A project was established in the state of Pennsylvania to mentor interpreters who scored between 3.0 and3.4 on the Educational Interpreter Performance Assessment(EIPA), missing the state minimum standard score of 3.5 or higher. This article serves as a template for interpreter trainers interested in setting up an interpreter “boot camp” to assist graduates in bridging the gap from an interpreter training program to work in an educational setting. Four mentees and four mentors, two instructors from interpreting programs, and one educational consultant participated in the Pennsylvania Interpreter Boot Camp. Although not all mentees achieved the targeted 3.5 scores when they retook the EIPA, all did improve their interpreting skills.
Recommended Citation
Bentley Sassaman, Jessica
"Interpreter Boot Camp: Working Toward Achieving Interpreter Standards,"
International Journal of Interpreter Education: Vol. 6:
1, Article 3.
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