Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Master of Fine Arts (MFA)
School of Computing
Committee Chair/Advisor
Eric K Patterson
Committee Member
Anthony Summey
Committee Member
Matias Volonte
As humans experience reality, they intake external stimuli using sensory receptors to process information, forming a perception. Perceptions are subjective and shape each individual’s reality. Naturally then, by changing one’s perceptions, their experience of reality is altered, for better or worse. To emphasize the idea that perception is malleable and encourage a mindset of questioning alternative ways to look at a situation, an interactive experience in Unreal Engine is developed where a dull cityscape morphs and transforms into a surreal oversized nature scene. Procedural modeling techniques are used to create a variety of morphing assets, while Vertex Animated Textures are utilized to implement the morphing in real-time based on user interaction.
Recommended Citation
Schulze, Stephanie, "Shifting Perspectives with Procedural Modeling Techniques and Vertex Animated Textures for Real-Time Interactive Morphing" (2024). All Theses. 4411.
Included in
Cognition and Perception Commons, Game Design Commons, Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces Commons, Interactive Arts Commons, Other Film and Media Studies Commons, Visual Studies Commons