
Volume 31, Number 2 (1993)

Editor's Page


Editor's Page
E M. R

To the Point


Leadership for the Next Age
Jerold W. Apps

Feature Articles


The $11 Nutrition Challenge
Soneeta Grogan


Creating a Community Sounding Board
Ellen Rilla and James Reedy


Extending Information Resources in Rural Areas
James R. Pinkerton and Jack D. Glazier


Training for Quality Child Care
Linda Boeckner, Patricia A. Hendricks, and Patricia E. Steffens


Job Satisfaction in Extension
Kathleen Riggs and Karen M. Beus


Beyond "Business As Usual"
Lynn Jones and Mark Jost


Paradigms for Program Planning
Thomas F. Patterson Jr


Interdependence Models
Claude F. Bennett



Community Festivals Can Educate
Ronald J. Hustedde


Organizing for Change
Paul D. Warner



Assisting Poland in Transition
Earl H. Teeter Jr, John L. Ragland, and Michael J. McGirr


Overcoming Barriers to a Global Outlook in 4-H
Arlen Etling, Kimberly K. Reaman, and Gwen El Sawi

Research in Brief


Agents' Learning Preferences
Tomothy J. Rollins and Edgar P. Yoder


Home-Based Work: Research to Support Extension Programs
Marilyn M. Furry and Rama B. Radhakrishna


Teachable Moment with Single-Concept Cards
Mary P. Selk and Janice R. Hermann

Ideas at Work


Returning to the Farm
Larry L. Bitney, Deborah Rood, and James Friesen

Tools of the Trade


The Unwriting Workshop
Joyce Patterson and Lynn Ketchum