Theses from 2024
Understanding the Traditions and Experiences of African American Hunters, Ezekiel Adesawe
Keeping Tradition Alive: Studying the Evolution of Sweetgrass Basket Stands on Highway 17 in the Charleston Lowcountry, Megan Adornetto
Advancing Unmanned Ground Vehicle Path Planning With Quantified Map Uncertainty, Israel Afriyie
Survey of Nematodes Associated With Strawberry in South Carolina and Evaluation of Short-Term Heat Exposure on Nematode Reproduction Biology, Ivan A. Alarcon Mendoza
Hydrogen Isotope Exchange on Diffusion Pump Oils, Carson G. Allen
Efficacy of Virtual Reality-Based Simulations in Training Aviation Maintenance Technicians on Maintenance Procedures, Gayatri Anoop
Analysis of the Right Sizing Approach to Healthcare Space Planning, Johnathan Anspach
Fragile: Handle With Care A Conversation on Trauma, Flashbacks, and Seeing A Therapist When You Need One, Gloria Aragon
Exploring the Motivations and Determinants of Farmer’s Market Consumers and Organic Specialty Crop Producers, Jane Arnold
Putin's War in Ukraine: The Evolution of Post-Soviet Russian Nationalism and Collective Identity, David Askew
Understanding The Microstructure and Tribological Performance of CoCrFeNi-based High Entropy Alloys, Ali Azarmi
Application of an Information Gain Model in a Motor Learning Task: An Application in a Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Task, Matthew Ball
Analytical and Experimental Studies to Support Codification of Lightweight Grout for Masonry Design, Cooper Banks
“Home on the Phone”: How Black Students at a PWI Use Digital Space to Form Community, Malaysia Barr
Exploiting Randomness in Secret Sharing, Cailyn Bass
Estimating the Effect of Residential Sales Prices on Building Permits, Emilio Becerra
Broadening the Application Range of Cell-Free Protein Expression Systems, Matthew Becker
Service Use Among Maltreated Children With Behavior Problems And Emotional Disturbance Before and During COVID-19, Darja Beinenson
Unpacking the Impact of Mixed Messaging, Lizzie Bell
Characterization of Ato Family Transporters in the Fungal Pathogen Cryptococcus Neoformans, Will Betsill
Additive Manufacturing of Porous Tungsten Carbide Structural Electrode Components using Robocasting, James Bevis
Dynamics of Link Importance Across Flood Disaster Phases And Flood Impacts on Operation of an Industry, Navin Bhatta
“No One Likes a Mad Woman:” a Modern Reclamation of Solitude In The Domestic Space Through Women With Invisible Disabilities in a Post-lockdown World, Marley Ashton Bickley
Developing Holistic and Reduced Fertilization Guidelines for Southeastern Peach (Prunus Persica (L.) Batsch) Orchards, Richardson Bien-Aime
A Drosophila Model of Mucopolysacchridosis IIIA, Rebecca Bishop
The Grove, Sabrina Blanchard
The Lost Cause of Unionism: How Greenville Became a Failed Stronghold of Unionism in Antebellum South Carolina, Candace Rae Boatwright
Pressureless Sintering of SiC - Oxide Multiphase Ceramics for Protective Coating Applications, Reilly Boros
Domination in Graphs and the Removal of a Matching, Geoffrey Boyer
Investigation of Chondrogenesis, Myogenesis, and Osteogenesis After 2,4-DTBP, 2-BP, 4-BP, 3,5-DTBC Exposure in Zebrafish, Haley Brashears
Determining the Individual- and Team-Level Effects of Team Tenure and Team Stability, float teams, Jordan Britt
Silence in STEM? The Impact of Experienced Social Identity Threats on Women, Madison Brumbaugh
Evaluation of Pierce’s Disease-Resistant Grapevine Cultivars in Upstate South Carolina, Annie Bruno
Illusions of Freedom? A History of Attitudes Toward Death, Dominick Bucca
Modern Muses - An Exploration of A Mind That Refuses to Cooperate, Carrie H. Bull
The Effect of Pressure Gradients on Perceived Discomfort, Zachary Bush
An Analysis of Communication Trends of East Coast Historic Preservation Nonprofit Organizations, Caroline Byrne
Historically Char-ming, Deryn Candelaria
Suicidality: The Role of the Workplace, Hailey Carroll
Factors Influencing Adventitious Root Formation Of Floral Hemp in Propagation, Alexandra Carver
Toward Electrochemical Detection of Salmonella enterica Serovar Enteritidis on Hydroponically Grown Green Onions (Allium Fistulosum L.), Lisseth Casso-Hartmann
Choices Behind the Color: An Analysis of Paint Finish Variations in South Carolina Slave Dwellings, Lyrik Castro-Bailey
Improved Ballistic Impact Resistance of Nanofibrillar Cellulose Films With Discontinuous Fibrous Bouligand Architecture, Colby Caviness
The Star Caller: Shining a Light on Game Production and Real Time Cinematics, Jehoshaphat Chacko
Light-Induced Phase Separation Purification for Monoclonal Antibodies, Xuyang Chen
Prediction of Dislocation Density During Casting of 316 Stainless Steel Based Alloys as a Function of Chromium and Nickel Composition, Abhishek Chitradurga Ranganath
