Forestry and Natural Resources
Adequate Site Preparation Can Enhance Productivity of New Forest Stands
Publication Date
Fall 11-26-2019
Publication Number
LGP 1039
Forest landowners who are scheduling a timber harvest should also be considering the reforestation plan for the area to be cut. And one of the most important components of any reforestation plan is selecting the appropriate site preparation technique. Prescribed fire, mechanical treatment, and chemical treatment can be used individually or in combination to successfully prepare a site for reforestation. Adequate site preparation can enhance the productivity of the new stand.
Publication Type
Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension
Publisher City
Clemson, SC
Target Audiences
forest landowners
Recommended Citation
Steele J. Adequate Site Preparation Can Enhance Productivity of New Forest Stands. Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension. 2019; LGP 1039.