Gardener Training Manuals from Around the United States, Kathleen Moore and Lucy K. Bradley
A Review of The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the 21st Century, Kenneth Spoto
Are You Ready to Be an Administrator? A Self-Assessment to Help You Manage Expectations When Assuming a New Role, Keith G. Diem
Are You Ready to Flip? A New Approach to Staff Development, Connie S. Burns and Mary M. Schroeder
“Are you that flighty?” “I am that flighty.”: The Cat and the Moon and Kyogen Revisited, Akiko Manabe
Artificial Intelligence for Resilience in Smart Grid Operations, Randeniya Vidanage Iroshani Jayawardene
Artificial Neural Network models to study wind-induced response of large-span roofs and suspension bridges, Fabio Rizzo and Luca Caracoglia
Artistically Reshaping Trauma: An Exploration of Radical Healing in the Lived Experiences and Art of Marginalized Youth, Anitra R. Alexander
A Salamander Tale: Effective Exhibits and Attitude Change, Jeffrey Rollins and Sunnie Lee Watson
A Scenario-based Hurricane Analysis Framework for Community-level Building Damage Estimation, Ram K. Mazumder, Meredith Dumler, S. Amin Enderami, and Elaina J. Sutley
A Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) Approach Improves Science Process Skills in 4-H Animal Science Participants, Katie C. Clarke
Asian Giant Hornet (Vespa mandarinia) and Yellow-legged Hornet (Vespa velutina), Potential Pests of Honey Bees, Benjamin Andrew Powell
A Signal Conditioning Assembly for Interface Emulation, Christopher Mark Killeya
"Ask the Ag Agent" Weekly Webinar Series: Agriculture-Focused Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, William Bamka, Stephen Komar, Meredith Melendez, and Michelle Infante-Casella
ASL in the Academy: We Have Come a Long Way, but More Work Remains, Russell S. Rosen
A Smartphone Application for Landscape Plants: A Case Study and Guide to Developing a Decision-Making Application, Gail Hansen and Scott Purcell
A Snapshot of Organizational Climate: Perceptions of Extension Faculty, Leslie E. Tower, Elaine Bowen, and Mohamad G. Alkadry
A Software System for the Acquisition and Management of Single Channel Analog Data, James Arthur Miller
Aspects of Air Flow Control in a Very Low Velocity Wind Tunnel, Gary Loughry
Assault on the Constitution and millions for defense, not one center for tribute, 2012 July, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Assessing and Responding to COVID-19 Pandemic Nutrition and Wellness Impacts on Iowans, Morgan Bahl, Sarah L. Francis, Ruth Litchfield, Shannon Coleman, and Anirudh Naig
Assessing Awareness of Water Quality: Comparing Convenience and Random Samples, Linda Stalker Prokopy, Alicia Molloy, Aaron Thompson, and Don Emmert
Assessing Climactic Effects on Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) Reproduction and Growth, John Cannaday
Assessing Community Readiness to Engage in Diversity and Inclusion Efforts, Scott Chazdon, Julie Hawker, Bukata Hayes, Neil Linscheid, Nancy O'Brien, and Tobias Spanier
Assessing Extension Agents' Nematology Knowledge Needs and Related Resource Preferences: Implications for Trainings on Complex Agricultural Topics, Mia Gentry, Leslie D. Edgar, Donna L. Graham, and Terry Kirkpatrick
Assessing Extension Educators' Needs for Homeowner Pesticide Use and Safety Information, Colleen S. Church, Wayne G. Buhler, Lucy K. Bradley, and Ronald E. Stinner
Assessing Extension's Ability to Promote Family Forests as a Woody Biomass Feedstock in the Northeast United States, Rene’ H. Germain and Chandrani Ghosh
Assessing Face Validity of a Physical Activity Questionnaire for Spanish-Speaking Women in California, Jinan C. Banna, Nancy L. Keim, and Marilyn S. Townsend
Assessing Ground Safety Knowledge of North Carolina 4-H Horse Program Participants, Courtney H. Beck, John Rayfield, Jim Flowers, and David Jones
Assessing Growers' Challenges and Needs to Improve Wine Grape Production in Pennsylvania, Michela Centinari, Kathleen M. Kelley, Bryan Hed, Abigail Miller, and Anouk Patel-Campillo
Assessing Healthful Eating and Physical Activity Practices in Places Children Learn, Carolyn D. Rider, Amanda Linares, Janice Kao, Christina Becker, and Gail Woodward-Lopez
Assessing Impact of Online Delivery of Turfgrass and Landscape Information, Megan M. Kennelly and Jared A. Hoyle
Assessing Instructional Sensitivity Using the Pre-Post Difference Index: A Nontechnical Tool for Extension Educators, Omolola A. Adedokun
Assessing Integrated Pest Management Implementation and Knowledge Gaps in South Dakota, Emmanuel Byamukama, Adrianna Szczepaniec, Connie Strunk, Robert Fanning, Amanda Bachmann, Darrell Deneke, and Paul Johnson
Assessing Irrigation Water Quality for pH, Salts, & Alkalinity, Dara M. Park, Sarah A. White, and Nick Menchyk
Assessing Nature-Based Recreation to Support Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability Extension Programs, Tatiana Borisova, Xiang Bi, Sherry Larkin, and James Longanecker
Assessing New England Family Forest Owners' Invasive Insect Awareness, Jody Simoes, Marla Markowski-Lindsay, Brett J. Butler, David B. Kittredge, Jonathan Thompson, and David Orwig
Assessing Program Impact with the Critical Incident Technique, Barbara O”Neil
Assessing Program Implementation: What It Is, Why It's Important, and How to Do It, Mat D. Duerden and Peter A. Witt
Assessing Public Issues Knowledge and Needs of Extension Agents in Florida, Keegan D. Gay, Courtney T. Owens, Alexa J. Lamm, and Joy N. Rumble
Assessing Public Opinion Directly to Keep Current with Changing Community Needs, Raymond K. Yang, Robert J. Fetsch, Thomas M. mcBride, and Janet C. Benavente
Assessing Results of 4-H Mentoring with Native American First-Generation 4-H Youths, Rachelle Vettern and Lynette Flage
Assessing Rural Coalitions That Address Safety and Health Issues, Shari Burgus, Charles Schwab, and Mack Shelley
Assessing Social Learning Outcomes Through Participatory Mind Mapping, Justin G. Smith, Bryce Dubois, and Jason Corwin
Assessing the Culture of Fresh Produce Safety Within a Leafy Green Producing Community, Kurt D. Nolte, Charles A. Sanchez, and Jorge M. Fonseca
Assessing the Educational Needs of the Pennsylvania Wine Industry, Denise M. Gardner, Kathleen M. Kelley, and Abigail Miller
Assessing the Educational Needs of Urban Gardeners and Farmers on the Subject of Soil Contamination, Ashley Marie Raes Harms, DeAnn Ricks Presley, Ganga M. Hettiarachchi, and Stephen J. Thien
Assessing the Library Needs of Unique University Transfer Students, Jessica Kohout-Tailor and Suzanne Rook Schilf
Assessing the Markers of Agency in Successful Recovery Journeys: A Constructionist Narrative of Participants in an Assertive Community Engagement Modality, Sarah Elizabeth Goss
Assessing the Need for an On-Line Educational Module for Volunteer Leaders on Bio-Security in Washington State 4-H Livestock Projects, Jill L. Stevenson, Dale A. Moore, Jerry Newman, Janet L. Schmidt, Sarah M. Smith, Jean Smith, Susan Kerr, Michael Wallace, and Pat Boyes
Assessing the Need for the Development of Standardized Life Skills Measures, Mat D. Duerden and Peter A. Witt
Assessing the Potential of Increasing Promotoras in Extension: Hispanic Balanced Living with Diabetes, Ivette Valenzuela-Yu, Kathryn Hosig, and Sarah Misyak
Assessing the Production Scale and Research and Extension Needs of U.S. Hard Cider Producers, Gregory Peck and Carol Miles
Assessing the Profitability of Guava Production in South Florida Under Risk and Uncertainty, Edward A. Evans and Stella Garcia
Assessing the Social Media Use and Needs of Small Rural Retailers: Implications for Extension Program Support, Jihyeong Son, Linda S. Niehm, Daniel W. Russell, and Juyoung Lee
Assessing the Utility of the Nominal Group Technique as a Consensus-Building Tool in Extension-Led Avian Influenza Response Planning, Terence R. Kline
Assessing the Value Extension Adds to Decision Making Among Natural Resources Leaders, Renata Rimsaite and Melissa M. Kreye
Assessing the Value of Video Resources in Extension-led Natural Resources Management Continuing Education Programs, Eli S. Sagor, Marcella A. Windmuller-Campione, and Madison G. Rodman
Assessing Washington State Landowners' Interest and Concerns Regarding Growing Bioenergy Crops, Catherine H. Gowan, Shiba P. Kar, and Patricia A. Townsend
Assessing Youth Perceptions and Knowledge of Agriculture: The Impact of Participating in an AgVenture Program, Alisa Nicole Luckey, Theresa Pesl Murphey, Richard L. Cummins, and Michael B. Edwards
Assessment and Evaluationin Labs for Public Service Interpreting Training, Carmen Valero Garcés and Denis Socarrás-Estrada
Assessment and Evaluation of the Utah Master Naturalist Program: Implications for Targeting Audiences, Mark Laresse-Casanova
Assessment caps and the point of sale provision, 2009 September, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Assessment of an Online Nematology Training for County Extension Agents, Mia Gentry, Leslie D. Edgar, Donna L. Graham, and Terry Kirkpatrick
Assessment of Beef Cattle Extension Publication Use via Internet Download Monitoring, Brandi B. Karisch and Jane A. Parish
Assessment of Bio-Security Risks Associated with 4-H Animal Science Exhibition Practices in California, Martin H. Smith and Cheryl L. Meehan
Assessment of Iowa Soybean Growers for Insect Pest Management Practices, Erin W. Hodgson, Mari Kemis, and Brandi Geisinger
Assessment of load path through residential roofs using full-scale wind tunnel measurements, Sarah A. Stevenson Ms., Murray J. Morrison, and Gregory Kopp
Assessment of Native Languages for Food Safety Training Programs for Meat Industry Employees, Sherrlyn S. Olsen, Joseph C. Cordray, Stephen Sapp, and Joseph G. Sebranek
Assessment of Pork Producer Educational Needs for Adoption of Group Sow Housing, Ronald O. Bates, Elizabeth Ferry, Thomas Guthrie, Gerald May, D W. Rozeboom, and Janice Siegford
Assessment of the Adoption of Agroforestry Technologies by Limited-Resource Farmers in North Carolina, Paula E. Faulkner, Bismark Owooh, and Joshua Idassi
Assessment of the Impact of Viticulture Extension Programs in Virginia, Gustavo F.C. Ferreira, Tremain Hatch, and Tony K. Wolf
Assisting After Disaster: A Volunteer Management and Donations Management Training, Laura H. Downey, David Buys, Brent Fountain, Tom Ball, Anne Howard Hilbun, and Paula Threadgill
Assisting Family Forest Owners with Conservation-Based Estate Planning: A Preliminary Analysis, Paul Catanzaro, Marla Markowski-Lindsay, Anita Milman, and David Kittredge
Assisting Food Processors with Food Safety Modernization Act Compliance, Jacques L.A. Overdiep III and Angela M. Shaw
Assisting Mid-Atlantic Wine Industry Stakeholders in Developing Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Internet Survey Results, Abigail Miller, Kathleen M. Kelley, Denise M. Gardner, Ramu Govindasamy, Jeffrey Hyde, Bradley Rickard, and Karl Storchmann
Assisting Small and Mid-Size Farmers to Increase Their Access to Markets: A Case Study of an Extension Program to Facilitate Food Hubs in Georgia, Kate Munden-Dixon, Carrie Furman, Julia Gaskin, and Kevin Samples
Assisting with Ecological Land Planning: Introducing the Conservation Subdivision Ecological Design and Site Assessment Toolkit, Z Asligül Göçmen and Jing Gao
A State-Specific Online Cover Crop Decision Tool for Midwest Farmers, Dean G. Baas, Dale R. Mutch, and Victoria J. Ackroyd
A Statewide Train-the-Trainer Model for Effective Entrepreneurship and Workforce Readiness Programming, Nia Imani Fields, Manami Brown, Alganesh Piechocinski, and Kendra Wells
A stochastic model for the aerodynamics of irregularly shaped gravel, Md Safwan Ahsanullah and Nigel B. Kaye
A Stochastic Model for the Aerodynamics of Irregularly Shaped Gravel, Md Safwan Ahsanullah
A Strategic Plan for Introducing, Implementing, Managing, and Monitoring an Urban Extension Platform, Laura A. Warner, Charlie S. Vavrina, Mary L. Campbell, Monica L. Elliott, Robert J. Northrop, and Nick T. Place
A Student and Teacher Watershed and Wetland Education Program: Extension to Promote Community Social-Ecological Resilience, Monique R. Myers
A Study of Extension Professionals Preferences and Perceptions of Usefulness and Level of Comfort with Blogs as an Informal Professional Development Tool, Melissa Cater, Debra Davis, Bradley Leger, Krisanna Machtmes, and Lisa Arcemont
A Study of Human Color Matching Performance Using a Computer- Monitored Experimental System, William Campbell Hammond
A Study of Interpreting Accreditation Testing Formatsin Australia, Sedat Mulayim
A Study of the Changes in the Electrical Characteristics of P- Substrate Mos Capacitors Due to Charge Injection During Accumulation and Inversion Biasing, Mark Douglas Hall
A Study of Transient Noise Generation and Detection in Distributed Multidisciplinary Control Systems, Pavlos Miroftsalis
A Successful Multi-Institutional Blog for Transferring Garden and Landscape Information to the Public, Jeffrey Gillman, Linda Chalker-Scott, Holly Scoggins, and Bert Cregg
A Survey of Educational Needs and Online Training Perceptions in the Wood Products Industry, Henry J. Quesada-Pineda, Samuel S. Conn, and L Scarlett Sanchez
A Survey of Language Shaming Experiences in Interpreter Education, Dawn M. Wessling and Suzanne Ehrlich
Asynchronous Volunteer Engagement in Online Continuing Education Using Virtual Communities, Amy Freidig
A System for Programming Anisotropic Physical Behaviour in Cloth Fabric, Abhinit Sati
A Team-Based Liaison Approach to Science Coverage, Jenessa McElfresh, Maggie Albro, and Jennifer Groff
A Technique for Describing the Age of Small Distribution Transformers as a Function of Operating Environment, John Samuel Holeman
A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Coupling to and Penetration Through a Circumferentially Cut Slot in a Conducting Tube, Nathan Dallas Jerpe
A Theoretically Based, Easy-to-Use Tool for Promoting Goal-Setting Behaviors in Youths, Anthony G. James
Athletes as Health Advocates: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Approach to Identify Their Influence on Public Health Measures, Sai Datta Mikkilineni
A Tightly Integrated Generic Instruction RISC-V Accelerator (TIGRA) for the Rocket Core, Theresa Thao Le
A Time Like No Other: 4-H Youth Development and COVID-19, Mary E. Arnold and Roger A. Rennekamp
A time line: 2014 Ukrainian Revolution, Russia annexes Crimea, a part of the Ukraine, Russia supports pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine with military and economic assistance, the beginning of Cold War II, 2015 September, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
A Tool Kit for Building Life Skills Using Experiential Education and Games, Brian Brandt
Attitudinal Survey of Producers Involved in a Meat Goat Artificial Insemination Clinic, EL Walker, CR Vaught, WD Walker, and SR Nusz
Augmented Reality: Exploring Its Potential for Extension, Heather S. Wallace
Augmented Solvability of Nth Degree Polynomials, Joseph Swanson
A Unique Marketing Education Tool: The Marketing in a New Era Simulation Game, Stamatina Kotsakou, Cory Walters, Jessica Groskopf, and Robert Tigner
A User Evaluation of a Decision-Support System: The Community Assessment Model for Odor Dispersion (CAM), John C. Tyndall, Jay D. Harmon, Steven J. Hoff, and Nancy Grudens-Schuck
Authenticity in the preservation of historical wooden architecture - problems and challenges : case studies from the American South, Kathy Edwards
Automated Reactive Power Testing of Polyphase Solid-State Revenue Meters in the Presence of Harmonic Distortion, Linwood E. Halsey
Automating the Design Optimization of Vehicle Structures, William Bruce McCormack
Automation of the Satellite Processor Unit Software for the Multiple Flexible Analysis Display System, Ricky Lynn Marley
Autonomous Power and Profound Agency: Women and Magic in the Icelandic Legendary Sagas, Amanda Platz
Autopoiesis: Scaffolding the Reflective Practitioner Toward Employability, Sarah Bown
Auto Shape Recognition Using B-Splines and Fuzzy Set Concepts, Kiran Jayanthi
Avian Influenza Biosecurity: Filling the Gaps with Non-Traditional Education, Jennifer Madsen and Nathaniel Tablante
A View of Digital Scholarship in Extension, Eric T. Stafne
A Vision Module for the Determination of Surface Parameters, Manfred J. Kraess
Awards of Excellence Inspire and Motivate Extension Professionals, Sam Angima, Jan B. Carroll, and Scott Reed
Awards: Why You Want Them and How to Get Them, Jenny Carleo and Daniel Kluchinski
Awareness, Solidarity, and Action: An Educational Model, Michael R. Reichenbach
A Web-Based Chill Hours App for Fruit Growers, Eric T. Stafne and Kelli Alexander
Babcock Park, Andrew Bullard Baysden, Stephen M. Faber, Ann Carter Hughes, and Daniel J. Driscoll
Baby Animal Days: An Innovative Approach to Funding and Marketing Urban Extension Programs, Justen Smith, Jerry Goodspeed, JayDee Gunnell, and Shawn Olsen
Back to the Basics: Are Traditional Educational Methods Still Effective in a High-Tech World?, Christopher T. Sneed and Karen L. Franck
Baleage Decision Tool for Beef Cattle Producers, J Ross Pruitt and R Curt Lacy
Barnhardt Urban Village, Amy Hook, Billy Nichols, Patrick A. Riley, and Ronn H. Stewart
Barriers and Effective Educational Strategies to Develop Extension Agents' Professional Competencies, Dona Lakai, KSU Jayaratne, Gary E. Moore, and Mark J. Kistler
Barriers to a Healthy Lifestyle: From Individuals to Public Policy—An Ecological Perspective, Nurgul Fitzgerald and Kim Spaccarotella
Barriers to and Strategies for Engaging Extension Educators in Family Caregiver Education, Kristopher M. Struckmeyer, Emily Roberts, Sarah R. Gordon, Brandon M. Raczkoski, and Chitra Singh
Barriers to Utilization of Municipal Biomass Residues for Bioenergy, Megan- Beth L. Fratanduono, Toddi A. Steelman, M Nils Peterson, Melissa McHale, and D. E. Fratanduono
Basic Training: A 1-Day Education Module for New Clientele in the Turf Industry, Aaron J. Patton and Zachary J. Reicher
Battery Integration to the Power Grid and Frequency Regulation, Roghieh Abdollahi Biroon
Bayesian Framework for Causal Inference in Complex Data Structure, Li He
Bayesian Poisson Mortality Projections with Incomplete Data, Rui Gong
Beginning a bed and breakfast in South Carolina: Guidelines for development, circa 1990, Thomas D. Potts and Carole Jones Amos
Beginning Farmers: Will They Face Up to Safety and Health Hazards?, Louise Byler, Nancy Ellen Kiernan, Sam Steel, Patricia Neiner, and Dennis J. Murphy
Behavior and Modeling of Distributed Generation Under Fault Conditions, Jian Jiang
Behavior Change Strategies for Successful Long-Term Weight Loss: Focusing on Dietary and Physical Activity Adherence, Not Weight Loss, Nobuko Hongu, Martha P. Kataura, and Linda M. Blcok
Benchmarking Professional Development Practices Across Youth-Serving Organizations: Implications for Extension, Barry A. Garst, Sarah Baughman, and Nancy Franz
Benefits of Incorporating the Strengthening Families Program Into Family Drug Treatment Court Services, Elizabeth Day, Juliana Garcia, Erin Mathios, and Mary Beth Morrissey
Benefits of Urban Forests and Determining Their Value, Puskar Khanal and Thomas J. Straka
Best Management Practices for a Successful Transition into an Administrative Role, Derek Godwin, Keith G. Diem, and Deborah J. Maddy
Best Management Practices for Beginning Farmer Support, Jim Ochterski and Erica Frenay
Best Practices for Engaging Communities of Color in Opioid Prevention Programs, Maru Gonzalez, Autumn Guin, Kim Allen, Amy G. Chilcote, Paul J. Toriello, and Ebonyse P. Mead
Best Practices for Establishing Positive 4-H Youth Development Programming in Urban At-Risk Communities, Laura Bovitz, Marissa Staffen, Laura Eppinger, and Abbie Kesely
Best Practices for Extension Curricula Review, Gayle Coleman, Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Susan Baker, and Elaine Bowen
Best Practices in Community Garden Management to Address Participation, Water Access, and Outreach, Luke Drake and Laura Lawson
Better Crunching: Recommendations for Multivariate Data Analysis Approaches for Program Impact Evaluations, Marc T. Braverman
Better Kid Care Program Improves the Quality of Child Care: Results from an Interview Study, Carol S. Ostergren, David A. Riley, and Jenny M. Wehmeier
Beyond Bilingual Programming: Interpreter Education in the U.S. Amidst Increasing Linguistic Diversity, David Quinto-Pozos
Beyond Evaluation: Using the RE-AIM Framework for Program Planning in Extension, Laura E. Balis, Deborah H. John, and Samantha M. Harden
Beyond Lemonade Stands to Main Street Business Development: A Youth Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Andrew Zimbroff, Marilyn R. Schlake, Mindy Anderson-Knott, Nancy Eberle, and Diane Vigna
Beyond Main Street - The Role of 'B' Streets in North America Mid-sized Cities, Glenda Dias
Beyond the eye of the beholder, 1993, D. M. Chase, C. L. Carlisle, and R. H. Becker
Beyond the Laboratory and Lens: New Metaphors for Literary Research, David Reinking
Bias-Temperature Stress Testing of Silicon Terrestrial Solar Cells, Khaled E.B. Labib
Bicycle Needs Assessment for Navy Installation, Jonathan Kim
Bilingual Dual-Role Staff Interpreters in the Health Care Setting: Factors Associated With Passing a Language Competency Test, Lisa C. Diamond and Regina Otero-Sabogal
Bioenergy from Woody Biomass, Potential for Economic Development, and the Need for Extension, Donald L. Grebner, Gustavo Perez-Verdin, James E. Henderson, and Andrew J. Londo
Biological Control Strategies in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Programs, Andrew Jeffers and Juang Horng Chong
Biology and Genetic Variability of the Leaf Galling Nematode Ditylenchus gallaeformans, Samara Azevedo de Oliveira
Biology and Management of Bermudagrass Mite, Matthew Brown and Juang Horng Chong
Bio-Security Proficiencies Project for Beginning Producers in 4-H, Martin H. Smith, Cheryl L. Meehan, and John A. Borba
Bir oda-kahvaltı işletmeciliği başlangıcı ve geliştirilmesi için öneriler, circa 1990, Thomas D. Potts, Carole Jones Amos, and Thomas A. Rourke
Black, Confident, and Capable: The Science Student Beliefs of Four Black Male Science Students in a Rural Middle School Science Classroom, Adeyanju Okungbowa
Blazing the Trail: A Qualitative Case Study of Mentoring in a Gender Equity Leadership Development Program, Angela D. Carter; Cynthia Sims; and Arelis Moore de Peralta MD, PhD, MPH, MEd.
