
Volume 28, Number 2 (2024)

Editor's Page


Editor's Page
M Q. P

To the Point


Sailing the Extension Ship
David L. Holder

Feature Articles


Extension and Tourism Development
Beth Walter Honadle


Targeting Farmers for Stress Reduction
Michael D. Schulman and Paula S. Armstrong


An Inner-City Harvest
Julie Camp Adamcin


Issues Programming Changes Extension
Ellen Taylor-Powell and Burl Richardson


Building Home Businesses in Rural Communities
Suzanne Loker, Elizabeth Scannell, Marilyn M. Furry, and Ramona KZ Heck


Home-Based Business... A Means to Economic Growth in Rural Areas
Holly E. Bastow-Shoop, F Larry Leistritz, Brenda L. Ekstrom, and Dale F. Zetocha


Business Not as Usual
Patricia A. Miller and Anthony Mallilo




Organizational Philosophy for Program Evaluatio
Daniel J. Decker and Bettie Lee Yerka

Research in Brief


Predictors of Youth Agents' Knowledge Base
Gary W. Gerhard and Keith L. Smith


Master Gardeners: Views from the Cabbage Patch
David L. Simonson and Douglas A. Pals


Extension Staff Satisfaction
Anthony Mallilo

Ideas at Work


Linking Extension with Migrant Clients
Sherie P. Corley and Margaret Lewis


Partners of the Americas
Arlen W. Etling, Christopher J. Kalangi, and Juanita O. Waites


GOLD and People Make a Difference
J Jay Ney, JD Mankin, Edward P. Duren, and HR Guenthner

Tools of the Trade


The Truly Disadvantaged
Alice P. Kersey


Controlling Error in Evaluation Instruments
Emmalou Van Tilburg Norland