Volume 24, Number 2 (1986)
Editor's Page
Welcomes and Thank You's
Patricia Jarboe Buchanan
Welcomes and Thank You's
The Editors
Feature Articles
Keeping Peace on the Farm
Daniel J. Weigel, Joan S. Blundall, and Randy R. Weigel
Is Anyone Watching
Mary Beth Lang, Kristine L. Blacklock, and Boyd E. Bossing
Reaping the Benefits of Computers
Jerry McClelland
Research + Volunteers = Success
Christine Nelson, Joanne Keith, Leah Hoopfer, and Anita Miller Covert
The Changing Face of Nutrition Education
Janet Lenichek, Christine R. Anderson, and Doris Tichenor
Promotion from Within Anyone Qualified
Joe D. Pittman and Lydia Bruny
The Changing Face of Nutrition Education
Janet Lenicheck, Christine R. Anderson, and Doris Tichenor
Research + Volunteers = Success
Christine Nelson, Joanne Keith, Leah Hoopfer, and Anita Miller Covert
Promotion from Within Anyone Qualified
Joe D. Pittman and Lydia Bruny
Keeping Peace on the Farm
Daniel J. Weigel, Joan S. Blundall, and Randy R. Weigel
Reaping the Benefits of Computers
Jerry McClelland
Is Anyone Watching
Mary Beth Lang, Kristine L. Blacklock, and Boyd E. Bossing
In Search of Futurists
Michael Quinn Patton
Marketing Extension - Being Prepared
Karen E. Craig
Extension's Future Revisited
Paul D. Warner and James A. Christenson
In Search of Futurists
Michael Quinn Patton
Marketing Extension - Being Prepared
Karen E. Craig
Extension's Future Revisted
Paul D. Warner and James A. Christenson
Research in Brief
Adolescents and Their Families
Patricia Tanner Nelson
Adolescents and Their Families
Patricia Tanner Nelson
Ideas at Work
TV PSA's - Making Them Effective
Betty Youngman
Memoranda - A Management Tool
Charles R. Perkins
TV PSA's - Making Them Effective
Betty Youngman
Memoranda - A Management Tool
Charles R. Perkins
Tools of the Trade
Time of Your Life
C Stephen Schenernan
Business Fundamentals
Patricia J. Buchanan
Time of Your Life
C. Stephen Schenernan
Business Fundamentals
Patricia J. Buchanan