Blender Bikes: Blending Nutrition and Physical Activity, Theresa M. Ferrari and Carol A. Smathers
Blue Ridge Chateau: The Conceptual Design Evolution of Biltmore House, R. Chad Stewart
Bond-Centric Modifications to Bond-Order Potentials and Ab-initio Evaluation of Nanostructured Materials Properties, Jaewoong Hur
Book Review: 101 Women Who Shaped South Carolina, Maggie Albro
Book Review: Advances in Interpreting Research, George Major
Book Review: Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training, Revised Edition, Sherry Shaw
Book Review: Consecutive Notetaking and Interpreter Training, Debra Russell
Book Review: Flipped Learning: A Guide for Higher Education Faculty, Kimberly Hale and Tara Stevens
Book Review: Here orThere, Laura Maddox
Book Review: Interpreting in the Zone, Elisabet Tiselius
Book Review: Introduction to Healthcare for Chinese-Speaking Interpreters and Translators, Yanqiang Wang
Book Review: Introduction to Healthcare for Interpreters and Translators, Douglas Bowen Bailey
Book Review: Linguistic Coping Strategies in Sign Language Interpreting, Rachel Mapson
Book Review: Research Methods in Interpretting, Jo Anna Burn
Book Review - Service Learning in Interpreter Education: Strategies for Extending Student Involvement in the Deaf Community, Eileen Forestal and Debra Russell
Book Review: Signed Language Interpretation and Translation Research. Selected papers from the first International Symposium, Rachel McKee
Book Review: Strategies for Interpreter Education and Practice in the Health Care Setting, Debra Russell
Book Review: The Next Generation of Research in Interpreter Education: Pursuing Evidence-based Practice, Francesca Maria Frittella
Book Review: The Role of Technology in Conference Interpreter Training, Francesca Maria Frittella
Book Review: The Routledge Handbook of Interpreting, Sabrina Schulte
Boom Sprayer Calibration Made Easy with an Excel Spreadsheet Program, Ronald K. Patterson
Bovine Intervertebral Disc Organ Culture for Assessing Regenerative Therapeutics for Herniation Repair, Mario Josef Krussig
Branding the Land Grant University: Stakeholders' Awareness and Perceptions of the Tripartite Mission, Katie Abrams, Courtney Meyers, Tracy Irani, and Lauri Baker
BREAKING NEWS: Professional Participatory Journalism, Charmayne Lavone Smalls Brown
Breaking the Code: The Creative Use of QR Codes to Market Extension Events, Paul Hill, Rebecca Mills, GaeLynn Peterson, and Janet Smith
Breed and Supplementation Influence on Consumer Ratings of Ground Meat from Pasture-Raised Lamb, Theresa J. Nartea, Stephan Wildeus, Jung H. Lee, and Dahlia J. O'Brien
Breeding System and Timing of Inbreeding Depression in the Rare Plant Shortia Galacifolia (Diapensiaceae), Katherine Farrah Manry
Bridging Divides in the Interpreting Profession: Response to Gile and Napier (2020), Hilde Fiva Buzungu and Jessica P. B. Hansen
Bridging Formal and Informal Learning Environments, Bradley S. Barker, Kim Larson, and Michelle Krehbiel
Bridging the Gap Between Interpreting Classrooms and Real-World Interpreting:, Binhua Wang
Bridging the Gender Gap in Forest Stewardship: Facilitating Programs for Women Landowners, Alanna Koshollek, Katy Thostenson, and Bret Shaw
Bringing Carnaval Drum and Dance Traditions into 4-H Programming for Latino Youth, Evelyn Conklin-Ginop, Marc T. Braverman, Robyn Caruso, and Dennis Bone
Bringing Family Voice to Determinants of Health, Jan B. Carroll, Kyle Christensen, David MacPhee, and Patti Schmitt
Bringing Farm Advisors into the Sustainability Conversation: Results from a Nitrogen Workshop in the U.S. Midwest, Julie E. Doll and Adam Reimer
Bringing Savings Opportunities to Public Elementary School Children in Resource-Limited, Rural Communities, Michael Cheang and Laura Kawamura
Bringing the DuPont Profitability Model to Extension, Maud Roucan-Kane, LA Wolfskill, Michael D. Boehlje, and Allan W. Gray
BRITE©: A Program to Promote Resilience Among Unemployed Families, Robyn Maitoza and William P. Evans
Broadcast Yourself: YouTube as a Tool for Interpreter Education, Tom R. Cox
Broadening Extension's Capacity—Comparing Extension Agents' and Environmental Educators' Perceptions of Needs and Barriers, Dave Smaldone, Deborah A. Boone, Steve Selin, and Amanda See
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in the Mid-Atlantic States: Assessing Grower Perceptions, Economic Impact, and Progress, Theresa A. Dellinger, Eric R. Day, and Douglas G. Pfeiffer
Buffering Negative Impacts of Divorce on Children: Evaluating Impact of Divorce Education, Jennifer K. Crawford, Jane Riffe, Dominic A. Trevisan, and Olusola O. Adesope
Building 4-H Program Capacity and Sustainability Through Collaborative Fee-Based Programs, Tamara Pellien
Building a Multi-Generational Volunteer Base: Understanding How Human Development Impacts Volunteer Service, Ken Culp III
Building and Managing Makerspaces in Extension, Dave Francis, Paul Hill, Dallin Graham, Emy Swadley, and Kaleb Esplin
Building and Sustaining Small Acreage Programs, Stephanie Etter, Kevin Laughlin, K Scott Jensen, and Karen Frusti
Building a Rural Library Hotspot Lending Program: Results from a One-Year Pilot, Brian Whitacre
Building Blocks to Fun in the Sun, Patricia Brinkman and Rose Fisher Merkowitz
Building Bridges between Home and School, Anna H. Hall
Building Bridges Between Producers and Schools: The Role of Extension in the Farm to School Program, Shuyang Qu, Laura Fischer, and Joy Rumble
Building Capacities to Conduct Respirator Fit Testing for Pesticide Applicators, Michael R. Wierda, Janet R. Hygnstrom, Natalie Hoidal, Thia Walker, Jessica Wilburn, Robin Tutor Marcom, Dean Herzfeld, Kay Sargent, Kerry Richards, Rachel Maccini, and Candace Bartholomew
Building Capacity within Extension to Address Animal Agriculture in a Changing Climate, Crystal Powers, Rick Stowell, Jill Heemstra, Elizabeth Whitefield, Joe Harrison, David Schmidt, Larry Jacobson, David Smith, Saqib Mukhtar, Pam Knox, Mark Risse, Gary Hawkins, Jennifer Pronto, and Curt Gooch
Building Community-University Partnerships by Listening, Learning, and Responding, Diana M. Martenson, Dawn A. Newman, and Deborah M. Zak
Building Connections, Collections, and Communities: Increasing the Visibility and Impact of Extension Through Institutional Repositories, Harrison W. Inefuku and Nancy K. Franz
Building Inclusivity and Empathy Through Writers' Workshop, Beth Beschorner and Anna H. Hall
Building Partnerships: Connecting Communities, Master Gardener Volunteers, Industry, and Extension Through Tree Surveys, Pamela J. Bennett
Building Public Issues Education Capacity to Address Health and Wellness: Recommendations from a Survey of Extension Professionals, Shirley Gerrior, Leslie Beckstrom, Bonnie Braun, Helen Chipman, Amanda Drescher, Linda Drake, Thomas Fungwe, and Deborah Young
Building Regional Networking Capacity Through Leadership Development: The Case of Leadership Northwest Missouri, Beverly Maltsberger and Wilson Majee
Building Success of Food Hubs Through Understanding of the Cooperative Experience, Todd M. Schmit and Roberta M. Severson
Building Supportive Networks Among Agricultural Innovators Through a Symposium on Dryland Organic Farming, Julia Piaskowski, Bertie Weddell, E Patrick Fuerst, Diana Roberts, and Lynne Carpenter-Boggs
Building Teamwork into an Integrated Extension Program: Faculty Perspectives on Area of Expertise Teams, Vera Bitsch and Suzanne Thornsbury
Building Teen Futures with Underwater Robotics, Michael L. Wallace and William M. Freitas
Building the Foundation for a Health Education Program for Rural Older Adults, Seung Eun Jung, Stephany Parker, Janice Hermann, Joshua Phelps, and Yeon Ho Shin
Buncombe Peak Market, Racquel E. Collier, Ashley Fisher, and Reid Hofstetter
Burnout: Examining the Effects of Job Characteristics Across Extension Disciplines, Mia B. Russell and Girvin L. Liggans
Business incentives: Projected fiscal costs, 1997 October 23, Daniel V. Rainey
Business Management Coaching: Focusing on Entrepreneur's Current Position and Aims, Kheng T. Cheah
“[...] but a play”: Laughter and the Reinvention of Theater in The Resurrection , Alexandra Poulain
By-right, by-design : housing development versus housing design in Los Angeles, Kathy Edwards
Calculating the "Green" Impact of Online Extension Programs, Robert E. Bardon, Eric Taylor, William Hubbard, and Laurie Gharis
CalfScience: Extension Education at Many Levels, Dale A. Moore, Kathlyn Tellessen, and William M. Sischo
Calhoun Family Plot Allocations and Maintenance, 1957-2017, Woodland Cemetery Stewardship Committee
Call My Name, Clemson: Make Us Visible, Rhondda Robinson Thomas
Campus Partnerships Improve Impact Documentation of Nutrition Programs, Patricia Brinkman
Can Adults Accept Youth as Equal Partners in Communities?, Lynette Flage, Rachelle Vettern, Mark Schmidt, and Myron Eighmy
Can an Immersion in Wellness Camp Influence Youth Health Behaviors?, Elizabeth A. Mabary-Olsen, Ruth E. Litchfield, Randal Foster, Lorraine Lanningham-Foster, and Christina G. Campbell
Can Blogging Benefit Staff & Youth in 4-H Camp Programs?, Carolyn Ashton, Robin Galloway, and Virginia Bourdeau
Can government deliver the goods?, 1998, Hugh Holleman Macaulay
Can I Breathe Yet? Reflections on My First Year in Extension, Phillipa Myers
Capacitance of a Circularly Symmetric Via for a Microstrip Transmission Line, Andrew Wiley Mathis
Capacitance Stability of Polymer Tantalum Capacitors Under Different Environmental Conditions, Eyob Negussie Tarekegn
Capacity Building and Community Resilience: A Pilot Analysis of Education and Employment Indicators Before and After an Extension Intervention, Russell Weaver
Capital Budgeting for Hay Storage Decisions, KD Dillivan
Capital gains taxes and market efficiency, 2010 May, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Capitalizing on Multidimensionality in Survey Instruments to Ensure Delivery of Relevant Extension Programming, Eric Romich
Captivate Your Audience by Turning PowerPoint Presentations into Interactive E-Learning Content, Montessa Young, Ronda Hirnyck, Ariel Agenbroad, and Edward J. Bechinski
Capturing Outcomes Often Overlooked: A Pilot Evaluation of Florida Individual Contact Teaching, Laura A. Warner, John Diaz, Anil Kumar Chaudhary, Cody Gusto, and Amanda D. Ali
Capturing the Ripples from Community-Driven Business Retention and Expansion Programs, Michael Darger
Carbon Rich Polymer-Derived Ceramics: Processing, Characterization, and Properties, Michelle Greenough
Carbon trading: Opportunities, challenges, and distributional effects in the United States, 2009 July, G. Michael Mikota
Carolina digest, 2011 December, Bruce Yandle
Carolina digest: A special report on South Carolina, 2013 March 8, Bruce Yandle
Case Study of Senior Cohousing Development in a Rural Community, Melinda Lyon, Mihyun Kang, and Jessy Kramp
Cate-Nelson Analysis for Bivariate Data Using R-project, Salvatore S. Mangiafico
Caught with Your Plants Down? There's an App for That!, Janna L. Beckerman and Clifford S. Sadof
Celebrating JOE's First 50 Years: A Public Good, Joan S. Thomson
Certified volunteer units: Another approach, 1984 July 7, Clyde Thompson Mounter
Chadbourn Market, Brockton Hall, Taylor Ogle, and Stone Miller
Chadbourn Mill, Michael O. Lee, Robert Hayes, Brandon Yarusi, and Lin "Kevin" Liu
Chadbourn Square, Blake Muldrow, Michael Simmons, and Rob Turk
Challenges and Opportunities for New and Beginning Dairy Producers: A Pennsylvania Perspective, Lisa A. Holden, Jeffrey A. Hyde, Bradley J. Hilty, and Erica Cowan
Challenges of Court Interpreting: Implications for Interpreter Education, Danny Wang and Lynn E. Grant
Challenges of Engaging Local Stakeholders for Statewide Program Development Process, Michael J. Martin, Mary Leuci, and Mark Stewart
Challenges of managing a rapidly growing and changing county, 1998 November 19, Jim Rozier
Challenge to Bolster the Evidence Base for 4-H Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Programming, Joseph L. Donaldson, Karen L. Franck, and Marshall A. Baker
Change in Charleston’s Built Environment: A Study of Building Footprints Comparing Primary Dwellings to Secondary Buildings in Harleston Village, Gabriel Michael Cristofari
Change Is Inevitable: How Field Specialist Positions Can Help Meet the Challenge, Nancy Bowen-Ellzey, Eric Romich, David Civttolo, and Greg Davis
Changes in the Use of Precision Farming Information Sources Among Cotton Farmers and Implications for Extension, Brittani Edge, Margarita Velandia, Dayton M. Lambert, Roland K. Roberts, James A. Larson, Burton C. English, Christopher Boyer, Roderick Rejesus, and Ashok Mishra
Change, Who... Me?, Kirk Bloir and Jeff King
Changing From Within: How Professional Development Can Transform Your Leadership Style, Faith Isreal
Characteristics and Perceptions of 4-H Participants: Gender and Age Differences Across Adolescence, Karin Bartoszuk and Brandy A. Randall
Characteristics of an Interpreted Situation with Multiple: Implications for Pedagogy, Masato Takimoto
Characteristics of Effective Interpreter Education Programs in the United States, Lisa Godfrey
Characteristics of Extension Demonstration Gardens, Charlotte D. Glen, Gary E. Moore, KSU Jayaratne, and Lucy K. Bradley
Characteristics of extension homemaker volunteers in South Carolina, 1986 August 6, Clyde Thompson Mounter
Characteristics of Home Irrigation Users: Implications for Encouraging Landscape Water Conservation in the United States, Amanda D. Ali and Laura A. Warner
Characteristics of Innovations: Lessons Learned From a Statewide Mandatory Implementation of the Animal Health Network, Lori L. Moore, Theresa Pesl Murphrey, Shannon H. Degenhart, and Tom A. Vestal
Characteristics of Non-Industrial Private Forest Owners Interested in Managing Their Land for Nontimber Forest Products, Rebecca McLain and Eric T. Jones
Characterization of an Integrated Services Atm Fast Packet Switch Output Traffic, Pratyush V. Moghe
Characterization of surface roughness from LIDAR and anemometer measurements of near-surface storm winds, H. Besng, S. Lazarus, S. Sridhar, J. Wang, C. S. Subramanian, J-P Pinelli, J. Zhang, and J. Sun
Characterizing Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge and Beliefs Following Professional Development Activities within an Inquiry-Based General Chemistry Context, Lindsay B. Wheeler, Jennifer L. Maeng, and Brooke A. Whitworth
Characterizing the Wake Vortex Signature for an Active Line of Sight Remote Sensor, Robert Milton Heil
Characterizing Unmixed Trees with Respect to Total Domination and PMU Covers, James Gossell
Chasing Supermassive Black Holes at the Dawn of the Universe, Lea Marcotulli
Chemically Active Rheological Modifiers for the Improved Clinical Use of Cyanoacrylates, Kyle Joseph Garcia
Chemical Release Treatments for Pine Regeneration, Stephen E. Peairs
Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS): Common Style Tips for Writing, Dawn A. White
Child Maltreatment Reporting Beliefs and Practices of University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Family Living Educators, Pam Peterson
China's missile policy, 1998, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Choose and Tell Cards: A 4-H Cloverbud Resource for Promoting Public Speaking and Life Skills, Jill Stechschulte and Scott D. Scheer
Choosing Between Pathways Towards the Life Well-Lived, Natalie Vanelli
Cigar Factory - Charleston, SC, Team 20
Citizen engagement in South Carolina, 2011 January, Patrick Tandoh-Offin and Donna S. London
Citizen Science as a REAL Environment for Authentic Scientific Inquiry, Nathan J. Meyer, Siri Scott, Andrea Lorek Strauss, and Pamela L. Nippolt
City Fresh: A Local Collaboration for Food Equity, Punam Ohri-Vachaspati, Brad Masi, Morgan Taggart, Joe Konen, and Jack Kerrigan
Civic Ecology: Linking Social and Ecological Approaches in Extension, Marianne E. Krasny and Keith G. Tidball
Civil War monuments and the militarization of America, Kathy Edwards
Clemson A&M College Class of 1939 Reunion Program 2021, Clemson University
Clemson Libraries: Discover, Collaborate, Create, Christopher Cox
Clemson Trustees Minutes, 2020 December 1, Clemson University
Clemson Trustees Minutes, 2020 July 24, Clemson University
Clemson Trustees Minutes, 2020 October 16, Clemson University
Clemson Trustees Minutes, 2020 October 23, Clemson University
Clemson Trustees Minutes, 2021 February 5, Clemson University
"Clickers" and HACCP: Educating a Diverse Food Industry Audience with Technology, Angela Shaw, Aubrey Mendonca, and Aura Daraba
Climate Change Challenges for Extension Educators: Technical Capacity and Cultural Attitudes, Terrie A. Becerra, Gerad Middendorf, Amber Campbell, and Peter Tomlinson
Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture and Their Effective Communication by Extension Agents, Annette A. James, Noel M. Estwick, and Audrey Bryant
Climate Masters of Nebraska: An Innovative Action-Based Approach for Climate Change Education, Tapan B. Pathak, Tonya Bernadt, and Natalie Umphlett
Climate-Related Risks and Management Issues Facing Agriculture in the Southeast: Interviews with Extension Professionals, David C. Diehl, Nicole L. Sloan, Elder P. Garcia, Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, Daniel R. Dourte, and Clyde W. Fraisse
Closing the Science Comprehension Achievement Gap Through the Use of an Extension Youth Development Science Comprehension Model, Peter Skelton, Tom Dormody, and Margaret Lewis
Cloud-Based Low-Cost Wireless Distributed Indoor Temperature and Humidity Monitoring System, Ningxuan Wen
Coaching: A Tool for Extension Professionals, Kim Allen
Co-Author Submittal Agreement, Dawn A. White
Coding and Interleaving Techniques for Slow Frequency-Hop Communications, Thomas G. Macdonald
Collaborating Across State Lines to Leverage Cultural Competency Expertise, Celina G. Wille, Zuri Garcia, and José L. Garcia
Collaborating with Your Clients Using Social Media & Mobile Communications, Eli Typhina, Robert E. Bardon, and Laurie W. Gharis
Collaboration and Creativity During a Global Pandemic, George Major and Ineke Crezee
Collaboration Between Extension and Industry: Coordination and Assessment of Technical Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training, C.A. Shea Porr, Alyx M. Shultz, Rebecca Gimenez, and Rebecca K. Splan
Collaboration of Extension and Grape Industry Members to Create a New Extension Publication, Eric T. Stafne, George and Jane Ingels, and Becky Carroll
Collaborative Community Engagement: Experiential Learning Opportunities for College Students via Extension, Sam Angima and Katie Gaebel
Collaboratively Writing Extension Publications for the Public, Adrienne M. Duke
Collaborative Public Management as a Hunger Prevention Strategy, Sharon R. Paynter
Collaborative Research Seed Grants for Integrating Knowledges and Creating New Knowledge, Amy Freitag
Collaborative Writing as a Scholarship Activity: A Framework for Extension Faculty, Dan Teuteberg, AnaMaria Diaz Martinez, Jenn Crawford, Lauren Hrncirik, Renee Overath, and Drew Lenore Betz
Collective Thinking for Extension Practice: A Time and Place for World Café, Shannon R. Wiley, Megan M. Seibel, and Sarah Bush
College Readiness for Rural Youth Initiative: Creating a Climate for Success, Jason Hedrick, Mark Light, and Jeff Dick
College Transition Study Shows 4-H Helps Youth Prepare for and Succeed in College, Judy Ratkos and Lauren Knollenberg
