Volume 23, Number 3 (1985)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
The Editors
Feature Articles
The Challenge of Retaining 4-H Members
Kirk A. Astroth
The Livestock Masters Program: It Works
James S. Long and Michael R. Hackett
For Love or Money?
Richard A. Byrne and Faye Caskey
It's Not All Peaceful in the Country
Roger T. Williams
Creativity - Extension's Future
Peter Warnock
Mentoring: Is It for Extension?
Keith L. Smith and William E. Beckley
Lifelong Learning for the Older Adult
Kristine L. Blacklock
Why Do Extension Agents Resign?
Linda Nunes Manton and J. C. van Es
One Minute: Not Enough
Joan S. Thompson
Ideas at Work
A Richmond Experiment
Jeanne Diana and Jacqueline Lawrence
Using the Advisory Committee Effectively
Sally K. Ebling