The Journal of Extension (JOE) is the flagship journal for Extension education.
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Current Issue: Volume 62, Number 4 (2024)
Feature Articles
Examining influences on cotton and peanut farmers’ intentions to adopt agricultural best management practices in southeast Georgia
William R. Taylor, Abigail Borron, Jessica Holt, and Walter Scott Monfort
Building Extension Professional’s Capacity to Engage Volunteers: Evaluation of the Developmental Stages of an Extension Professional Model
Kandi O'Neil, Rachelle Vettern, Rebecca Harrington, Sarah Maass, Patricia McGlaughlin, and Josset S. Gauley
The Challenges of Co-Developing Climate-Smart Strategies, Practices, and Technologies among Research and Extension Teams
Michelle R. Worosz, Hannah Stewart, McKayla Robinette, Brenda Ortiz, Rishi Prasad, Audrey Gambel, and Leah Duzy
Beyond Direct Education and Facilitation: Revisiting the Role of Extension in Community & Regional Food Systems Development
Catie M. DeMets and Lindsey Day Farnsworth
Research in Brief
Growers’ Perceptions and Strategies to Mitigate Spring Frost Injury in Grapevines
Vinicius Cervilieri, Imed Dami, and Guilherme Signorini
Hypertension Screening in Dental Settings and the Need to Address Dental Insurance Literacy
Dorothy Nuckols
Competencies Essential for Early Career 4-H Agent Success
Andrew Toelle, Ed Osborne, Nick Place, Hannah Carter, and Dale Pracht
Assessing the Influence of 4-H Participation on the Development of Workforce Readiness Skills
Jodi L. Smith, Jamie Mullins, Lisa Ingram, Brenda Pruett, Allison Nichols, Carole Scheerbaum, Lorrie Wright, and Amanda Johnson
Impact of Stolon Removal on Yield and Fruit Quality of Day-Neutral Fragaria X ananassa “Cabrillo” Grown in Outdoor Soilless Conditions
Kate Fessler, Emily E. Hoover, and Neil O. Anderson
Virtual Culinary Nutrition Education: Youth and Parent/Guardian Acceptability of the SWITCH Cooking School
Summer McVicker, Laura Paulsen, Anna Mlodzik, Allison Henry, and Maren Wolff
Ideas at Work
Removing Barriers to Create Sustainable Leaders in Extension: The Odyssey of Leadership Development
Lauren Griffeth and Joel Burnsed
The Birds and The Bees: Teaching Parents How to Educate their Children about Sex
Tonya Pell and Courtney Aldrich
The Farmer Stress Production Meeting Model: Acceptability and Feasibility of an Intervention
Anna Scheyett, Andrea Scarrow, Jennifer Dunn, Stephanie Hollifield, Justin Shealey, and Brian Hayes
The Ins and Outs of Language Translation and Interpretation of Program Resources
Regina McGoff, Annalisa Hultberg, and Stephen A. Kells
Potato University: An Interactive Framework to Engage and Educate Industry Stakeholders in Potato-Related Research
Jaime Willbur and Erin Burns
Increasing Wildfire Preparedness Through Defensible Space Training for the Private Sector
Christina Restaino and Spencer Eusden
Extension Education for Real Estate Professionals: Teaching Regulations and Sharing Resources That Protect Water Quality and Property Values
Linda Patterson, Shari Halik, and Kristine F. Stepenuck
Tools of the Trade
Extension E-Learning Meets Instructional Design
Joan S. York
AviateOK: A STEM App to Increase K-12 Student Engagement in the Aviation and Aerospace Industry
Irene Miller, Amy Rutledge, and Timm Bliss
Paper Origami for Program Development and Evaluation Training of New Extension Employees
Ayanava Majumdar
Research Verification is Effective for Extension Programs in Aquaculture
Luke A. Roy, Anita M. Kelly, Terry R. Hanson, Larry Dorman, Matthew Recsetar, and Herbert Quintero
Welcome to the New Frontier: Introducing Extension to the Next Generation of Conservation Planning Tools
Emma E. Bravard, Emily K. Zimmerman, John C. Tyndall, and David James
Impacting Community Well-Being Through Effective Engagement Using the SEED Method
Carlin Rafie, Emily B. Zimmerman, Angelina Hargrove, Theodora Biney Amissah, and Samantha Lee
Strategies for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity among Elementary School Aged Youths in Extension
Maru Gonzalez, Michael Kokozos, and Sudha Sankar
Who Cares for the Caregiver? Exploring Extension’s Role in Informal Caregiving Support
McKenzie R. Tuttle, Erin L. Martinez, and Aimee Fox