Collision Area Avoidance Using the Discrete Tracking Problem of Optimal Control, Lisa Goforth McElveen
Colonial South Carolina Cowpens and Savannas: Analyzing the Distribution of Colonial Cattle Grazing Sites Using GIS and Predictive Modeling, John Benjamen Thomas
Columbus Day: The first wave of European immigration, 2009, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Combustion Phasing Modeling for Control of Spark-Assisted Compression Ignition Engines, Dennis Robertson
Comfort, Acceptance, and Preferences: The Designing of a Human-Robot Workstation that Puts the Human First, Jassmyn Quionna Aleshia McQuillen
Coming to Grips with the Way the World Works, Karen Ballard and Kelly Nix
Committee Basics: Lingo, Membership, and Leadership, Scott Dutkiewicz, Renna Redd, and Kathy Edwards
Common Evaluation Tools Across Multi-State Programs: A Study of Parenting Education and Youth Engagement Programs in Children, Youth, and Families At-Risk, Pamela B. Payne and Daniel A. McDonald
Communication Barriers to Family Farm Succession Planning, Matthew S. Kaplan, Jon F. Nussbaum, Craig Fowler, and Margaret J. Pitts
Community analysis of the "windshield experience": Use of resident employed photography in developing an application for national scenic by-way designation for the Ashley River Road, 1999, H. Gregory Hawkins, Matthew Garrett, and Margaret Riley
Community Bike Shops as Youth Development Programs: Influences on Mobility, Adrienne Warren
Community Climate Conversations: Engaging and Empowering Local Action in a Changing World, Thomas Beery, Kristen Schmitt, Julie McDonnell, and Tansey Moore
Community Development in the Digital Age: Role of Extension, Roberto Gallardo, Andy Collins, and Elizabeth Gregory North
Community Education Programs Serving Couples in Stepfamilies: A Qualitative Study of Format, Content, and Service Delivery, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Anne Robertson, and David Schramm
Community Garden Information Systems: Analyzing and Strengthening Community-Based Resource Sharing Networks, Kristen Loria
Community Health Advisors' Perceptions of the 2005 Dietary Guidelines and MyPyramid, Jamie Zoellner, Wendy Bounds, and Carol Connell
Community Interpreter Training in Spoken Languages in Sweden, Kristina Gustafsson, Eva Norström, and Ingrid Fioretos
Community Involvement to Reduce Insect Threats to Urban Forests, Angela M. O’Callaghan and JoAnne Skelly
Community Leadership: A New Academic Major, Claire Yeuh-Ti Chen, Graham R. Cochran, Scott D. Scheer, Robert D. Birkenholz, Jeff King, and Jerry Thomas
Community Leaders' Knowledge and Perceptions About Obesity: Implications for Outreach Educators in Designing Interventions, Norma L. Dawkins, Tryan McMickens, Henry J. Findlay, and Ralphenia D. Pace
Community Mentoring: A Tool for Successful Communities, Kathryn E. Dodge
Community Mobilization Model Applied to Support Grandparents Raising Grandchildren, Jacque Miller, Ann Bruce, Kimberly Bundy-Fazioli, and Christine A. Fruhauf
Community Strategic Visioning as a Method to Define and Address Poverty: An Analysis From Select Rural Montana Communities, Paul Lachapelle, Eric Austin, and Daniel Clark
Community Voices—A Leadership Program Making a Difference in Rural Underserved Counties in North Carolina, Jane T. Walker and Benjamin Gray
Community Volunteerism: Making Your World a Better Place, Derek Wilmott
Community Volunteerism: Making Your World a Better Place - Pickens County Public Library Board, Bobby Hollandsworth
Comparing Change Management Processes for Requirements and Manufacturing: An Interview Based Study, Meredith Grace Sutton
Comparing Cyberincivility and Cyberbullying in the Workplace: Measurement, Outcomes, and the Power Imbalance, Annie Wilson
Comparing Faculty Perceptions of Importance and Perceived Competencies of Online Best Practices Through the Encore Components, Karen Bunch Franklin
Comparing Farm Financial Performance Across Local Foods Market Channels, Todd M. Schmit, Becca B.R. Jablonski, and Chris Laughton
Comparing Linkages Between Descriptive Norms and Current and Intended Outdoor Water Conservation, Laura A. Warner, Savanna Turner, and Lisa Lundy
Comparing taxes across states, 2009 August, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Comparing the Anti-Inflammatory Properties of STATTIC to Indirubin-E804 in RAW264.7 Macrophages, Logan Tisch
Comparing Three Different Methods for Assessing Corn Silage Density, Richard J. Norell, Steve Hines, Mireille Chahine, Tianna Fife, Mario De Haro Marti, and Stuart C. Parkinson
Comparison of actual and predicted Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores accounting for the effects of racial composition, poverty, class size, and teacher characteristics, 2010, H. Gregory Hawkins
Comparison of Flexural Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Beams with Different Rebar Coatings, Aaron J. Murphy
Comparison of Missing Data Imputation Techniques and Analysis with Multilevel Data, Tiantian Yang
Comparison of Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma Type 1 and Type 2: A Secondary Data Analysis Using the Cancer Genome Atlas, Melissa Paquin
Comparison of the LEGO Mindstorms NXT and EV3 Robotics Education Platforms, Ann Sherrard and Amy Rhodes
Comprehensive land use plan for Pickens County, 1989
Comprehensive Land Use Planning in Exurban Communities: A Case Study from Ohio, Thomas W. Blaine, Myra Moss, Julia Cumming, and Janet Wasko Myers
Computational methods of windborne debris trajectories in a near-surface tornadic field, Guangzhao Chen and Franklin T. Lombardo
Computational Study of Catalytic Activity of a H-D-Pro-Pro-Glu-NH2 Derivatives in an Emulsion, Lisi Wang
Computation of Zero-Sequence Impedance of Underground Three-Phase Pipe-Type Cable, Guanghao Liu
Computer Analysis and Optimization of a Class of Nonlinear Systems, Chan F. Lam
Computer conferencing and the classroom writing context, 1996, Chris Benson
Conducting a Statewide Dual-Purpose Program for Pesticide Applicators and County Extension Agents, Fred Fishel and Guodong David Liu
Conducting Research on Private Farms and Ranches: Approaches, Issues, and Tips, Kimberly A. Nicholas and Eve-Lyn S. Hinckley
Conformational Studies Pertaining to Richman-Atkins Cyclization of Azamacrocycle Ligands and Developing Routes for Efficient Synthesis of 3:1 Cyclens, Megan Marie Sibley
Confronting Becky: An Autocritographic Examination of White Women's Gendered Racism in Higher Education, Rebecca Morgan
Connected design rationale: a model for measuring design learning using epistemic network analysis, Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens
Connecting Generations Through Informal Geospatial and Conservation Education, Cary Chadwick, David Dickson, Chester Arnold, Laura Cisneros, John Volin, Todd Campbell, David Moss, and Laura Rodriguez
Connecting Volunteers and Agents: A Social Constructionist Perspective, K.D. Dillivan
"Connecting" with Your Clients [on Facebook], Paul Hill
Conquering the Interpreter’s Operational Space: Sign LanguageInterpreting Students and their Acculturation to Deafblind Clients, Gro Hege Saltnes Urdal
Conservation Easements: A Management Tool for Working Forests, Janet Steele
Conservatism in America today, 1982, Strom (1902-2003) Thurmond
Considerations for Testing Full-Scale Wind Turbine Nacelles with Hardware-in-the-Loop, Kirk Christopher Heinold
Consolidated Electrical Testing of Film Integrated Circuits, Joseph Martin Kinsella
Conspicuity of Walkway Height Changes, Rachel Staats
Consumer-Centered Extension Education Website Increases Usage, Sarah L. Francis, Peggy Martin, and Kristin Taylor
Consumer Preferences for Value Added Products: A Case Study for South Carolina, English Lane Ratliff
Consumer product safety: A public policy issue, 1985, Nancy Harvey Steorts
Consumer Welfare Analysis of Bike Renting System and Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on It, Shen Zhang
Contemporary Women's Poetry and Leaning Into the Senses, Samantha Keebler
Content Appraisal as a Method for Measuring the Effectiveness & Usability of Online Content, Jenifer Nadeau, Neely Heidorn, Nick Broady, and Jennifer Whittle
Context Matters: The Importance of Local Culture in Community Participation, Linda Stalker Prokopy, Daniel Aldrich, Janet Ayres, Shannon M. Amberg, Alicia Molloy, Amber Saylor Mase, and Aaron Thompson
Contextualizing Interpreter Training in Africa: Two Case Studies from Kenya, Carmen Delgado Luchner
Continuity and change: Easter as a blended holiday, 2011, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Continuum Manipulators : Air-Octor and Synergy-Based Operation, William McMahan
Continuum Robots: Interfacing, Modeling, and Automation, Chase Gilbert Frazelle
Contraband Guides: Race, Transatlantic Culture, and the Arts in the Civil War Era, Kathy Edwards
Contributions of Leaf Sediment Coatings and Soil Respiration to Blue Carbon Sequestration in a Salt Marsh, Michelle E. Furbeck
Contributions of Youth Engagement to the Development of Social Capital Through Community Mapping, Keith C. Nathaniel and Sharon B. Kinsey
Controlling Survey Response Error in a Mail Survey of Dairy Farmers: A Case Report, Julia M. Smith
Converting Face-to-Face Curricula for Online Delivery: Lessons Learned from a Biomass Harvesting Guidelines Curriculum, Diomy S. Zamora, Charles R. Blinn, Dave T. Chura, and Eli S. Sagor
Cooking Healthy, Eating Smart: A Strategically Timed Formative Evaluation of a Community-Based Nutrition and Food Safety Program for Rural Older Adults, Angela Fraser, Morgan G. Chao, Elaine J. Amella, and Martina Mueller
Cooking Matters at the Store: A Case Study of Three Missouri Counties, Melissa M. Bess
Cooking Up Innovation: A Guide to Creating a Shared Commercial Kitchen Facility, Laurelyn Sandkamp
Cook Like a Chef 1- and 4-Week Camp Models, Margaret D. Condrasky, Glenda Johnson, Anne Corr, and Julila L. Sharp
Cooperation as a Coping Mechanism When Interpreting between Deaf Refugees and Hearing Professionals, Elisabet Trengereid Olsen
Cooperation with Commodity Groups and Hands-On Demonstrations Improve the Effectiveness of Commodity-Focused Educational Programs, Herman J. Kandel, Joel K. Ransom, David A. Torgerson, and Jochum J. Wiersma
Cooperative Extension: A Century of Innovation, Frances I. Gould, Douglas Steele, and William J. Woodrum
Cooperative Extension and Climate Change: Successful Program Delivery, Hilary LC Morris, Mark A. Megalos, Aaron J. Vuola, Damian C. Adams, and Martha Monroe
Cooperative Extension and Sustainability Outreach: Programmatic Successes, Administrative Support, and Areas for Improvement, Roslynn B. McCann, Mark Apel, Clark Dove, Ramona Madhosingh-Hector, Jennison Kipp Searcy, and David Kay
Cooperative Extension Answers the Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding, Michelle F. Brill
Cooperative Extension Training Impact on Military Youth and 4-H Youth: The Case of Speak Out for Military Kids, James Edwin, Steve McKinley, and B. Allen Talbert
Cooperative Learning Applied to Interpreting Education, Lauri Krouse
Coordinating and funding the war on terror, 2002, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Coordination and Privacy Preservation in Multi-Agent Systems, Huan Gao
Co-Parenting for Successful Kids: Impacts and Implications, Jeong-Kyun Choi, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Gail Brand, Lisa M. Poppe, and Jaclynn Foged
Core Competencies for Successful Watershed Management Practitioners, Vikram Koundinya, Anne Baird, Jenna Klink, Lois Wolfson, Jane Frankenberger, Joseph Bonnell, and Rebecca Power
Core or Not: Redefining the AASL List of Periodicals, Rose Orcutt, Kathy Edwards, Lucy Campbell, and Barbara Opar
Corn Earworm as a Pest of Field Corn, Tim Bryant and Francis Reay-Jones
Cornell Cooperative Extension Gains Efficiencies and Increases Capacity with a Central Database, Deborah G. Grantham, Curtis Verne Josey Jr, Elizabeth F. Stoquert, and Glenn Applebee
Cornered: Intimate Relations in The Words upon the Window-Pane, Charles I. Armstrong
Correlating Project Learning Tree to 4-H Life Skills: Connections and Implications, Rachel Bayer and Kathy Fischer
Correlation Properties of Code Division Multiple Access Sequences, Shyhchang Liu
COSACC: Cloud-Based Speed Advisory for Connected Vehicles in a Signalized Corridor, Hsien-Wen Deng
Cosmogenesis, Complexity, and Neo-Natural Faith in the Context of Astrobiology, Kelly C. Smith
Cost Effectiveness Ratio: Evaluation Tool for Comparing the Effectiveness of Similar Extension Programs, KSU Jayaratne
Costs of Pastured Broiler Operations Based on Data from Small-Scale Farms, Siddhartha Dasgupta and Richard Bryant
Council of Presidents: A Multifaceted Idea for 4-H, Alayne Torretta
Council of Science Editors (CSE) Style Guide: Citation-Sequence System, Dawn A. White
County and municipal expenditures and revenues for the year ending June 30, 1982: Catawba Council of Governments region, 1983 August 1, Mark S. Henry
County and municipal expenditures and revenues for the year ending June 30, 1982: Pee Dee Council of Governments region, 1983 August 1, Mark S. Henry
County and municipal expenditures and revenues for the year ending June 30, 1982: Waccamaw Council of Governments region, 1983 August 1, Mark S. Henry
County Clustering for the California 4-H Youth Development Program: Impacts and Lessons Learned, Aarti Subramaniam, Harry Steve Dasher, and Jane Chin Young
County Commissioner Perceptions of Cooperative Extension: Implications for Strengthening the Partnership with County Government, Mark Blevins, K. S.U. Jayaratne, Jackie Bruce, Lucy Bradley, and Mitzi Stumpf-Downing
County government in South Carolina today; Municipal government in South Carolina today, 1989 November 20, Lowell C. Spires and Marion W. Middleton
County government in South Carolina today; Municipal government in South Carolina today, 1993 November 11, William L. McBride and William D. Workman
Coupled Hydrological-Geotechnical Model for Determinine Bearing Capacity and Elastic Settlement of Foundations, Vahidreza Mahmoudabadi Arani
Cover Crop Biomass Production and Effects on Soil Moisture in the Upstate of South Carolina, Ricardo St Aime
Cover Crop Chart: An Intuitive Educational Resource for Extension Professionals, Mark A. Liebig, Holly Johnson, David Archer, John Hendrickson, Kristine Nichols, Marty Schmer, and Don Tanaka
Cover Crop Performance and Potential Benefits to Wildlife in the Southern Piedmont of South Carolina, Sean Carlisle Byrd
COVID-19 and the Emergence of a New Illness Narrative, Thomas M. Allison
COVID-19 Pandemic Architecture Librarians Respond, Rose Orcutt, Lucy Campbell, Maya Gervits, Barbara Opar, and Kathy Edwards
Creating a Mindfulness Virtual Book Study to Support Student Wellbeing, Jessica Kohout-Tailor
Creating a Minnesota Statewide SNAP-Ed Program Evaluation, Abby Gold, Trina Adler Barno, Shelley Sherman, Kathleen Lovett, and Ghaffar A. Hurtado
Creating a Model for Successful Microenterprise Development (MED) Programs, Nancy Bowen-Ellzey, Myra Moss, and Thomas W. Blaine
Creating and Implementing Diverse Development Strategies to Support Extension Centers and Programs, Christopher S. Page and Michael A. Kern
Creating a Suicide Prevention Program for Farmers and Farmworkers, Don McMoran, Kate Seymour, Shannon Bachtel, and Sylvi Thorstenson
Creating a tax credit program for college degree recipients: Building young talent in South Carolina, 2007, Author Unknown
Creating Group Norms by Using Full Value Commitments in Experiential Education Programming, Alayne Torretta and Scott VanderWay
Creating Inclusive Extension Programs, Katherine E. McKee and Jacklyn A. Bruce
Creating Lesson Plans for One Shot Sessions, Anne Grant and Jessica Kohout-Tailor
Creating New Program Opportunities with Specialized Staff, Brian McNeil, Patrick Jirik, Joe Coureneya, and Bradley Rugg
Creating Opportunities Through an Experiential, Community-Based Cooperative Extension Internship Program, Debra M. Sellers, Cheryl Heronemus, Cindy Gannon, and Peggy A. Lockhart
Creating Programs to Help Latino Youth Thrive at School: The Influence of Latino Parent Involvement Programs, Andrew O. Behnke and Christine Kelly
Creating Research-Based Videos That Can Affect Behavior, Joseph Cone
Creating Safe Spaces Within Extension Programs, Adrienne Duke
Creating Teams Increases Extension Educator Productivity, Linda Chalker-Scott, Catherine H. Daniels, and Nicole Martini
Creating the Capacity for Organizational Change: Personnel Participation and Receptivity to Change, Keith L. Smith and Cynthia B. Torppa
Creating the eXtension Family Caregiving Community of Practice, Debra M. Sellers, Andrew B. Crocker, Allison Nichols, Sarah D. Kirby, and Mary Brintnall-Peterson
Creating the Southern Region 4-H Volunteer Advisory Group, Ken Culp III, Harriett C. Edwards, and Jenny W. Jordan
Creating Your Own Interpreting Materials for Use in the Classroom, Fatima Cornwall
Creative Commons Licensing, John Morgenstern
Credit Card Usage among Older Adults: Assessing Financial Literacy and Pressures, Eileen St. Pierre and Karina Shreffler
Critical Evaluation of Roof Pressure Statistics over an Isolated Low-rise Building using NIST and TPU Aerodynamic Databases, Erick Shelley, Erin Hubbard, and Wei Zhang
Criticizing India's nuclear weapons program bears a high price, 1998 May 20, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Crop Consultants as "Climate Consultants": An Extension Opportunity for Climate Change Communication, Leigh A. Bernacchi and J. D. Wulfhorst
Cropland Rental Tool (CROPRENT) for Agricultural Producers, Leah M. Duzy and Jeanne M. Reeves
Crossing Boundaries with Teamwork and Economics for Water Management, Christi Falen, Howard Niebling, Bill Hazen, and Mike Telford
Crossing Lines: Integrating Law and Economics in Farmland Leasing Workshops, Peggy Kirk Hall and Barry Ward
Crossroads of Development: Considering Gullah Geechee Communities as Traditional Cultural Properties, Darcy Elizabeth Neufeld
Crowdsourcing eXtension: Communities of Practice Provide Rapid Response, Brian Raison, Julie M. Fox, and Phil D’Adamo-Damery
Crowdsourcing Rural Data Collection, Adeel Ahmed
Cultivated agricultural lands at risk from potential urbanization in the tri-county area, 2000 July, Jeffery S. Allen and Kang Shou Lu
Cultural and Contextual Adaptation of a Childhood Obesity Preventive Intervention Program, Jennifer M. DiNallo, Janet A. Welsh, Jacinda C. Li, and Robert L. Nix
Cultural Relevance and Working with Inner City Youth Populations to Achieve Civic Engagement, Shakoor Ward and Nicole Webster
Culture Brokers, Advocates, or Conduits: Pedagogical Considerations for Deaf Interpreter Education, Campbell McDermid
Cure History Dependent Viscoelastic Modeling of Adhesively Bonded Joints using MAT_277 in LS-DYNA®, Akshat Agha, Fadi Abu-Farha, Rakan Alturk, Tim Welters, and Georges Romanos
Current and Future Water Availability: Public Opinion in the Southern United States, Tatiana Borisova, Jason Evans, Michael Smolen, Michael Olexa, Damian C. Adams, and jon calabria
Current Practices for Training Staff to Accommodate Youth with Special Health Care Needs in the 4-H Camp Setting, Lauren Mouton and Jacklyn Bruce
Current status and changes in forest land use and ownership in South Carolina, 1999, Allan Marsinko and William Zawacki
Curriculum Helps Families Discuss and Plan for Future of Their Woodland or Farm, Brad Withrow-Robinson, Mary Sisock, and Susan Watkins
Dairy Cattle Handling Extension Programs: Training Workers and Cattle, Amber L. Adams, Michaela Kristula, and Meggan V. Hain
