Volume 23, Number 4 (1985)
Editor's Page
International Extension - A Needed Focus
Roger L. Lawrence
Feature Articles
Does In-Service Make a Difference?
Keith L. Smith
Extension Specialists: A Self-Analysis
John M. Gerber
Extension in Developing Countries: An Example
Irene Beavers
So You're Planning a Money Management Prograram
Victoria E. Steinfelt and Donna R. Iams
Grantsmanship - Third Wave Skills for the 80's
Linda A. Wilson
Nutrition - Who really Cares?
Andrea W. Bressler
Nutrition - Who Really Cares?
Andrea W. Bressler
So You're Planning a Money Management Program
Victoria E. Steinfelt and Donna R. Iams
Extension Specialists: A Self-Analysis
John M. Gerber
Does In-Service Make a Difference?
Keith L. Smith
Extension in Developing Countries: An Example
Irene Beavers
Grantsmanship - Third Wave Skills for the 80's
Linda A. Wilson
Ideas at Work
The Urban Learning Experience
Roderick Royall
Family Violence - A Community Concern
Betty Rae Weiford and William E. Beckley
The Urban Learning Experience
Roderick Royall
Family Violence - A Community Concern
Betty Rae Welford and William E. Beckley
Letters to the Editor
International Extension - A Needed Focus
Journal of Extension