Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design

Committee Chair/Advisor

Ufuk Ersoy

Committee Member

Aga Skrodzka

Committee Member

David Blakesley

Committee Member

W. Gary Griswold


This dissertation rhetorically analyzes discrimination in Western institutional discourses and documentation procedures, such as architectural texts and procedures, through a historiographic lens. An analytical methodology will be offered to show how discrimination of intersectional bodies is historically informed and reaffirmed by the manipulation of Western myths and mythos. Specifically, by mapping navigational mathematics and cartographic methods over rhetorical, architectural, and historiographic theory, it will be shown how the manipulation of Western myths establishes and reifies patriarchal discrimination that eventually fissions into eugenicist logics in nineteenth and twentieth century France, England, and the United States. In modernity, the practice of manipulating myths in institutional discourses devolves into the practice of manipulating institutional discourses, themselves, in bureaucratic procedures, measurements, documents, laws, legislation, and literacy. The result of this transference of manipulation, from myths to laws, is patriarchal authority becomes weaponized with the means to categorize intersectional bodies but then recategorizes intersectional bodies, at whim, to serve the demands of the patriarchy. Focusing first on the social negation of disabilities, but then all intersectional bodies, this new methodology charts-out the ways de facto discrimination against disability, in reality, becomes de jure discrimination in institutional discourses and procedural bookkeeping. The purpose of this method is to locate such bodies, who are continuously purged to the social margins, with mathematical certainty.



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