Dairy Modernization Works for Family Farms, Mark W. Mayer and David W. Kammel
Database Application for a Youth Market Livestock Production Education Program, Marc R. Horney
Data-Driven Assessment of Site Responses at Liquefiable Sites, Weiwei Zhan
Data-driven simulation of asymmetric hurricane wind fields for community resilience planning, Yanlin Guo and John W. van de Lindt
Data-driven System Identification and Optimal Control Framework for Grand-Prix Style Autonomous Racing, Rongyao Wang
Data literacies and social justice: Exploring critical data literacies through sociocultural perspectives, Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens, Simon Knight, Alyssa Friend Wise, Thomas M. Philip, Maria C. Olivares, Sarah Van Wart, Sepehr Vakil, Jessica Marshall, Tapan Parikh, M. Lisette Lopez, Michelle Hoda Wilkerson, Kris Gutierrez, Shiyan Jiang, and Jennifer B. Kahn
Data Parties I Have Known: Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Success, Nancy K. Franz
Day to Day Eats: Using an Educational Blog to Extend Nutrition Education, Tyler L. Beale, Chelsea A. Kennard, Jamie S. Dollahite, and Joan D. Paddock
DC Baseline Characterization of Electromigration Samples, Geetha Jayaraman
Deaf Women’s Health Vocabulary: Challenges for Interpreters Working in a Language of Limited Diffusion, George Major and Rachel McKee
Dealing with Extension's Partners: What's Ethical?, Michael A. Schmitt and Stephen B. Castleberry
Debunking the Myth That Technology Is a Barrier for Volunteer Training Delivery, Sheri Dorn and Keri G. Hobbs
Decentralize Your Dollars: Incorporating Participatory Grant Making into Resource Allocation Decisions, Noelle Harden, Jamie Bain, and Stephanie Heim
Decision-Making Tree for Prioritizing Racial Equity in Resource Allocation, Jamie Bain, Noelle Harden, and Stephanie Heim
Decolonization in the Libraries II, Clemson Libraries
Dedicated Test Set Design for a Fan Control Unit Circuit Board, William Charles McManus
Deepening your Engagement with Campus: Faculty and Staff Service Opportunities, Joshua Morgan, Krista Oldham, and Maggie Mason Smith
Deep Learning Frameworks to Improve Inter-Observer Variability in CT Measurement of Solid Tumor, MinJae Woo
Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Decision Support System for Transportation Infrastructure Management under Hurricane Events, Shaopeng Li and Teng Wu
Defining America's military sealift capability: U.S. or foreign flag, 2001, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Defining and Developing Curricula in the Context of Cooperative Extension, Martin H. Smith, Steven M. Worker, Cheryl L. Meehan, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, Andrea Ambrose, Kelley Brian, and Emily Schoenfelder
Defining Audience Segments for Extension Programming Using Reported Water Conservation Practices, Paul Monaghan, Emily Ott, Wendy Wilber, Jessica Gouldthorpe, and Laila Racevskis
Defining Mob Grazing in the Upper Midwestern United States, Anders M. Gurda, Mark J. Renz, and Geoffrey E. Brink
De Lisbeth Salander a la Ertzaintza: Fantasías neoliberales en la serie procedimental de Eva García Sáenz de Urturi, Salvador Oropesa
Delivering Extension to the Living Room Using Internet TV, Grant “Treye” G. Rice III
Delivering Highly-Characterized Low-Dose X-Ray Radiation to Biological Samples, Jaclyn D'Avanzo
Delivering Programs at Worksites: Lessons Learned by Extension Educators, Lucile B. Bearon and Carolyn N. Bird
Delivery of PowerPoint® Videos on the World Wide Web, Steven B. Johnson
Delivery of resource information to local entities in rural areas and small towns, 1998 May, Bruce Ransom
Delphi Survey of Needs for On-Farm Research: Forecasting Changes in a Farm Organization, Elena Yu. Polush, Nancy Grudens-Schuck, Derrick N. Exner, and Robert Karp
Demanding More: 4-H’s Diversity and Inclusion Efforts Are Simply Not Enough, Nicole Webster
Demographic changes and municipalities in South Carolina, 1991 July 15, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Demographic Data for Effective Programming: An Update on Sources and Successful Practice, Katherine J. Curtis, Daniel Veroff, Bill Rizzo, and James Beaudoin
Demographic Factors Affecting the Adoption of Multiple Value-Added Practices by Oklahoma Cow-Calf Producers, Brian R. Williams, Kellie Curry Raper, Eric A. DeVuyst, Derrell Peel, C. P. Murphy, Chris Richards, and Damona Doye
Demographic Factors Influence Environmental Values: A Lawn-Care Survey of Homeowners in New Jersey, Salvatore S. Mangiafico, Christopher C. Obropta, and Elaine Rossi-Griffin
Demonstrating Impact Through Replicable Analysis: Implications of an Evaluation of Arkansas's Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program, Josh Phelps, Allison Brite-Lane, Tina Crook, Reza Hakkak, and Serena Fuller
Demonstrating the Public Value of Extension Forestry Programming Through Benefit Transfer Analysis, Daniel L. Goerlich, John F. Munsell, Heather H. Boyd, and Klaus Moeltner
Demonstration-Based Education Generates Behavior Change Related to Conservation Practices, Alexander J. Smart, Peter J. Bauman, Stan Boltz, and Jeff Hemenway
Demystifying Structure-Property Correlations for Perovskite Oxides Using Machine Learning to Discover Lead-Free Alternatives Solar Cells, Afrid Mazhar Shirsekar
Dense Wave Division Multiplexing Automated System Test, Michael A. Hickey
Desarrollo naturalmente: Un publicación de developing naturally, circa 2005, Thomas D. Potts, Gilberto Bergman Padilla, and Enrique Cabanilla
Description and Educational Impact of Pennsylvania's Manure Hauler and Broker Certification Program, Robert J. Meinen, Dhanushi A. Wijeyakulasuriya, Michael Aucoin, and Johan E. Berger
Design and development of a new Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel at Florida International University, Manuel A. Matus Mr., Karim Mostafa, Hrishikesh Dev Sarma, Brian Schwartz, and Ioannis Zisis
Design and Development of Dyslexia Data Consortium, Roshan Bhandari
Design and Implementation of Stereo Vision Head for Virtualization, Scott H. Mahoney
Design and Studies of CVD Graphene-Based Membranes on Modified Support for Water Treatment Applications, Mansour Saberi
Designated or preferred? A deaf academic and two signed language interpreters working together for a PhD defence: A case study of best practice, Maartje De Meulder, Jemina M. Napier, and Christopher Stone
Design Clarity in Public Outreach Documents: A Guidebook for a First Detector Volunteer Network, Lesley Tylczak, David Andow, Eugene Borgida, and Terrence Hurley
Design, Development and Temporal Evaluation of an MRI-Compatible In-Vitro Circulation Model Using a Compliant AAA Phantom, Mirunalini Thirugnanasambandam, Tejas Canchi, Senol Piskin, Christof Karmonik, Ethan Kung, Prahlad Menon, Stephanie Avril, and Ender A. Finol
Designing a Competency-Based New County Extension Personnel Training Program: A Novel Approach, Cheri Winton Brodeur, Cynthia Higgins, Sebastian Galindo-Gonzalez, Diane D. Craig, and Tyann Haile
Designing a Mobile Farmers Market to Meet Low-Income Consumer Preferences and Needs, Kelly Monaghan, Bruce Waite, David Dinkins, and Tracy Johns
Designing a Regional System of Social Indicators to Evaluate Nonpoint Source Water Projects, Linda Stalker Prokopy, Kenneth Genskow, Jeremiah Asher, and Adam Baumgart-Getz
Designing, Developing, Documenting and Implementing a Factory System Test Process, Douglas S. Mix
Designing Educational Farm Tours to Improve Consumer Trust in Modern Agriculture, Theodore A. Ferris, Julia M. Smith, Mary A. Dunckel, Faith Cullens, and Ashley Kuschel
Designing Educational Newsletter Interventions: An Example That Supported Grandfamilies’ Physical Wellness Needs, Priscilla Brenes and Mary Meck Higgins
Designing Nutrition Education Programs for Somali Audiences: The Role of Cultural and Religious Practices, Sara Van Offelen, Shelley Sherman, Jill 2021-05-01, and Felisha Rhodes
Design Matters in Community Gardens, Lucy Kennedy Bradley, Joanna Massey Lelekacs, Caroline Tilley Asher, and Julieta Trevino Sherk
Design of 32-Bit Arithmetic Processing Unit, Abu Horaira
Design of a Channel-Access Protocol for a Wireless Ad Hoc Network with MIMO and Adaptive Transmission, Yifan Kang
Design of a Cross-Correlation Controller Using Triangle Averaging Multipliers, Luther Lee Joyner
Design of the Module, Daniel Ray Halsey
Detecting Eating Episodes from Daily Patterns of Wrist Motion Using Recurrent Neural Networks, Adam Patyk
Detection and classification of damages to civil infrastructure using a video-monitoring tool, Michael L. Whiteman, Pedro L. Fernández-Cabán, Claudia C. Marin, Jale Tezcan, Xinxing Wu, and Qiang Shawn Cheng
Detection of Delaminations in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers Embedded with Terfenol-D Particles Using Machine Learning, Christopher Nelon
Detergent Considerations for Consumers: Laundering in Hard Water—How Much Extra Detergent Is Required?, Bruce A. Camerson
Determinants of Consumer Decisions in an Online Marketplace: The Decision-Making Process in the Home Improvement Service Domain, Amal Pradeep Ponathil
Determinants of Downtown Image and Retail Patronage: A Case of Fargo, North Dakota, Jaeha Lee and Kwangsoo Park
Determining Extension's Role in Controversial Issues: Content, Process, Neither, or Both?, Dan Georlich and Martha A. Walker
Determining Interest in YouTube Topics for Extension-Authored Video Development, Jane A. Parish and Brandi B. Karisch
Determining the Professional Development Needs of Florida Integrated Pest Management Extension Agents, Matt Benge, Xavier Martini, Lauren M. Diepenbrock, and Hugh A. Smith
Determining What Growers Need to Comply with the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule, Catherine H. Strohbehn, Arlene Enderton, Angela M. Shaw, Bridget Perry, Jacques Overdiep, and Linda Naeve
Developing a Community-Designed Healthy Urban Food System, Julie Fox, Susan Colbert, Mike Hogan, Marilyn Rabe, Christie Welch, and Stacy Haught
Developing a Comprehensive Leadership Program for Extension County Directors, Brandi C. Berven, Allisen Penn, Janet C. Cluck, and Shirley W. Hastings
Developing a Contemporary Dairy Foods Extension Program: A Training and Technical Resource Needs Assessment of Pennsylvania Dairy Foods Processors, Joseph Syrko and Kerry E. Kaylegian
Developing a Customized GIS-Based Spatial Statistics Tool: An Application to Emergency Planning and Response, Brian J. Schilling and Lucas J. Marxen
Developing a Farmers' Market Volunteer Team in Lieu of a Paid Manager, Phil Meeks and Ken Culp III
Developing a High-Value Pima Cotton Production System for South Carolina, Sarah Katherine Holladay
Developing a Marketing Mind-Set: Training and Mentoring for County Extension Employees, Christopher T. Sneed, Amy Hastings Elizer, Shirley Hastings, and Michael Barry
Developing a Master Food Volunteer Continuing Education Program: A Model for Volunteer Capacity Building, Kristina A. Jiles, Melissa Chase, Kathy Hosig, and Sophie Wenzel
Developing and Evaluating the Impact of an Extension-Based Train-the-Trainer Model for Effectively Disseminating Food Safety Education to Middle School Students, Jennifer Richards, Carrie Pratt, Gary T. Skolits, and Janie Burney
Developing and Managing an Advisory Board to Support Extension-Based Centers and Other Programs, Michael A. Kern
Developing and Supporting the Future Extension Professional, Karen J. Argabright, Gregory A. Davis, Cynthia B. Torppa, and Jeff King
Developing an On-Farm Research Network: Published Work for Peers and Producers, Wm. Bruce Clevenger and Harold D. Watters
Developing a Novel Neutron Spectrometer Using the Inverse Bonner Sphere Concept for International Safeguards, Mara Watson
Developing a Parent-Centered Obesity Prevention Program for 4-H Families: Implications for Extension Family Programming, Carrie J. Banke, Sandra J. Bailey, Jill Martz, Lynn Paul, Wesley Lynch, and Galen Eldridge
Developing a Promotional Video, Hannah K. Epley
Developing a Roadmap for Excellence in Extension, Kristine S. Saunders and Diane Reese
Developing a Socio-Ecological Approach to Extension Natural Resources Programming, William A. Warren
Developing a Successful Asynchronous Online Extension Program for Forest Landowners, Kevin W. Zobrist
Developing a theoretical framework for water quality trading in the Saluda-Reedy watershed, South Carolina, 2010 March 1, Jeff Parkey, Stephen Julka, and Robert T. Carey
Developing Business Continuity Plans for County Extension Offices: The Ohio Approach, S Dee Jepsen, Aletha I. Reshan, and Kathy Mann
Developing Culturally Responsive Youth Workers, Ann Walker and Samantha Grant
Developing Economic Assessments in Response to Natural Disasters: A Strategic Plan for Executing Extension's Mission, James M. Fanin and Kurt Guidry
Developing Effective Educational Materials Using Best Practices in Health Literacy, Kelly Niebaum, Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, and Laura Bellows
Developing Expertise through a Deliberate Practice Project, Gertrude Schafer
Developing Herd Health Education for and Assessing Risky Practices of Cow-Calf Producers, Andrew J. Allen, Donald A. Llewellyn, Susan R. Kerr, Tipton D. Hudson, J. Shannon Neibergs, Sarah M. Smith, and Dale A. Moore
Developing Interactive Website Charts for Extension Clientele by Using Google Docs, Emily Caris and Terry Griffin
Developing Internal Partnerships to Enhance a Local Foods Campaign, Stacey Stearns
Developmental Disabilities Training Series, Jeannette Rea Keywood and Michelle F. Brill
Developmental Evaluation for Extension Programs, Joseph L. Donaldson and Karen Franck
Developmental Stages and Work Capacities of Community Coalitions: How Extension Educators Address and Evaluate Changing Coalition Needs, Allison Nichols, Jane Riffe, Terrill Peck, Cheryl Kaczor, Kelly Nix, and Angela Faulkner-Van Deysen
Development and Application of Sustainable Binders Comprising of Fly Ash and Ground Glass Fibers in Portland Cement and Geopolymer Concrete, Omar Alsanusi Amer
Development and Assessment of an Emergency Responder Horse Handling Training Program in Virginia, Shea Porr, Jennifer A. Brown, and Rebecca K. Splan
Development and Evaluation of a Family-Based Cooking and Nutrition Education Program, Lindsey Haynes-Maslow, Lorelei Jones, Lauren Morris, Alyssa Anderson, and Annie Hardison-Moody
Development and Evaluation of an On-Line Educational Module for Volunteer Leaders on Bio-Security in Washington State 4-H Livestock Projects, Jill L. Stevenson, Dale A. Moore, Jerry Newman, Janet L. Schmidt, Sarah M. Smith, Jean Smith, Susan Kerr, Michael Wallace, and Pat Boyes
Development and Evaluation of an On-Line Educational Module for Volunteer Leaders on Bio-Security in Washington State 4-H Livestock Projects, Jill L. Stevenson, Dale A. Moore, Jerry Newman, and Janet L. Schmidt
Development and Evaluation of a Parent-Engagement Curriculum to Connect Latino Families and Schools, Ghaffar A. Hurtado, Kathleen A. Olson, Silvia Alvarez de Davila, and Victoria Campoverde
Development and Evaluation of Recurrent Neural Network-Based Models for Hourly Traffic Volume and Annual Average Daily Traffic Prediction, Zadid Khan, Sakib Mahmud Khan, Kakan Dey, and Mashrur Chowdhury
Development of a Bearing Correction Algorithm for a Line Array of Hydrophones, Rebecca Woodall Henley
Development of a Bilingual Training Tool to Train Dairy Workers on the Prevention and Management of Non-Ambulatory Cows, Ivette N. Roman-Muniz and David C. Van Metre
Development of a Florida Seafood Program Using a Multi-Disciplinary Team, Holly Abeels, Bryan Fluech, Lisa Krimsky, and Brooke Saari
Development of a Food Safety Training for a Prison Farm: Challenges and Solutions, Angela Shaw and Kara Helterbran
Development of a Healthful Weight Management Nutrition Education Curriculum for Low-Income Adults, Sarah Stotz, Laurel Sanville, Caree Cotwright, Rachelle Reed, Mona Habibi, and Jung Sun Lee
Development of a Health Survey Instrument for 5- to 8-Year-Old Youths, Marisa Neelon, Kelley Brian, Anne M. Iaccopucci, Kendra M. Lewis, and Steven M. Worker
Development of a Hybrid Hydrogel Drug Delivery System for Treatment of Ischemic Injury, Andrew DeMaria
Development of a Management Zone Scoring Index & Economic Returns of Grid & Management Zone Soil Sampling in Coastal Plain Soils of the Southeastern United States, Alexander M. Coleman
Development of a Model for Packet Voice, Sandip Kamat-Timble
Development of an Access Algorithm for Traffic Restoration After Link Failures in Packet Switched Networks, Archana Khetan
Development of an Artifact-Based Evaluation Framework for Assessing 4-H Learner Outcomes, Stephen M. Worker
Development of a Statewide Web-Based Pesticide Applicator Certification Exam System, Fred Fishel, Frank Dowdle, Erin Harlow, and Tamara James
Development of a Team-Based On-Farm Learning Program While Challenging Soybean Growers to Increase Yield, Vince M. Davis, Linda S. Kull, and James A. Nelson
Development of a Tissue Engineered Pulmonary Heart Valve for Pediatric Patients, Maria Margarita Rodriguez Bruce
Development of a University Undergraduate Course Sequence About the Extension System, Marc T. Braverman, Katherine Gunter, Robin Galloway, Karlie J. Moore, Brandi Hoel, and Denise Rennekamp
Development of a Wireless Sensor Network for Hurricane Monitoring, J. Wang, J. Sun, J.-P. Pinelli, and S. Lazarus
Development of Conjugated Polymer Nanoparticles for Applications in Superresolution Imaging and Sensors, Muskendol Novoa Delgado
Development of Cutaneotrichosporon oleaginosus to Convert Lignin-Derived Phenolics to Oleochemicals, Allison Yaguchi
Development of Extracellular Vesicle Isolation and Model Systems Toward Early Ovarian Cancer Diagnostics, Tyler Slonecki
Development of Guidelines for Support Structure Design and Placement in Metal Additive Manufacturing, Lucas M. Morand
Development of Standard Test Considering Pressure Equalization for Discontinuous Metal Roof (DMR) Systems, Oscar Lafontaine, Irina Afanasyeva, and David O. Prevatt
Development of Statewide Annual Average Daily Traffic Estimation Model from Short-Term Counts: A Comparative Study for South Carolina, Sakib Mahmud Khan, Sababa Islam, MD Zadid Khan, Mashrur Chowdhury, Nathan Huynh, and Mohammad Torkjazi
Development of the Reliability Catalogue (Relic) Program, Donald F. Jensen
Development Strategies for Online Volunteer Training Modules: A Team Approach, Kari Robideau and Eric Vogel
Diabetes Awareness of Low-Income Middle School Students Participating in the Help a Friend, Help Yourself Youth Diabetes Awareness Education Program, Kathryn Wroten, Elizabeth S. Reames, and Georgiana Tuuri
Diabetes Cooking Schools Improve Knowledge and Skills in Making Healthful Food Choices, Martha Archuleta, Dawn VanLeeuwen, Karen Halderson, Linda Wells, and Margaret Ann Bock
Diagnosis of Myocardial Hypertrophic Disease States Through Machine Learning and Mechanistic Modeling, Michael William Ward
Diagnostic Walkabouts: Seventeen Years of Specialized Training for Horticultural Professionals, Timothy J. Malinich, Jacqueline Kowalski, and Charles Behnke
Differences in flow structures of tornado vortex and efficiency of different tornado chambers, Sumit Verma and Rathinam Panneer Selvam
Differences in the level of emergent care provided to urban and rural counties in South Carolina, 1983 December 12, Mark A. McKnew, Joanna R. Baker, and Don Harwood Jr.
