
Insect Pest Management Videotapes






"Insect Scouting in Corn" and "Insect Scouting in Soybeans and Alfalfa." Robert J. Wright and Keith J. Jarvi, 1989. Available for $29.95 each plus sales tax ($50 plus sales tax for both on one tape) from: Field Scouting, 104 Agricultural Communications, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE 68583-0918 Classroom training sessions are often conducted during Winter or Spring, when it's difficult to have an outdoor laboratory session to demonstrate what to look for in the field. The videotapes, through use of color footage of insects as they appear in the field, provide a potential substitute for a field training session. Another possible use is for individuals to view them at home and have them available for review at the beginning of the field session as a "refresher" course.

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