Effects of Interrupting the Scotophase Period on Bone Health and Performance of Laying Hens, Alexis J. Clark
Texas Panicum (Urochloa texana (Buckley) R.D.Webster) Management in South Carolina Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Production, Alexis Clobas-Celiz
Engineering the Properties of Magnesium Aluminate Spinel through Solid State Solutions, Robin Conner
Laboratory Evaluation of Remediation Alternatives for Groundwater at the Lane Street Superfund Site, Alyssa Costello
An Analysis of the Demolition of Seismically Damaged Historic Structures After the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake, California, Claire Ann Cox
Layered Structure Protonic Ceramic Conductors of the Form Ba5In2+xAl2Zr1-xO13-δ, Nathan Cretegny
Heavy is the Arm that Wears the CGM: An Investigation of a Social Support Group of Emerging Adults at a Type 1 Diabetes Camp, Mackenzie Dawes
The Impact of the Graphic Communications Outreach and Recruitment Program on the GC Identity, Riley deKrafft
Climate Insurance - Using Weather Data and AI to Manage Agricultural Risk in Developing Countries, Scott A. Denning
Functional Characterization of a lncRNA afu-254 in Stress Response and Pathogenesis of Aspergillus fumigatus, Ritu Devkota
Interactions Between High-Pressure Processing and Natural Antimicrobials in Ground White-Meat Chicken: An Analysis of Microbial, Textural Charactheristics and Physicochemical Changes, Amalia M. Diaz Alejandro
Playing Myself: The Gothic's Challenge to Audience Identity, Elena Durant
Development and Evaluation of an Arsenic Transport Model for the Maurice River Watershed, Christina Eddleman
Digital Twin in Military Ground Vehicles: Design and Predictive Maintenance, Conner W. Eddy
High-Resolution Ion Mobility Analysis of Isomeric Bile Acids Using Structures for Lossless Ion Manipulations (SLIM) IM-MS, Emmaleigh D. Efird
Basic Safety Message Generation Through a Video-Based Analytics for Potential Safety Application, Abyad Enan
Fault Detection and Location in Renewable-Fed Distribution Systems Using Low Voltage Sensors, Bushra Farhat
Influence of Pond Age on Phosphorus Water Column-Sediment Interactions in Coastal Stormwater Ponds, Morolake Fatunmbi
Local Charge Distortion due to Cr in Ni-based Concentrated Alloys, Jacob Fischer
Microbial-Chemical Degradation of Styrene in Co-mingled Plumes With Ethylbenzene, Benzene, and Carbon Tetrachloride, Marcela C. Flórez-García
Tracking the "Soiled Doves": A Cultural Landscape of Sex Work in Charleston, South Carolina From 1880-1939, Rachel Fore
Understanding the Challenges to Robotic-Assisted Surgery Adoption from the perspectives of the Human-Robot Interaction, Built Environment, and Training, Patrick A. Fuller
Informing Management of American Shad (Alosa sapidissima) in the Carolinas: Evaluating Novel Fish Passage Approaches and Acoustic Tracking Methods, Margaret Gaither
Division-I Student-Athletes’ Socialization Out of Sports: The Role of Exit Circumstances and Interpersonal Support on Wellness, Hannah J. Gertz
Unraveling Wetland Ecology: The Effect of Abiotic Heterogeneity and Habitat Size on Wetland Plant Diversity in the Piedmont, Gregory T. Gilmore
Depression and Anxiety: Investigating the Impacts of Scheduling on the Mental Health of Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christofer Gonzaga
Creating Useful Uplift with Horizontal Hydraulic Fractures, Max Joseph Gordon
The Effect of Central Screw and Post Vault Containment on Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty (RSTA) Baseplate Stability, Mickaela J. Gunnison
Environmental Storytelling in Video Games Through the Lens of Film Noir, Samuel Hagen
The Impacts of Wind on Coastal Trees, Julian Halil
Unveiling Packaging Truths: Consumer Perception vs. Environmental Reality in the Meal and Snack Bar Industry, Rachel Hall
Personalized Treatment Recommendations for Diabetes Patients, Charles Harrison
Development of a Cost-Affordable Thin-Layer Chromatography Testing Kit for Falsified and Substandard Pharmaceuticals in Tanzania, Eleanor Hatcher
The Private Libraries of Charleston, 1780-1860, Winter Hein
Bounding the Convex Hull Relaxation of the Unit Commitment Problem with the Shapley-Folkman Theorem, Lauren Henderson
Venom Complexity Within Garter Snakes and the Role of Diet in Toxin Diversification, Tucker Heptinstall
Analyzing a Software Based Lossy Compression Algorithm on an FPGA Platform, Tripp Herlong
Influence of Hygrothermal Conditions of the Bistability of Asymmetric Carbon Fiber Laminate Composites, Celia Hill
A Benchtop Analysis of Pressure Offloading Associated With Custom Socket Inlays in Transtibial Prostheses, Sarah G. Hill
Evaluation of Future Sea-Level Impacts Using a Sharp Interface Saltwater Intrusion Model, Caroline Hiott
The Machine in the Rice Field: A Spatial Analysis of Mechanized Rice Processing Infrastructure along the Cooper River, 1780 - 1830, Jacob Hockenberry