Different Definitions and Great Expectations: Farmers' Market Consumers and Local Foods, Christopher T. Sneed and Ann Fairhurst
Digital Badges in 4-H, Bradley S. Barker, Nancy Valentine, and John (Tony) A. Cook
Digital Modulation Classification Using State-Based Tracking, James P. Kohlbrenner
Direct Determination of Transfer Capability Using the Optimal Power Flow, Jason Lee Marshall
Disaster Preparedness and the Cooperative Extension Service, Lynette Black
Disasters Happen: Identifying Disaster Management Needs of Cooperative Extension System Personnel, Vikram Koundinya, Cristina Chiarella, Susan Kocher, and Faith Kearns
Discover 4-H Clubs: The Essential Resource for 4-H, Stacey MacArthur, Cindy Nelson, Naomi Brower, Margie Memmott, and Gaelynn Peterson
Disengaging a Volunteer: What to Do When Supervision Fails, Ken Culp III and Joyce Doyle
Dislocation Slip and Deformation Twinning in Face Centered Cubic Low Stacking Fault Energy High Entropy Alloys, Mitra Shabanisamghabady
Disruptive Innovation: How Washington State University Is Reaching Urban Audiences, Brad Gaolach, Martha Aitken, and Anthony Gromko
Dissemination of Outreach Education Programs: In-Person and Computer-Mediated Strategies, Alex Kudryatsev, Marianne E. Krasny, and Joseph B. Walther
Dissertation Abstracts, Paul B. Harrelson, Teddi Covey von Pingel, and Amy Williamson
Dissertation Abstracts, Robert Andrew Skinner, Thu Thi Quy Do, and Kierstin Muroski
Dissertation Abstracts, Laurie R. Shaffer, Wei Teng, and Philip Britz
Dissertation Abstracts, Adolfo Gentile, Keith Gamache, and Annette Miner
Dissertation Abstracts, LeWana M. Clark, Naomi Sheneman, Stephen Fitzmaurice, and Krist Adams
Dissertation Abstracts, janis cole, Nicole Lan, and Rosie Henley
Dissertation Abstracts, Helen Slatyer, Vicky Crawley, Yan Ding, and Qianya (Thea) Cheng
Dissertation Abstracts, Sophia Ra and Xin Liu
Dissertation Abstracts, Leah Subak, Danielle Hunt, Daniel Roush, and Mark A. Halley
Dissertation Abstracts, Tom Cox, Julie Rand, and Alysse Rasmussen
Dissertation Abstracts, Victoria Stuard, Kimberly J. Hale, and Linda K. Stauffer Dr.
Dissertation Abstracts, Julie White Armstrong, Joe Mclaughlin, Rebecca Minor Dr., Jessica Bentley Sassaman, Bruce Sofinski, Linda K. Stauffer Dr., Mary Thumann, and Julia Weisenberg
Dissertation Abstracts, Noraini Ibrahim-González, Elizabeth Mendoza, Melissa Smith, Anna-Lena Nilsson, and Risa Shaw
Dissertation Abstracts, Brenda Nicodemus, Maria Cristina Pires Pereira, and Carolyn Ball
Dissertation Abstracts, Dawn Marie Wessling, Laurie Reinhardt, Folami Ford, Agustina Marianacci, and Mónica del Carmen Santana García
Distilling Research into Actionable Knowledge: An Assessment of a Conservation Buffer Guide, Gary Bentrup, Mary Emery, Nikki D’Adamo-Damery, and Cornelia Flora
Diverse Mass Spectrometric Couplings and Applications of the Liquid Sampling–Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge as a Combined Atomic and Molecular Ionization Source, Tyler J. Williams
Diversity Inclusion in 4-H Youth Programs: Examining the Perceptions Among West Virginia 4-H Youth Professionals, Douglas D. LaVergne
Do Beef Production Conferences Affect Beef Producers' Perceptions of Applied Research and Extension Programs?, Mark L. Nelson and Donald Llewellyn
Does Evaluation Competence of Extension Educators Differ by Their Program Area of Responsibility?, Nav R. Ghimire and Robert A. Martin
Does Landowner Awareness and Knowledge Lead to Sustainable Forest Management? A Vermont Case Study, Rene’ H. Germain, Bryan Ellis, and Stephen V. Stehman
Does South Carolina hold the moral ground in lawsuits against tobacco companies?, 1998 October, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Does the General Public Know the Extension Service? A Survey of Ohio Residents, Cäzilla Loibl, Florian Diekmann, and Marvin T. Batte
Does the General Public Relate to the Term "Integrated Pest Management"?, Cheryl A. Wilen, Vincent F. Lazaneo, and Scott Parker
Does Webinar-Based Financial Education Affect Knowledge and Behavior?, Carrie L. Johnson and Joel B. Schumacher
Doğaya bağli turizm işletmeciliğii, circa 2005, Thomas D. Potts
Doing the Work of Extension: Three Approaches to Identify, Amplify, and Implement Outreach, Brian Raison
Do Job Satisfaction and Commitment to the Organization Matter When It Comes to Retaining Employees?, Michael J. Martin and Eric K. Kaufman
Dollars Works 2: The Evolution of a Financial Literacy Program, Cindy M. Peterson, Rosemary K. Heins, and Mary Jo Katras
Domestic capital mobility: A necessary condition for a successful market economy, 1993 March, Hugh Holleman Macaulay and Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Do My Students Know I Don't Like Writing? Shifting Attitudes and Instruction, Anna H. Hall
Do Not Disturb the Flow!, Shunderla Wilson and Brooke A. Whitworth
Don't Get Rode Hard and Put Away Wet, Robin Galloway
Double Play: The Need for 4-H to Partner in Youth Sports, Perry D. Martin and Eric K. Kaufman
Downsizing is a symptom, not the problem, 1999, James C. Hite 1941-
Do You See What I See? Using ELAN for Self-Analysis and Reflection, Della Goswell
Do You YouTube? The Power of Brief Educational Videos for Extension, Sara Langworthy
Drag Coefficients and Wind Loads of Retrofitted Pipe Racks with High Blockage Ratios, S. Ou, W. Pang, and M. Stoner
Drawing On College Student Attitudes and Behaviors to Instigate Energy Efficiency Improvements in Rental Housing, Christopher P. Harvey, Jennee Kuang, Anne Rhodes, and Kevin M. Posman
Drawing Together: Using Sketchbooks to Gain Insight on a Program's Effectiveness, Richard Alomar
Drawing Upon the Wisdom of Merlyn: Using the Logic Chain to Guide Vision-Based Community Planning, Myra Moss and Cindy Bound-Zielinski
Driving Without Directions? Modifying Assignments for Deaf Students in an Interpreter Education Class, Margie English, Brenda S. Nicodemus, and Danielle Hunt
Drones in Extension Programming: Implementation of Adult and Youth Activities, Jason P. de Koff
Dr. Patricia A. Hendricks and the Targeting Life Skills Model: An Oral History, David J. White, S. Todd Williver, Shannon Andress, and Tammy Stuhr
Dwell Retransmissions in Frequency-Hop Spread-Spectrum Communications, Justin P. McNew
Dynamical and Spectral Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation, Antonio Marcello Pierrottet
Dynamic Dialogue in Interpreter Education via VoiceThread, Stacey Webb and Suzanne Ehrlich
Dynamic Modeling and Simulation of Front Wheel Drive Drag Cars, Michael David Knauff
Dynamic Workcell for Industrial Robots, Yanfei Liu
Dz̀ránjyè jīchŭ yóukè chiʼyè; Beginning a bed and breakfast: Guidelines for development, 1990, Thomas D. Potts and Carole Jones Amos
Eagle Adventure: School-Based Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Program Results in Improved Outcomes Related to Food and Physical Activity, Angelina Stovall-Amos, Stephany Parker, Sara Mata, Jill Fox, Teresa Jackson, Sarah Miracle, and Janice Hermann
Early Detection Rapid Response Program Targets New Noxious Weed Species in Washington State, Jennifer E. Andreas, Alison D. Halpern, Wendy C. Descamp, and Timothy W. Miller
Earth day and property rights, 2010, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
East Junction, Matt Alexander, Andrew Bristow, Anthony Rowland, and Tori Wallace
East Washington Square, Semmes Gilmore, Joshua Legarretta, Shiree Reynolds, and Daniel Spivey
Eat, Grow, Lead 4-H: An Innovative Approach to Deliver Campus-Based Field Experiences to Pre-Entry Extension Educators, Penny Pennington Weeks and William G. Weeks
Eating Green: Coverage of the Locavore Movement, Amanda Ruth-McSwain
Eating Smart and Moving More for Head Start: A Pilot Study, Virginia C. Stage, L Suzanne Goodell, Susan Chase, Stephanie McDonald, Archana V. Hegde, Jocelyn Bayles, and Lorelei Jones
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less: A Weight Management Program for Adults, Carolyn Dunn, Kathryn M. Kolasa, Sheree Vodicka, Lori Schneider, Cathy Thomas, Christine Smith, and Carolyn Lackey
Eat Smart, Move More, Weigh Less a Weight Management Program for Adults—Revision of Curriculum Based on First-Year Pilot, Carolyn Dunn, Kathryn M. Kolasa, Sheree Vodicka, Lori Schneider, Cathy Thomas, Christine Smith, and Carolyn Lackey
E-Basics: Online Basic Training in Program Evaluation, Ben Silliman
Economic Activity Analyses: The Need for Consensus, Dylan J. Kirk, Kevin P. Allen, and David W. Shideler
Economically Disadvantaged Minority Girls' Knowledge and Perceptions of Science and Engineering and Related Careers, Hui-Hui Wang and Barbara L. Billington
Economic and demographic trends in Greenwood County, South Carolina, 2006 January, Ellen Weeks Saltzman, G. Michael Mikota, and Charles D. Taylor
Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Refugees in Central Iowa: Opportunities for University Extension, Anindita Das and Biswa Das
Economic and fiscal impacts of the nonprofit sector in South Carolina, 2008 January, Robert T. Carey
Economic Impact Analysis of 4-H Youth Livestock Projects Using IMPLAN, Amy Harder and Alan W. Hodges
Economic Impact of a Large-Scale, Collaborative Forest Health Project: A Model for Making a Difference, John D. Kushla, Stephen G. Dicke, James E. Henderson, Jason Gordon, Andrew J. Londo, and James Meeker
Economic impact of ubiquitous wireless internet in South Carolina, 2007 January, Robert T. Carey and Camilla Hertwig
Economic Implications of Wildlife Considerations in Timber Management, Robert Jarred Sparks, Susan T. Guynn, and Puskar Khanal
Economic variables the influence plantation sustainability in South Carolina's coastal zone, circa 2000, Carolyn Reynolds
Edible Insect Workshop Engages Public in Sustainable Food Conversation, James Jasinski, Ashley Kulhanek, and Kate Shumaker
Editorial: And so it goes..., Jemina Napier
Editorial Community Interpreting Research: A Critical Discussionof Training and Assessment, Jemina M. Napier
Editorial: Creating Connections Between Inquiry and Education, Ineke Crezee and George Major
Editorial: Education, educating, educational..., Jemina Napier
Editorial Evidence-Based Pedagogy, Jemina M. Napier
Editorial From Classroom to Professional Practice: The Challenging Nature of Our Work, Ineke Crezee and George Major
Editorial: Interpreter education for the changing world, Ineke Crezee and George Major
Editorial: Interpreter Education Within and Outside of the Classroom, George Major and Ineke Crezee
Editorial Intersecting Interpreting Modalities, Jemina M. Napier
Editorial Putting Interpreter Educators to the TEST: Testing, Ethics, and Technology, Jemina M. Napier
Editorial: Research Underpinning and Informing Interpreter Education, Ineke Crezee and George Major
Editorial: Shared Learning Between Spoken and Signed Language Interpreters and Students, George Major and Ineke Crezee
Editorial: The Real Voyage of Discovery, Jemina Napier
Editorial: The Voice of Interpreter Educators, George Major and Ineke Crezee
Editorial: Travel, Technology and Professional Connections, George Major and Ineke Crezee
Editor's Note, Virginia Smith
Educating Black Collegians: Examining the Influence of Blackness on Educational Outcomes Related to Life and Career Perspectives, DeOnte Teaon Brown
Educating Farmers' Market Consumers on Best Practices for Retaining Maximum Nutrient and Phytonutrient Levels in Local Produce, Robin A. Ralston, Morgan Orr, Linnette M. Goard, Christopher A. Taylor, and Dan Remley
Educating Idahoans to Make Their Own Estate Planning Decisions, Lyle Hansen, Beverly Healy, Karen Richel, and Marilyn Bischoff
Educating Immigrant Hispanic Foodservice Workers About Food Safety Using Visual-Based Training, Lakshman Rajagopal
Education accountability, school report card ratings, and Spudd Webb: The goal really is higher for some than for others, 2007, H. Gregory Hawkins
Educational Preferences of West Virginia's Female Woodland Owners, Tiffany Fegel, David W. McGill, Kathryn A. Gazal, and David Smaldone
Educational Value of Horsemanship Clinics to Youth and Adult Riders, Clay A. Cavinder, Teri J. Antilley, Gary Briers, Dennis Sigler, Deann Davidson, and Pete G. Gibbs
Education and economic development in South Carolina, 2000 July, Douglas P. Woodward, Harry W. Miley, and Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Education in South Carolina: A capital investment for all, 2009 July, Donna S. London and Jeff Parkey
Education in the Face of Controversy: When Water and Politics Mix, Teresa Welch and William S. Braunworth Jr
Education Needs of Michigan Farmers, Muari Suvedi, Eunseong Jeong, and John Coombs
Education reform in the United States, 1991 July, J. Stanley Marshall (James Stanley) 1923-2014
Educators or Facilitators? Clarifying Extension's Role in the Emerging Local Food Systems Movement, Brian Raison
Educators Teach Effective Hand Washing with a Simplified Method, Julie Buck, Surine Greenway, Katie Hoffman, and Grace Wittman
Effective Communication of 4-H Program Essentials to 4-H Families, Kendra M. Lewis, John Borba, Russell D. Hill, and JoLynn C. Miller
Effective Engagement with Latino Youths and Communities, Fe Moncloa, Claudia Diaz-Carrasco, Russell Hill, and Nancy Erbstein
Effectively Communicating Science to Extension Audiences, Patrick Robinson
Effectively Conducting Field Days While Responding to Unprecedented External Restrictions, Jacqueline Comito, Elizabeth Ripley, Mark A. Licht, and Adam K. Janke
Effectiveness of Nutrient Management Plans on Vermont Dairy Farms, Heather Darby, Philip Halterman, and Debra Heleba
Effectiveness of the 4-H Program as Perceived by Parents of 4-H Participants, Rama Radhakrishna, Caitlin Foley, Patreese Ingam, and John C. Ewing
Effectiveness of Webinars as Educational Tools to Address Horse Industry Issues, Kate E. Pulec, Christine D. Skelly, Colleen M. Brady, Elizabeth A. Greene, and Kathleen P. Anderson
Effective Regional Community Development, Rebecca Nesbitt and Rose Fisher Merkowitz
Effective Strategies for Teaching Consecutive Interpreting, Debra Russell
Effective Use of Facebook for Extension Professionals, Mark Mains, Brooke Jenkins-Howard, and Laura Stephenson
Effect of Aging Time on Stiffness in Acid Catalyzed Silica Sol-Gels, Satya Kalidindi
Effect of Carbon Black Electrocatalyst Thickness and Composition on Electrosynthesis of Hydrogen Peroxide on Gas Diffusion Electrodes, Lauren Marie Schmidt
Effect of Dairy Beef Quality Assurance Training on Dairy Worker Knowledge and Welfare-Related Practices, Ashley E. Adams, Jason K. Ahola, Mireille Chahine, and I. Noa Roman-Muniz
Effect of Nonlinear Loads on Power System Harmonics, Durgesh P. Manjure
Effect of Series Compensation on Voltage Instability Problems, Faith Hamzaoglu
Effect of the Leaky Bucket Policing Mechanism on the Self-Similar Nature of Atm Traffic, Harshad Vinay Kolte
Effects of Colony Creation Method and Beekeeper Education on Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Mortality, Dale Moore, John Wenz, Claudia Coles, and Paul Kohrs
Effects of Colony Creation Method and Beekeeper Education on Honeybee (Apis mellifera) Mortality, J Reed Findlay, Benjamin Eborn, and Wayne Jones
Effects of Exogenous Glucocorticoid Infusion at Birth on Appetitic Center Brain Development During Early Postnatal Life and Its Impact on Voluntary Feed Intake in Beef Cattle, Keelee Jae McCarty
Effects of Functional Training on Functional Movement and Stability Among Female Collegiate Club Lacrosse Athletes, Shelby A. Broughton
Effects of Phase Decomposition on the Strength Of CoCrFeMnNi High Entropy Alloy, Fredrick Christopher Monroe
Effects of Queen Source and Age of Colony on Nosema (Nosema, apis) Spore Load in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera), J Reed Findlay
Effects of Seasonal Variability on the Mobility of 137Cs in an Abandoned Reactor Cooling Pond, Jessica Wheeler
Effects of Virtual Human in Dyadic and Crowd Settings on Emotion, Visual Attention and Task Performance in Interactive Simulations, Matias Volonte
Effects of white-tailed deer herbivory on upland hardwood plant communities in the Piedmont of South Carolina, Calvin N. Norman, John Thrift, Susan T. Guynn, David C. Guynn Jr, and Donald Hagan
Efficiency improvement and discussion of grid effects on DSRFG method, Xiangjie Wang and Steve C. S. Cai
Efficient Automated Driving Strategies Leveraging Anticipation and Optimal Control, Robert Austin Dollar
EFNEP and SNAP-Ed Initial Paraprofessional Training Materials and Methods, Charlene Byington and Susan Baker
EFNEP Reaches Refugee Youth Using a Mobile Van, Linda S. Gossett
Elderberry Syrup: The Food Safety and Regulation Requirments for Making and Selling, Adair Hoover
e-Learning for 4-H Volunteers: Who Uses It, and What Can We Learn from Them?, Kristy L. Ouellette, Marilyn K. Lesmeister, Jennifer Lobley, and Kerry M. Gross
E-Learning Nutrition Education Program for Low-Income Adults: Perspectives of Key Stakeholders, Sarah Stotz, Jung Sun Lee, Hui Rong, and Deborah Murray
Electrical Characterization of Polyaniline, Ashutosh M. Malshe
Electronic Commerce Adoption in the Hardwood Industry, Kathryn G. Arano and Ben Spong
Electronic Integrated Pest Management Program: An Educational Resource for Extension and Agricultural Producers, Erik Resel and Shannon Arnold
Electron-rich Alkynes and Azodicarboxylates Chemistry Towards Vicinal Diamine Motif Containing Small Molecules and N-Heterocycles, Chandima Jeewantha Narangoda
El sacrificio del cordero. Algaida, Salvador Oropesa
El Salvador: Roots of the crisis, 1984 June 7, Ralph Lee Woodward Jr.
El Salvador: Roots of the current crisis: Proceedings of a roundtable discussion, 1984 February 13, Ralph Lee Woodward Jr.
Embracing Diversity and Inclusion: An Organizational Change Model to Increase Intercultural Competence, Fe Moncloa, Shannon J. Horrillo, Dorina Espinoza, and Russell Hill
Embracing Scientific and Engineering Practices in 4-H, Steven M. Worker
Embracing the Climate Change Skeptic, Kim Dixon
Emergence Morris Brown, Mark Stuermann, Shayda Pourmand, Drew Niedermier, and Matthew Fuller
Emergency Exercise Participation and Evaluation, Julie Smith, Lynette Black, and Linda Williams
Emergency Food Programs: Untapped Opportunities for Extension?, Amy R. Mobley
Emergency Food Programs: Untapped Opportunities for Extension?, Amy R. Mobley
Emphasizing Extension's Unbiased, Research-Based Recommendations Is Critical, C. Dale Monks, Austin Hagan, and Kassie Conner
Empirical Questionnaire Methods for Fund-Raising Campaign Preparedness in Extension, Catherine Comley Adams, Douglass A. Butler, and Kaleb Esplin
Empowering Teens to Make a Difference in Their At-Risk Community, Lisa Rothenburger and Alayne Torretta
Empowering Youth to Take Charge of School Wellness, Luanne J. Hughes, LeeAnne Savoca, and Alexandra Grenci
Encountering Change: Job Satisfaction of Sign Language Interpreters in Finland, Liisa Martikainen, Petri Karkkola, and Matti Kuittinen
Encounters in Placelessness, Carolyn Grace Kerecman
Encouraging Rain Garden Installation with a Smart Phone App, Michael Dietz and David Dickson
Encouraging Shifts in Preservice Teachers’ Beliefs About Writing and Plans for Future Instruction, Anna H. Hall, Qianyi Gao, and Shanna Hirsch
Encystation and Glycogen Metabolism in Entamoeba histolytica, Jordan Lynne Wesel
Energy Education Incentives: Evaluating the Impact of Consumer Energy Kits, Sarah D. Kirby, Autumn Guin, and Laura Langham
Energy Efficiency: An Experiential-Based Energy Unit for Youth Ages 13-18, Myken D. Poorman and Nicole Webster
Energy Transformation: Teaching Youth About Energy Efficiency While Meeting Science Essential Standards, Sarah D. Kirby and Amy G. Chilcote
E-Newsletters: A Simple Way to Integrate Technology with Extension Programming, Luke Erickson and Lyle Hansen
Engagement in Extension Professional Associations: Tennessee Extension Professionals' Attitudes and Perceptions, Justin Thomas, Christopher T. Stripling, Carrie A. Stephens, and Laura Stephenson
Engagement of Health Volunteers: A Promising Approach for Meeting Community Needs, Lisa T. Washburn
Engage Stakeholders in Program Evaluation: Throw Them a Party!, Kendra M. Lewis, Timothy Ewers, Marianne Bird, and Tamekia Wilkins
Engage the Future: The New Extension Learners, Sam Angima and Ashley M. Stokes
Engaging and Training Professionals to Implement Family Strengthening Programs: Lessons Learned, Andrea Scarrow, Nicholas E. Fuhrman, and Ted G. Futris
Engaging Civil Engineering Students in Their Sophomore Year with a "Capstone-Like" Experience: The Anatomy of Springer 1, Mehdi Nassim Benaissa
Engaging College Students in Experiential Learning Opportunities within Extension, Tonya Johnson, Tina Dodge Vera, Veronica Irvin, and Karen Elliott
Engaging Corporate Partners to Build Your 4-H Program: Tips for Success, Marissa Staffen, Amanda Meek, Beth Hecht, and Patricia Anderson
Engaging Emerging Populations of Adults with Interactive Activities in a 3D Virtual Learning Environment, Kristin Woods
Engaging Farmers and the Agriculture Industry Through the Testing Agricultural Performance Solutions Program, Charles A. Burr, Daran R. Rudnick, Matt C. Stockton, Robert Tigner, and Krystle Rhoades
Engaging Latino Audiences in Out-of-School Programs About Science, Brett L. Bruyere and Guadalupe Salazar
Engaging Latino Communities from the Ground Up: Three Tools, Nancy Erbstein, Fe Moncloa, Stacy Shwartz Olagundoye, Claudia Diaz-Carrasco, and Russell Hill
Engaging Learners Through Collaborative Learning: Leadership Development of County Extension Directors and Lessons Learned, Patricia Sobrero and KSU Jayaratne
Engaging Participants Without Leaving the Office: Planning and Conducting Effective Webinars, Julie Robinson and Mary Poling
Engaging Residents in Participatory Photomapping and Readiness Conversations to Address the Rural Obesogenic Context, Kirstin D. Jensen, Kathee Tifft, Tammy Winfield, Kathy Gunter, Grace Goc Karp, and Deborah H. John
Engaging Stakeholders in Extension Strategic Planning, Jeremy Elliott-Engel, Donna Westfall-Rudd, and Chelsea Corkins
Engaging Teens and Adults in Mindfulness: The University of California 4-H Mindfulness Retreat, Kendra M. Lewis, Anne M. Iaccopucci, and Katherine E. Soule
Engaging the Engagers: Implications for the Improvement of Extension Work Design, William S. Weyhrauch, Satoris S. Culbertson, Maura J. Mills, and Clive J. Fullager
Engendering Behavior Change Through Single-Session Workshops: Lessons Learned from Extension's Private Well Initiative, Alyson McCann and Arthur J. Gold
Engineering Design Challenge, Lindsay B. Wheeler, Brooke A. Whitworth, and Amanda L. Gonczi
Engineering of Robust Enzymes and Their Production in the Non-Conventional Oleaginous Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica, Weigao Wang
Enhancing Both Cooperative Extension and National Environmental Education Resources, Martha C. Monroe
Enhancing Cluster Effects to Reduce Regional Labor-Supply Gaps: An Example in South Carolina, Lori A. Dickes and Kenneth L. Robinson
Enhancing Extension and Research Activities Through the Use of Web GIS, Noel M. Estwick, Richard W. Griffin, Annette A. James, and Samuel G. Roberson
Enhancing Food Safety: Reaching a Large and Diverse Population Through Online Certification, Chris Reinhardt and Dan Thomson
Enhancing Knowledge and Agreement Among Ethnically and Economically Diverse Couples in Stepfamilies with the Smart Steps: Embrace the Journey Program, Brian Higginbotham and Francesca Adler-Baeder
Enhancing research and practice in early childhood through formative and design experiments, Barbara A. Bradley and David Reinking
Enhancing the Wind Performance of Civil Infrastructure Through “Online” Cyber-Physical Wind Tunnel Simulation, Pedro L. Fernández-Cabán
Enhancing Volunteer Effectiveness with Google Apps, Bryan D. Terry, Amy M. Harder, and Tonia Zyburt
Enrollment model proposal executive summary, 2007, Author Unknown
Enrollment, Retention, and Activity in an Online Master Gardener Course, Gail Ann Langellotto-Rhodaback
Ensuring a competitive revenue system for South Carolina: Findings and conclusions from an evaluation of the South Carolina revenue system, 2005 November 18, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Ensuring Data Quality in Extension Research and Evaluation Studies, Rama Radhakrishna, Daniel Tobin, Mark Bressman, and Joan Thomson
Ensuring Food Safety as Demand for Improved Food System Efficiency Increases, Abigail Snyder, Kate Shumaker, and Nicole Nelsen
"Enthusiastic Jew and Lover of Humanity": August Bondi and the Roots of Transnational Freedom During the Long Nineteenth Century, Matthew Christopher Long
"Enthusiastic Jew and Lover of Humanity": August Bondi and the Roots of Transnational Freedom during the Long Nineteenth Century, Matthew Christopher Long
Entrepreneurial Checklist Tool for Beginning Farm and Home-Based Businesses, AR Rafie and Theresa Nartea
Entrepreneurial Extension Conducted via Social Media, Sarah Cornelisse, Jeffrey Hyde, Christopher Raines, Kathleen Kelley, Dana Ollendyke, and James Remcheck
Environmental Project Provides Work Experience for Rural Youth, Amy L. Meier, Marilyn Smith, and Janet Usinger
Envisioning New Roles for Land-Grant University Extension: Lessons Learned from Climate Change Outreach in the Midwest, Linda Stalker Prokopy and Rebecca Power
Equine-Assisted Services: Current State and the Role of Recreational Therapy, Kaylin Ashley Woods
Equine Gastric Ulcers; a Pilot Study: Associated Biomarkers and Polysaccharide Supplementation as a Solution, Peyton Victoria Svagerko
Equine Owner Knowledge and Implementation of Conservation Practices, Jennfier M. Marriott, Amy Shober, Paul Monaghan, and Christine Wiese
Equivalence: A Crucial Financial Concept for Extension, Consumer, and Investor Education, Thomas J. Straka
Essays on Capital Expenditure, Business Model, and Operating Performance in the Global Semiconductor Industry, Guangshun Qiao
Essays on Children's Health, Maternal Outcomes, and Teen Childbearing, Shubhashrita Basu
Essays on Law Enforcement Incentives, Shannon R. Graham
Essays on Response to Entry Threats, Jaejeong Shin
Essays on Urban and Rural Economic Growth, Adam M. Witham
Essential elements of a Republic of China maritime policy, 1989 September, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Establishing a Common Language: The Meaning of Research-Based and Evidence-Based Programming (in the Human Sciences), Debra M. Sellers, Lisa M. Schainker, Peggy Lockhart, and Hsiu Chen Yeh
Establishing an Agricultural Summit, Don McMoran and Charlie Gunderson
Estimated impact of Artisphere 2015 on Greenville County, 2015 May 29, Robert T. Carey and Robert Brookover
Estimating Local Food Capacity in Publicly Funded Institutions, Andrew J. Knight and Hema M. Chopra
Estimating Retail Development Capacity: Gap Analysis in Action, Aaron J. Nousaine and G Jason Jolley
Estimating Thermonuclear Supernovae Rates in the Local Universe, Brianne Dunn
Estimation and Characterization of Nonstationary Inelastic Crosswind Responses of Base-Isolated Tall Buildings, Changda Feng and Xinzhong Chen
Ethnic Crop Opportunities for Growers on the East Coast: A Demand Assessment, Ramu Govindasamy, Richard Van Vranken, William Sciarappa, and Albert Ayeni
Evaluate Naturally and Quickly with Just-in-Time Program Evaluation, Nancy K. Franz, John F. Munsell, Tiffany N. Brown, and Holly K. Chittum
Evaluating Adolescent Satisfaction of a 4-H Leadership Development Conference, Steven M. Worker
Evaluating an Integrated Nutrition and Parenting Education Program for Preschoolers and Their Parents, YaeBin Kim
Evaluating a Regional Administrative Model, Molly Engle and Deborah Maddy
Evaluating Common Measures 2.0 in 4-H: Intra- and Interpersonal Skills Predict Engaged Citizenship, Shane A. Kavanaugh and Brenda S. Allen
Evaluating Continuing Education Needs and Program Effectiveness Using a Survey of Virginia's SHARP Logger Program Participants, Scott M. Barnett, M Chad Bolding, and John F. Munsel
Evaluating Drivers’ Understanding of Automotive Symbols Related to Powertrain and Advanced Driver Assistant Systems, Breno Schwambach Costa
Evaluating Extension Impact on a Nationwide Level: Focus on Programs or Concepts?, Dena K. Wise
Evaluating for Impact: Professional Development Educational Content Delivery Through Learning Communities, Sarah Baughman, Mary Arnold, Heather H. Boyd, and Nancy K. Franz
Evaluating Fungicide Recommendations for Vegetable Crops in the United States: Should More Be Done to Limit the Risks of Fungicide Resistance Development?, Andy Wyenandt and Nancy L. Maxwell
Evaluating Horticultural Site Visits and Individual Teaching Activities in Extension, Laura A. Warner
Evaluating Impacts of Five Years of Beginning Farmer Webinar Training, Frank A. Wardynski, James D. Isleib, and Cheryl L. Eschbach
Evaluating Impacts of School-Based Extension Garden Programs from a Child's Perspective, Mary T. Rodriguez, Alexa J. Lamm, Erica Odera, and Courtney Owens
Evaluating Multiple Prevention Programs: Methods, Results, and Lessons Learned, Francesca Adler-Baeder, Jennifer Kepleman, Melody M. Griffin, and David G. Schramm
Evaluating Nutrition Education Programming by Using a Dietary Screener, Jennifer Schultz and Ruth Litchfield
Evaluating Pea (Pisum sativum L.) for Nutritional Traits and Implications for Organic Agriculture and Biofortification, Sarah Powers
Evaluating Peer Impacts of a Master Forest Owner Volunteer Program, Shorna Broussard Allred, Cary R. Goff, Laura P. Wetzel, and Miles K. Luo
Evaluating Promotional Efforts for Driving Traffic to an Extension Outreach Website, Tim Campbell, Bret Shaw, Amulya Rao, and Jenna Klink
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Sustainable Living Education Program, Sarah Mazze and Jean Stockard
Evaluating the Effects of Temperature and Photoperiod on the Flowering Responses of Poinsettia, Michael John Alden
Evaluating the Feasibility of a Gardening and Nutrition Intervention with a Matched Contact-Control Physical Activity Intervention Targeting Youth, Ramine Alexander, Jennie Hill, Karissa Grier, Lorien MacAuley, Alisa McKenzie, Tadashi Totten, Kathleen Porter, and Jamie M. Zoellner
Evaluating the Georgia Master Naturalist Program, Lauren (Ninke) Hildreth and Michael T. Mengak
Evaluating the Impact of Cooperative Extension Outreach via Twitter, Barbara O’Neil
Evaluating the Mentor-Mentee Relationship in the 4-H Tech Wizards Program, Andy Toelle, Bryan D. Terry, Brent Broaddus, and Heather Kent
Evaluating the Structure, Demographics, and Effectiveness of the Mississippi Master Naturalist Program, Sarah Cunningham, Eric Sparks, and Adam Rohnke
Evaluating Utah's Rural Online Initiative: Empowering Rural Communities Through Remote Work, Paul Hill, Amanda D. Ali, Lendel K. Narine, Debra Spielmaker, and Andrea Schmutz
Evaluating Your Environmental Education Programs: A Workbook for Practitioners—A Book Review, Corina Isabel Guevara
Evaluation Checklists for Agritourism and Direct Marketing Operations: Farmer and Extension Resources, Michelle Infante-Casella, William Bamka, Stepehn Komar, Meredith Melendez, Meredith Melendez, and Lucas Marxen
Evaluation of a Cooperative Extension Curriculum in Florida: Food Modification for Special Needs, Wendy J. Dahl, Amanda L. Ford, Allyson Radford, and Nancy J. Gal
Evaluation of a Cooperative Extension Service Curriculum on Empowering Older Adults with Assistive Technology to Grocery Shop, Prepare Food, and Eat, Janice R. Hermann, Jan. H. Johnston, Whitney A. Brosi, and Linda Jaco
Evaluation of Adobe® Presenter as a Teaching Tool, Michelle Grabowski
Evaluation of a multi-fidelity simulation framework for predicting wind pressure loads on buildings, Themistoklis Vargiemezis and Catherine Gorlé
Evaluation of an Electronic Horse Owner Newsletter, Krishona Martinson, Elizabeth Gilkerson Wieland, and Tom Bartholomay
Evaluation of a New Nutrition Education Curriculum and Factors Influencing Its Implementation, Justine R. Hoover, Peggy A. Martin, and Ruth E. Litchfield
Evaluation of an Extension-Delivered Resource for Accelerating Progress in Childhood Obesity Prevention: The BEPA-Toolkit, Katherine B. Gunter, Patrick Abi Nader, Amanda Armington, John C. Hicks, and Deborah John
Evaluation of an Interactive Workshop Designed to Teach Practical Welfare Techniques to Beef Cattle Caretakers and Decision Makers, Renee Dewell, Christy Hanthorn, Jared Danielson, Rebecca Burzette, Johann F. Coetzee, Dee Griffin, Alejandro Ramirez, and Grant A. Dewell
Evaluation of Components of Volunteerism in Master Horseman Program Graduates, Neely Walker, Melissa Cater, Debra Davis, and Janet Fox
Evaluation of In Situ Bioremediation of 1, 4-Dioxane Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions, Angel Alejandro Ramos Garcia
Evaluation of HACCP Training Under the Grade "A" Dairy HACCP Core Curriculum, Steven C. Murphy
Evaluation of Juntos 4-H: A Wraparound Program Helping Latinx High Schoolers Succeed, Andrew O. Behnke, Diana M. Urieta, Siyu Duan, and Zach Lewis
Evaluation of Lateral Railroad Track Deformation by the Finite Element Method., Stephanie C. Menon
Evaluation of Long-Term Boron Leaching Rates in Industrial Grade and Laboratory Created Coal Ash, Allison McLane
Evaluation of Methanotrophic Biodegradation of TCE at Low pH, Nicholas Anthony Szwast
Evaluation of On-Farm Food Safety Programming in Pennsylvania: Implications for Extension, Roshan Nayak, Daniel Tobin, Joan Thomson, and Rama Radhakrishna
Evaluation of Physical Parameters and Building Adaptation and Demolition Outcomes, Delaney McFarland
Evaluation of Plant Hormones on Herbicide Safety in Sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.), Giovanni Caputo
Evaluation of Radon Outreach Programming in Chaffee and Park Counties, Colorado, Kurt M. Jones
Evaluation of Strategies for Treatment of Complex Waste Mixtures at an Industrial Site in South America, Jimena Paola Jimenez Garcia
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program, Carolyn Breece and Ramesh Sagili
Evaluation of the eOrganic Webinar Program, Alice Krinsky Formiga, Alexandra Stone, Debra Heleba, and John McQueen
Evaluation of the Leadership Institute: A Program to Build Individual and Organizational Capacity Through Emotional Intelligence, Claire Yeuh-Ti Chen, Jeff King, Graham R. Cochran, and Karen J. Argabright
Evaluation report: Aiken/Edgefield/Saluda Counties regional sewer line infrastructure demonstration project, 1998 May, Bruce Ransom and Mark Colburn
Evaluation Strategies in Financial Education: Evaluation with Imperfect Instruments, Lauren Robinson, Rebekka Dudensing, and Nancy L. Granovsky
Evaluation Tool for Collecting Statewide Outcomes for Single-Session Programs, Angela Abbott, Lisa Graves, and Stephanie Woodcox
“Everyone Here Spoke Sign Language”, Nora Groce
Evidence-Based Programming: What Is a Process an Extension Agent Can Use to Evaluate a Program's Effectiveness?, Robert J. Fetsch, David MacPhee, and Luann K. Boyer
Evidence-Based Programming Within Cooperative Extension: How Can We Maintain Program Fidelity While Adapting to Meet Local Needs?, Jonathn R. Olson, Janet A. Welsh, and Daniel F. Perkins
Evidence of Impact: Examination of Evaluation Studies Published in the Journal of Extension, Jeffrey D. Workman and Scott D. Scheer
Exact Controllability and Inverse Problem for the Mindlin-Timoshenko System, Jason Alexander Kurz
Examination of Attitude and Interest Measures for 4-H Science Evaluation, Kendra M. Lewis and Steven M. Worker
Examination of gust effect factor for side walls of rigid low-, mid-, and high-rise buildings, Jin Wang and Gregory Kopp
Examining Consumer Attitudes and Cultural Indicators Surrounding Local Food, Joy N. Rumble and Lisa K. Lundy
Examining eXtension: Diffusion, Disruption, and Adoption Among Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Professionals, Cayla Taylor and Greg Miller
Examining Information Search Strategies of Ohio Farmers, Florian Diekmann and Marvin T. Batte
Examining Predictors of Implementation Quality in an Emerging International Extension Context, Ryan J. Gagnon and Jonathan Pettigrew
Examining Religious and Spiritual Commitment Across Late-Adolescence and Young Adulthood, Thomas Ray Clanton
Examining Teacher Reflection in a Multimodal Composition about Identity, Hazel Vega and Golnaz Arastoopour Irgens
Examining the Entrepreneurial Leadership Propensities of Extension Educators, Ashley Jeffers-Sample, Matthew M. Mars, Amber H. Rice, and Robert M. Torres
Examining the Everyday Life of Child Care Workers: How Low Wages and the Lack of Benefits Affect Their Lives and Decisions About Employment, Amanda Megan McDougald Scott
Examining the Impact of Community Size on the Retention of County Extension Agents, Jeffery Young and Kenneth Jones
Examining the Potential Role of Descriptive Norms in Landscape Water Conservation Programs, Laura A. Warner and Wayne H. Hobbs
Examining the Types of Capital Benefits Afforded to Low-Income Individuals by Adult Financial Literacy Programs, Dustin Tyler Love
Excel-Based Computational Template for Irrigation Scheduling Using Dual Crop Coefficients, Younggu Her, Kelly T. Morgan, and Qingren Wang
Existing Data Sources as Tools for Entry-Stage Extension Professionals, Olivia Caillouet, Matt Benge, and Amy Harder
Exit Surveying of Interns: Demonstrating Impact on Young Professionals, Cara Muscio
Expanding Cooperative Extension's Audience: Establishing a Relationship with Cowboy Church Members, Katy Williams, Robert Strong, and Landry Lockett
Expanding Global Mindedness Through a 4-H International Village, Susan D. Seal, Donna J. Peterson, Chieko Iwata, Carolina Kobia, and Raja Reddy
Expanding Pollinator Habitats Through a Statewide Initiative, Becky Griffin and Kris Braman
Expanding Reach of Extension Programming Through Partnerships with State Park Naturalists, Rebecca Koetz, Veronica Bullock, Nicholas Burgmeier, Angie Manuel, and Rod Williams
Expanding the Reach of Extension Through Social Media, Laurie W. Gharis, Robert E. Bardon, Jennifer L. Evans, William G. Hubbard, and Eric Taylor
Expanding the Reach of Extension to Underserved Audiences Through Study Circles in Rural Idaho, Melissa Cummins, Barbara Petty, Lyle Hansen, Katie Hoffman, and Grace Wittman
Experience Bees: Community Outreach Tool for Bee Conservation Efforts, Marisol Mata, Danesha Seth Carley, April Hamblin, and Jean-Jacques Dubois
Experiential Cooking Programs for Low-Income Adults: Strategies for Success, Karen Franck, Michelle Vineyard, Ann Olson, and Ashley Peterson
Experiential Learning for Extension Professionals: A Cross-Cultural Immersion Program, Jenna B. Daniel, Dennis Duncan, Maria Navarro, and Nick Fuhrman
Experimental and computational modeling of ember hot-spots on roofs during wildland fires, Dac Nguyen and Nigel Kaye
Experimental Evaluation of System Identification Techniques and Development of a Bayesian Damage Detection Strategy for Drive-By Health Monitoring, William Robert Locke
Experimental Investigation of the Aerodynamics and Wind Loading of Buildings with Balconies, Lisette Ludena, Maryam Asghari Mooneghi, Arindam Gan Chowdhury, and Peter Irwin
Experimental Methods to Capture Curing Induced Effects in Adhesive Bonded Joints, Akshat Agha and Fadi Abu-Farha
Experts, Extension, and Democracy: A Prospectus for a New Urban Grant, John S. Jacob
Exploiting Multi Stability of Compliant Locking Mechanism for Reconfigurable Articulation in Robotic Arm, Troy Justin Carhart
Exploration of Dairy Calf Management Practices and Educational Needs in Vermont, Mia Cosentino and Julia M. Smith
Exploration of Engaged Practice in Cooperative Extension and Implications for Higher Education, Karen A. Vines
Explore Your World: Professional Development in an International Context, Amy Harder, Alexa Lamm, and Pete Vergot III
Exploring Agents' Philosophies of Adult Education and Perceptions of the Role of Extension, Jackson Alexander, Kenda S. Grover, and Shelly Walters
Exploring Alternatives to Quantum Nonlocality, Indrajit Sen
Exploring Community Partnerships in Agricultural and Extension Education, Brenda Seevers and Kristin Stair
Exploring Employee Readiness for Change in a State Extension System, Kirk Bloir and Scott D. Scheer
Exploring Extension Involvement in Farm to School Program Activities, Matthew C. Benson
Exploring kindergarten teachers’ classroom practices and beliefs in writing, Ying Guo, Cynthia Puranik, Megan Schneider Dinnesen, and Anna H. Hall
Exploring Longleaf Pine Restoration in the Sandhills of South Carolina, Elizabeth Eleanor Johnson
Exploring Options for Local Foods Campaigns, Stacey Stearns
Exploring Organizational Factors Related to Extension Employee Burnout, Amy Harder, Jessica Gouldthrope, and Jeff Goodwin
Exploring practices of science coordinators participating in targeted professional development, Brooke A. Whitworth, Jennifer L. Maeng, and Randy L. Bell
Exploring Producer Innovation Adoption Using an Extension-Led Trialing Program, Brittany A. Bowman, Marina D. Denny, and Amanda E. Stone
Exploring Remote Interpreting, Erica Alley
Exploring Student Perspectives on Informal and Formal Learning in University Makerspaces, Abigail Holcombe Baker
Exploring the Effectiveness of a Retreat Method for Extension Staff, Steven M. Worker, Russell D. Hill, JoLynnn C. Miller, Charles G. Go, and Rita J. Boyes
Exploring the Positive Impact of 4-H Camp on Youth: Identifying Differences Based on a Camper's Gender, Years of Attendance, and Age, Jason Hedrick, Greg Homan, and Jeff Dick
Exploring the Role of Individual Differences in Function Structure Modeling: A Theory Building Approach, Apurva Rajesh Patel
Exploring the Role of Youth-Adult Relationships in Promoting Positive Outcomes of Youth: An Application of the Rhodes’ Mentoring Model, Alexandra Sandoval
Exploring Uncertainties in Households’ Hurricane Evacuations, Jiayun Shen
Extending Extension's Outreach: Using Student Interns as a Resource for Obtaining Implementation of Irrigation Improvements, Deanna Ringenberg, William Kranz, Suat Irmak, and Bruce Dvorak
Extending the Reach of PowerPay Debt Elimination: A New Mobile Application, Margie P. Memmott, F. Dean Miner, and Stacey MacArthur
Extension Administrators’ Perspectives on Employee Competencies and Characteristics, Jeremy Elliott-Engel, Donna Westfall-Rudd, Megan Seibel, Eric Kaufman, and Rama Radhakrishna
Extension: A Modern-Day Pony Express?, Ben C. Ward, David Drake, and Andy Londo
Extension and the Maker Movement, Dave W. Francis, Paul A. Hill, and Gaelynn Peterson
Extension as a Multilevel Bridging Organization: Supporting Networked Environmental Governance, Sally W. Nourani, Daniel J. Decker, and Marianne E. Krasny
Extension Clientele Preferences: Accessing Research-Based Information Online, Jamie M. Davis
Extension Community Development: Building Strong, Vibrant Communities, Lionel J. Beaulieu and Sam Cordes
Extension Education Drives Economic Stimulus Through Trade Adjustment Assistance for Farmers, J Shannon Neibergs, Curtis Mahnken, Danna L. Moore, and Nathan A. Kemper
Extension Educators Can Use Internet GIS and Related Technologies, Dreux J. Watermelon, Elaine Andrews, and Suzanne Wade
Extension Educators' Perceptions About the NC 10% Local Food Campaign: Impacts, Challenges, and Alternatives, Kati Ingerson, KSU Jayaratne, Teisha Wymore, and Nancy Creamer
Extension Educators' Perceptions of the Educational Needs of Women Farmers in Pennsylvania, Kathryn Braiser, Mary Barbercheck, Nancy Ellen Kiernan, and Carolyn Sachs
Extension Educators' Perceptions of the Local Food System, Joan S. Thomson, Rama Radhakrishna, and Jessica Bagdonis
Extension Efforts to Restore Bottomland Oaks Requires Knowledge of Both Trees and Soil, David Mercker, Ryan Blair, Don Tyler, and Arnold Saxton
Extension Facilitated Scenario Planning to Direct a Preferred Agriculture Future, JE Rowntree, MR Raven, JP Schweihofer, and DD Buskirk
Extension Forestry and Family Forest Owners: A Data Source, Tamara L. Cushing and Thomas J. Straka
Extension Investing Resources for the Millennial Generation: An Exploratory Study, Kristen Sumpter and Joan Koonce
Extension Involvement in Collaborative Groups: An Alternative for Gathering Stakeholder Input, Jim Ekins
Extension Is Unpopular—On the Internet, Heidi B. Rader
Extension Leads Multi-Agency Team in Suppressing a Pest in the West, Diana Roberts and Sujaya Rao
Extension Learners' Use of Electronic Technology, Joseph F. Guenthner and Benjamin G. Swan
Extension Learning Exchange: Lessons from Nicaragua, Paul Treadwell, Paul Lachapelle, and Rod Howe
Extension-Led Demonstration: Grameen Microfinance Methods and Capital Access for Low-Income Female Entrepreneurs, Mark A. Edelman
Extension-Led Economic Development Model—A Recipe for Success, Nancy Bowen-Ellzey, Greg Davis, Eric Romich, and Mike Lloyd
Extension-Led Training for Human Services Providers on Use of a Financial Empowerment Tool, Jesse Ketterman Jr., Mia Russell, Diana Yacob, Jinhee Kim, Michael Elonge, Patricia Maynard, and Audrey Orr
Extension Master Gardener Intranet: Automating Administration, Motivating Volunteers, Increasing Efficiency, and Facilitating Impact Reporting, Lucy K. Bradley, Jonneen Cook, and Chris Cook
Extension Master Gardener Social Media Needs: A National Study, Karen A. Vines, Karen Jeannette, Emily Eubanks, Maggie Lawrence, and Rama Radhakrishna
Extension Mentoring: Steps Leading to Greater Program Effectiveness, Nick T. Place and Ashley Bailey
Extension Military Parent–Teen Camp Experiences: Family Resilience Building in Action, Kerri Ashurst, David Weisenhorn, and Tyrone Atkinson
Extension Must Adopt Mobile-Friendly Websites, J Matthew Jones, David Doll, and Owen Taylor
Extension Needs Outreach Innovation Free from the Harms of Social Media, Jonathan J. Swinton
Extension Newsletters and Individual Counseling: Equally Effective in Changing Worksite Wellness Participants Dietary Intakes, Kristi Chipman and Ruth Litchfield
Extension Online: Utilizing Technology to Enhance Educational Outreach, Stephen Green
Extension Professionals and Community Coalitions: Professional Development Opportunities Related to Leadership and Policy, System, and Environment Change, Carol A. Smathers and Jennifer M. Lobb
Extension Professionals and Sustainability Practices: Are We Walking Our Talk?, Diana Rashash, Catherine Elliot, and Ramona Madhosingh-Hector
Extension Professionals' Information Use, Protective Behaviors, and Work-Life Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Glenn D. Israel, David C. Diehl, Sebastian Galindo, Cassandra Ward, Athena K. Ramos, Marcy Harrington, and Edward J. Kasner
Extension Professionals' Perspectives on Supporting Feedstock Production for Biofuels: Concerns, Challenges, and Opportunities, Patricia A. Townsend, Nora M. Haider, Stanley T. Asah, and Kevin W. Zobrist
Extension Professionals' Strengths and Needs Related to Nutrition and Health Programs, Ninfa Pena-Purcell, Elaine Bowen, Virginie Zoumenou, and Ellen R. Schuster
Extension Programming Resource for Building Farm and Farm Family Resilience, Jesse Ketterman, Bonnie Braun, and Maria Pippidis
Extension Projects in Community Planning Classrooms, Katia Balassiano
Extension Resources for International Trade, Susan D. Seal
Extension Resource Use Among Washington State Wine Makers and Wine Grape Growers: A Case for Focusing on Relevance, Erika Amethyst Szymanski
Extension's Capacity to Deliver Quality Early Childhood Professional Development, Tonia R. Durden, Claudia C. Mincemoyer, Jennifer Gerdes, and Kathleen Lodl
Extension's Efforts to Help Kids Be SAFE: Evaluation of a Statewide Bullying Prevention Program, Adrienne Duke and Jessica Norton
Extension's Evolving Alignment of Programs Serving Families and Youth: Organizational Change and Its Implications, Marc T. Braverman, Nancy K. Franz, and Roger A. Rennekamp
Extension's Future: Time for Disruptive Innovation, Nancy K. Franz and Ronald A. Cox
Extension's Guide to Sexed Semen: A Dairy Case Study, Katelyn McCullock, Jay Parsons, and I Noa Roman-Muniz
Extension's Online Presence: Are Land-Grant Universities Promoting the Tripartite Mission?, Shannon Arnold, Alexandra Hill, Nikki Bailey, and Courtney Meyers
Extension Specialist Roles in Communities of Interest and Place: An Example from the Agriculture-Wildlife Interface, Eileen M. Cullen
Extension's Progress in the Paperless Revolution: Balancing Digital and Paper, Lacie Ashby
Extension's Role in Changing the Context of Health, J. Dusti Linnell, Patty Case, and Lauren Kraemer
Extension's Role in Developing a Farmers' Market, David Civittolo
Extension's Role in Developing Opinion Leaders to Drive Water Conservation, Christopher Ryan and Alexa Lamm
Extension's Role in Preparing Youth for the Workforce: A Challenge to Extension Professionals, Graham R. Cochran, Kimberly Catchpole, Nate Arnett, and Theresa M. Ferrari
Extension's Role in the United States' Campaign to Reduce Food Waste, Lisa H. McCoy
Extension's Role in Urban Education: Why Aren't We Involved?, Kenyatta Nelson-Smith
Extension Sustainability Camp: Design, Implementation, and Evaluation, Roslynn Brain, Sally Upton, and Brett Tingey
Extension, the Land-Grant Mission, and Civic Agriculture: Cultivating Change, Kathryn Colasanti, Wynne Wright, and Brenda Reau
Extension Through a New Lens: Creativity and Innovation Now and for the Future, Karen Argabright, Jerry McGuire, and Jeff King
Extension Through Partnerships: Research and Education Center Teams with County Extension to Deliver Programs., J Jeffrey Mullahey
Extension Wellness Ambassadors: Individual Effects of Participation in a Health-Focused Master Volunteer Program, Lisa T. Washburn, LaVona Traywick, Lauren Copeland, and Jessica Vincent
Extent of Agroforestry Extension Programs in the United States, Michael Jacobsen and Shiba Kar
Externships in Sustainability Program as an Outreach Tool for Extension, Mark Apel, Ayman Mostafa, Bill Brandau, and Gregg Garfin
Fabrication of Cerium- and Uranium-Based Ceramic Microspheres Using the Sol-Gel Process with Polymer Additives, Jianxing Ma
Fabrication of Multilayered Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuits in a Polymer Material System, Jabberia R. Miller
Facebook Closed Group Surveys Can Provide Representative Data in Certain Situations, Shang-Ho Yang and Kenneth H. Burdine
Facebook Groups Improve Volunteer Communications, Rhonda Ferree
Face Time Is Still Critical to Effective Extension in Commercial Agriculture, Justin Waggoner and Chris Reinhardt
Facing up to another cold war, 2000 June, Clinton H. Whitehurst Jr.
Factors Affecting Stakeholders' Willingness to Pay to Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Nuisance Species, Thomas W. Blaine and Frank R. Lichtkoppler
Factors Affecting Teen Involvement in Pennsylvania 4-H Programming, Bart E. Gill, John C. Ewing, and Jacklyn A. Bruce
Factors Associated with Behavioral Compliance to Prevent the Spread of Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia, Bret R. Shaw, Kajsa E. Dalrymple, and Dominique Brossard
Factors Associated with Ongoing Commitment to a Volunteer Stream-Monitoring Program, Heather Akin, Bret Shaw, Kristine F. Stepenuck, and Elizabeth Goers
Factors Considered When Making Corn Foliar Fungicide Application Decisions in Illinois, Carl A. Bradley
Factors Influencing Adoption and Implementation of Cooking With Kids, An Experiential School-Based Nutrition Education Curriculum, Ann Diker, Lynn M. Walters, Leslie Cunningham-Sabo, and Susan S. Baker
Factors Influencing Latino Participation in Community-Based Diabetes Education, Sarah L. Francis, Amber Noteman, and Ruth Litchfield
Factors Influencing Participant Perceptions of Program Impact: Lessons from a Virtual Fieldtrip for Middle-School Students, Omolola A. Adedokun, Loran C. Parker, Jamie Loizzo, Wiella D. Burgess, and Joseph P. Robinson
Factors Influencing Perceptions of Service Quality in Cooperative Extension Workers, Nwamaka A. Anaza, Brian N. Rutherford, and Richard Widdows
Factors Influencing Yield Management of Pinot Noir Vineyards in Oregon, Dionne M. Uzes and Patricia A. Skinkis
Factors Limiting Youth Participation in 4-H and Other Youth Development Programs in Underserved Communities, Martellis D. Avent and K.S.U. Jayaratne
Factors of Success for Large Agricultural Field Events, Jodi DeJong-Hughes, Kevin Erb, and Les Evertt
Factors Related to Motivating Adult Somalis with Refugee Status to Volunteer for 4-H, Mitchell D. Mason and Kristy L. Ouellette
Factors Within Multiple Socio-Ecological Model Levels of Influence Affecting Older SNAP Participants' Ability to Grocery Shop and Prepare Food, Kiranmayi Korlagunta, Janice Hermann, Stephany Parker, and Mark Payton
Faculty Manual, 2018-2019, Clemson University
Faculty Manual, 2019-2020, Clemson University
Faculty Manual, 2020-2021, Clemson University
Fairs and Other Exhibitions. Have We Really Thought This Through?, Donald J. Nicholson
Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent Receptiveness to Innovative Caregiving Programming, Kristopher M. Struckmeyer, Gina Peek, Paula J. Tripp, Alex J. Bishop, and Sarah R. Gordon
Family Communication and Multigenerational Learning in an Intergenerational Land Transfer Class, Michael Reichenbach, Becky Hagen Jokela, and Eli Sagor
Family & Consumer Sciences and Cooperative Extension in a Diverse World, Jorge Horacio Atiles and Gina E. Eubanks
Family Resource Management Needs Assessment in New Mexico, Fahzy Abdul-Rahman
Farewell and December JOE Highlights, Debbie Allen
Farm and food policy: Critical issues for southern agriculture, 1983 June 2-3
Farm-Based Programming for College Students Experiencing Food Insecurity, Cara L. Cuite, Stephanie A. Brescia, Lauren B. Errickson, and Alex J. Sawatzky
Farm Dinner Theater: Improving Health And Safety For Farm Families, Deborah B. Reed, Debra McCallum, and Eileen Legault
Farmer, Agent, and Specialist Perspectives on Preferences for Learning Among Today's Farmers, Nancy K. Franz, Fred Piercy, Joseph Donaldson, and Johnnie Westbrook
Farmer Responses to Resistance Issues in Corn Rootworm to Bt Corn: Qualitative Analysis of Focus Groups, Erin W. Hodgson, Robert Wright, Michael Gray, and Tom Hunt
Farmers and Health Care Reform: A Challenge and Opportunity for Extension, Shoshanah Inwood, Bonnie Braun, Alana Knudson, and Jason Parker
Farmers' Engagement with Community Food Insecurity: Approaches, Perspectives, and Implications for Extension, Rachel Schattman, Linda Berlin, Francesca Finch Bochner, and Maija Lawrence
Farmers Markets and Single-Use Plastic: Why Environmentally Conscious Consumers Don’t Bring Reusable Bags, Scott Hardy and Jill Bartolotta
Farmers’ Perceived Needs of Extension’ Support During Covid-19 in Hawai'i, Sothy Eng, Tricia Khun, Monica Esquivel, Nancy Ooki, Joanna Bloese, Shannon Sand, and Noa Lincoln
Farmers' Trust in Sources of Production and Climate Information and Their Use of Technology, Kristy A. Borrelli, Gabrielle E. Roesch-McNally, J. D. Wulfhorst, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, Georgine G. Yorgey, Chad E. Kruger, Laurie L. Houston, Leigh A. Bernacchi, and Robert L. Mahler
Farming—It's So Citified: An Urban Agriculture Marketing Campaign, Matthew Browning and Stacy Herrick
Farmland Assessment Through Multiple Regression Analysis, Todd H. Keuthe and Alison Borchers
Farm/Ranch Succession Planning Program Motivates Families to Take Steps, Carrie L. Johnson and Shawn L. Carlson
Farm-to-Hospital Research Findings Point to Opportunities for Extension, Brian Raison
Farm Transition and Estate Planning: Farmers' Evaluations and Behavioral Changes Due to Attending Workshops, Gary A. Hachfeld, David B. Bau, C Robert Holcomb, and James N. Kurtz
Fathers’ Day: The changing American family, 2009, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Fathers' Knowledge of Their Youth's Unsafe Behaviors on the Farm, Zolinda Stoneman, Hamida Amirali Jinnah, and Glen C. Rains
Fatigue Life and Reliability Estimation of a Traffic Signal Structure using Long-Term Monitoring Data, Li-Wei Tsai and Alice Alipour
Fatigue performance of wood frame roof-to-wall connections with elastomeric adhesives under uplift cyclic loading, Bilal Alhawaamdeh and Xiaoyun Shao
Fault Location for Distribution Systems with Distributed Generation Using Modified Three Phase Fault Location Methods, DeWayne Johnsonbaugh
Fault Location on Parallel Lines, Danny Earl Julian
Fault Location Techniques for Distribution Feeders Containing Distributed Generation, Darla Renee King
FB-BRAG: A Tool for Assessing Family Business Functioning, Renee Wiatt and Maria I. Marshall
Feasibility of a Brief Community-Based Train-the-Trainer Lesson to Reduce the Risk of Falls Among Community Dwelling Older Adults, Katherine B. Gunter and Deborah H. John
Feasibility of Implementing a School Nutrition Intervention That Addresses Policies, Systems, and Environment, Jacqueline J. Bergman, Jessica D. Linnell, Rachel E. Scherr, David C. Ginsburg, Kelley M. Brian, Rosemary Carter, Susan Donohue, Shannon Klisch, Suzanne Lawry-Hall, Jona Pressman, Katherine Soule, and Sheri Zidenberg-Cherr
Feasibility study: Unification of Wellford, Lyman, Duncan, Startex, 1998, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Feasibility study: Unification of Wellford, Lyman, Duncan, Startex, 1998, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Fecal Coliform Concentrations in the Upper Cohansey River Watershed Predicted by Air Temperature, Discharge, and Land Use, Salvatore S. Mangiafico, Kim Bell, and Noah Hetzell
Feed Efficiency: An Assessment of Current Knowledge from a Voluntary Subsample of the Swine Industry, Josh R. Flohr, Mike D. Tokach, Joel M. DeRouchey, Robert D. Goodband, Steve S. Dritz, Jim L. Nelssen, and John F. Patience
Feedlot Nutritionist Boot Camp: An Intensive Short-Course for Commercial Agriculture Graduate Students, Chris Reinhardt and Mike Hubbert
Feminist Pedagogy and Information Literacy Instruction: The Hero(ine)’s Journey, Jessica Kohout-Tailor
Field Application Engineering Training for Linear Arrays, Reynolds E. Jenkins
Field Day Success Loop, Jacqueline Comito, Brandy Case Haub, and Nathan Stevenson
Field monitoring the wind-induced response of a large-area fabric membrane structure, David Roueche, J. D. Marshall, J. W. Stiles, D. T. Jackson, J. B. Anderson, and J. S. Davidson
Fields and Currents Excited by a Dipole Directed Normal to the Surface of a Conducting Screen Containing a Finite-Length Narrow Slot, Alp Kustepeli
Field, Thickness and Stress Level Dependence of Low-Level Leakages Through Thin Silicon Dioxide Films, Kedar Mangrulkar
Fighting back: The Newberry County economy in the late twentieth century, 1995 October, James C. Hite 1941-, Emmanuel Genio, and Ada Louise Steirer
Financial Analysis Tools for On-Farm and Off-Farm Commercial Kitchens, Timothy J. Bowser and Rodney B. Holcomb
Financial Coaching's Potential for Enhancing Family Financial Security, J Michael Collins, Peggy Olive, and Collin M. O’Rourke
Financial Impact of Penn State Extension's Know Your Numbers Dairy Program, Aaron Berger, Timothy W. Kelsey, Stephan J. Goetz, Robert C. Goodling Jr., and Virginia A. Ishler
Financial Management and Relationship Skills Education: Gauging Consumer Interest and Delivery Preferences, Ted G. Futris, Robert B. Nielsen, and Allen W. Barton
Financing education in South Carolina: A citizen's guide, 2005 June, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich and Ada Louise Steirer
Financing education in South Carolina: A citizen's guide, 2009, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich and Ellen Weeks Saltzman
Financing government in the palmetto state: A study of taxation in South Carolina, 1991 February, Robert D. Ebel, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich, and Laurence R. Marks
Financing water resource infrastructure, 1987 September 1, James B. London, Ronald M. North, Mark W. Mugler, Norman Starler, Kathleen M. Chavez, Charles S. Armstrong, Nancy Pascale, and Jackie Sellers
Finding and Using Images, Jan Comfort
Finding Publicly Available Data for Extension Planning and Programming: Developing Community Portraits, Julie N. Zimmerman and Daniel Kahl
Findings of 4-H Impact Studies in Six Western States, Brenda S. Seevers, Frank Hodnett, and Dawn Van Leeuwen
Finding the Motivation, Time, Personal Techniques, and Confidence to Write, Rebecca Mills, Paul A. Hill, and Kristine Saunders
First Impressions: An Effective Approach for Community Improvement, Kelly Nix, Daniel Eades, and Robin Frost
First Principles Methods for Calculating Thermoelectric Transport Properties, Fanchen Meng
Fiscal impact assessment: Jasper County, Hardeeville, and Ridgeland, South Carolina, 2006 January, William E. Molnar and Charles D. Taylor
Fiscal impact of conversion of prime lands (draft), 2000 February, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Fiscal sustainability in South Carolina: Trends and issues, 2008 November, Ellen Weeks Saltzman and Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Fish Disease Outreach Messages: Testing of Gain and Loss Frames, Erin L. Pavloski and Heather A. Triezenberg
Fish Farm Challenge Provides STEM Design Experiences for Youth, Robert L. Horton and Patty L. House
Fitbit and Fitabase Technology: Tracking and Evaluating Youth Physical Activity, Lisa Franzen-Castle, Tara Dunker, Weiwen Chai, and Michelle Krehbiel
Fitting the Framework: The STEM Institute and the 4-H Essential Elements, Jeff Sallee and Gina G. Peek
Five Social Media Tools for the Extension Toolbox, Joanne Kinsey
Flag Day: How big should a country be?, 2010, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Flat tax: A step in right direction, 1999, James C. Hite 1941-
Flexible Molecular Dynamics for Simulating Ion-Surface Scattering Trajectories, Patrick Roy Johnson
Flexible Training Program Builds Capacity for Diverse Challenges, Martha C. Monroe and Lauren McDonell
Flipping the Classroom to Train Citizen Scientists in Invasive Species Detection and Response, Daniel J. Larkin, Megan M. Weber, Susan M. Galatowitsch, and Angela S. Gupta
Floodplain Geomorphology and Response to Hurricanes: Lower Pee Dee Basin, South Carolina, Thomas M. Williams, Bo Song, Daniel Hitchcock, and Thomas O'Halloran
Floral Arrangement Collaboration Sharpens Consumer Connection to Locally Grown Flowers, James DelPrince, Wayne Porter, Liz Sadler, and Ross Overstreet
FlowersOnTime: A Computer Decision-Support Tool for Floriculture Crop Producers, Paul R. Fisher, Erik S. Runkle, Matthew G. Blanchard, and John E. Erwin
Fluid Rheological Effects on Insulator-Based Dielectrophoresis, Joseph Armakan Bentor
Focus on the future interview with Alex Sanders, 2008, Alex Sanders and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Ann Springs Close and Crandall Close Bowles, 2008, Ann Springs Close, Crandall Close Bowles, and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Bernie Grosclose, 2008, Bernie Grosclose and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Dana Beach, 2008, Dana Beach and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with David Agnew, 2008, David Agnew and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Dr. Jim Rex, 2008, James Rex and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Dr. Raymond Greenburg, 2008, Raymond Greenburg and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Floyd Nicholson, 2008, Floyd Nicholson and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Hayne Hipp, 2008, W. Hayne Hipp and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with James Burrows Edwards, 2008, James Edwards and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Joseph P. Riley, Jr., 2008, Joseph Riley and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Mack Whittle, 2008, Mark Whittle and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Margaret Davidson, 2008, Margaret Davidson and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Mary Clark, 2008, Mary Y. Clark and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with President James Barker, 2008, James F. Barker 1947- and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Suzette Surkamer, 2008, Suzette Surkamer and Donna S. London
Focus on the future interview with Tommy Wyche, 2008, Tommy Whyche and Donna S. London
Follow a Researcher: Using Innovative Technology to Connect Youths and Scientists, Laura Wilson, Jennifer Lobley, and Gregory Kranich
FOOD: A Multicomponent Local Food System Assessment Tool, Mark Uchanski, John Garlisch, J. Michael Patrick, and Stephanie Walker
Food and Nutrition Extension Programs: Next Generation Impact Evaluation, Janet Mullins; Karen Chapman-Novakofski; Karen Franck; Beth Olson; Elena Serrano; M S. Townsend Ph.D.,R.D.; and Siew Sun Wong
Food and Nutrition Practices and Education Needs in Florida's Adult Family Care Homes, Wendy J. Dahl, Amanda L. Ford, and Nancy J. Gal
Food Availability and Cost Patterns in Mississippi Retail Stores Participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Virginia B. Gray, Sylvia H. Byrd, and Laura Downey
Food Challenge: Serving Up 4-H to Non-Traditional Audiences, Sara Dodd, Holly E. Follmer-Reece, Erin Kostina-Ritchey, and Roxanna Reyna
Food Preservation Mini-Modules Offer Options for Learners and Extension Staff, Suzanne Driessen
Food Preservation: Using Technology-Based Tools to Reach Diverse Audiences, Tonya Johnson, Patty Case, Glenda Hyde, Nancy Kershaw, and Lauren Kraemer
Food Safety Education for Students and Workers in School Gardens and University Farms, John Dzubak, Angela Shaw, Catherine Strohbehn, and Linda Naeve
Food Safety for 4-H Youth: A Survey of Interests and Educational Methods, David C. Diehl, Dale W. Pracht, Larry F. Forthun, and Amy H. Simonne
Food Safety Knowledge, Behavior, and Attitudes of Vendors of Poultry Products Sold at Pennsylvania Farmers' Markets, Joshua Scheinberg, Rama Radhakrishna, and Catherine N. Cutter
Food Safety Needs Assessment for Georgia Specialty Crops, Camila Rodrigues, Beth Oleson, and Laurel L. Dunn
Food Safety Posters for Safe Handling of Leafy Greens, Lakshman Rajagopal, Susan W. Arendt, Angela M. Shaw, Catherine H. Strohbehn, and Kevin L. Sauer
Food Safety Risks of Leafy Greens from Small-Acreage Farms in Minnesota, Cindy Tong, Michele Schermann, Francisco Diez-Gonzalez, and Jonathan Rossbach
Forecasts of population for South Carolina's census county divisions through the year 2015, 1991 August, Edward L. McLean, Cairen C. Withington, and James B. London
Forest Health Diagnostics Facebook Page: Impact and Natural Resources Programming Implications, Molly Darr, Jiri Hulcr, Jeff Eickwort, Jason Smith, William Hubbard, and David Coyle
Forest Landowner Education Interests and Delivery Preferences: A Retrospective Look at Survey Results and Actual Participation, Kevin W. Zobrist and Mary Ann Rozance
Forest/People, Taylor Andrew Parker
Forestry Professionals and Extension Educators vs. Climate Change: Implications for Cooperative Extension Programming, Christopher Jones and Melanie Lenart
Forestry Tour Educates Youth in North Central Idaho, Randall H. Brooks and Jillian Moroney
Forest Story Cards, a Visual Survey Tool, Sanford A. Smith
Foreward from Failure before Success: Teachers Describe What They Learned from Mistakes, David Reinking
Foreword, Dwayne E. Porter and Dawn A. White
Foreword from Design-Based Research in Education, David Reinking
Forgotten Highways: The Next Economic Development Opportunity?, John L. Gann Jr
Fork2Farmer: Enabling Success of Small Farms Through Partnerships with Well-Known Chefs and the Tourism Sector, Duarte Morais, Susan Jakes, Becky Bowen, and Joanna Massey Lelekacs
Formative Assessment of Assistance Needed with Grocery Shopping and Preparing Food Among Rural Community-Dwelling Older Adults, Janice R. Hermann, Whitney A. Brosi, Ja.n H. Johnston, and Linda Jaco
Formative Evaluation of EFNEP Curriculum: Ensuring the Eating Smart • Being Active Curriculum Is Theory Based, Elana Natker, Susan S. Baker, Garry Auld, and Kathryn McGirr
Forming a Multistate Network: From Passion and Coincidence to Vision and Sustainability, James S. Bates, Jacquelyn J. Benson, and Erin L. Yelland
For the flat tax, 1999, James C. Hite 1941-
Fostering Civil Public Dialogue Through Collaboration: Opportunities for Extension, William A. Warren
Foundations and Applications of Theory in the First Impressions Program, Laura E. Brown, John McDonald, Lisa C. Chase, Geoffrey Sewake, Beverly Stencel, Andy Northrop, and Ryan Faulkner
Four Approaches to Building Extension Program Evaluation Capacity, Nancy Franz and Thomas Archibald
Fragility analysis framework for transmission tower systems subjected to straight line winds, Saransh Dikshit and Alice Alipour
Framing a Public Issue for Extension: Challenges in Oil and Gas Activity, Gina G. Peek, Larry D. Sanders, Dave Shideler, Shannon L. Ferrell, Chad J. Penn, and Todd Halihan
Framing Ludens: Pawn Swapping and Game Mode Alteration in an Unreal Engine Game Level, Jeffrey Paul Martell
Framing the property tax debate, 2006 February 22, Holley Hewitt Ulbrich
Fraught With Friction, Brittany Westman and Brooke A. Whitworth
Frequency Multipliers Using Nonlinear Capacitors - an Investigation of the Dependency of Efficiency on the Capacitor'S Nonlinearity Factor, Pete Nick Marinos
From Climate Variability to Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities to Extension, Clyde W. Fraisse, Norman E. Breuer, David Zierden, and Keith T. Ingram
From Garden to Recipient: A Direct Approach to Nutrition Education, Barbara Murphy
From Kickoff to Handoff: Coaching Teens to Tackle STEM Literacy, Chad Ripberger and Lydia B. Blalock
From Knowledge to Action: Tips for Encouraging and Measuring Program-Related Behavior Change, Scott Chazdon, Jody Horntvedt, and Elizabeth Templin
From Territorial to Transformational: A New Framework for Master Volunteer Engagement, Lisa T. Washburn, Andrew B. Crocker, and JoAnne Leatherman
From the Classroom to the Community: Supported Fieldwork for ASL-English Interpreters, Janice H. Humphrey
From Translation to Cultural Responsiveness: A Garden Program's Evolution in Understanding Educators' Perceptions of Spanish-Language Resources, Amy Aubrecht and Marcia Eames-Sheavly
From What to How: Targeting Specific Factors That Influence Outcomes, Barry A. Garst
From Wikipedia to Full OER, Mills Kelly
Fruit Bagging: A Small-Grower and Consumer Horticultural Practice Across the Southeastern United States, Ann Katherine Kule
Fulfilling Needs in County 4-H Programs with Volunteer Facilitation Coaches, Nancy Shelstad
Full-scale experimental investigations on a naturally ventilated building and validation of simulation models, Chen Chen and Catherine Gorlé
Full Scale Wind Testing to Determine the Role of Vertical Protrusions on Curtainwall Performance, Kehinde J. Alawode, Krishna Sai Vutukuru, Amal Elawady, Arindam Gan Chowdhury, and Guido Lori