Volume 32, Number 1 (1994)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
M T. L
Feature Articles
Growing Through the Stages: A New Look at Professional Growth
Roger A. Rennekamp and Martha A. Nall
Challenges to Diversity from an African-American Perspective
Jacquelyn W. McCray
A Perfect Fit: Involving Youth with Disabilities in 4-H
Roger Tormoehlen and WE Field
An Extension Perspective of the Minor Use Crops Pesticide Problem in Vegetable Production
Gerald M. Ghidiu and Philip E. Neary
A Family Life Program Accountability Tool
Robert J. Fetsch and Deb Gebeke
Assisting Swine Producers to Maximize Marketing Returns
Garry L. Keeler, Mike D. Tokach, Robert D. Goodband, and Jim L. Nelssen
Assessing and Addressing Extension Employees' Wellness Needs
Sara Hudgens Burczy and Marjorie M. Bowin
Farmers Adopt Microcomputers in the 1980s: Educational Needs Surface for the 1990s
David Schmidt, S Kay Rockwell, Larry Bitney, and Elizabeth A. Sarno
Facilitating Conflict-Laden Issues: An Important Extension Faculty Role
Fielding E. Cooley
Research in Brief
Managing Administrative Conflicts
Garee W. Earnest
Job Satisfaction and Commitment of 4-H Agents
Cathy F. Bowen, Rama Radhakrishna, and Robin Keyser
Information Dissemination in Dairy Nutrition
DK Roseler, LE Chase, and EW McLaughlin
Public Opinion and Lake Erie Water Quality
Frank R. Lichtkoppler, David O. Kelch, and M Annie Berry
Swine Project Skill Development
Julia Gamon and Ond Pedro Dehegedus-Hetzel
Ideas at Work
Clergy and Extension Networking for Newly Married Couples
Barbara H. James
Money Management Teaching Tools for Low Income Audiences
Mary Ellen Rider, Karen Konzelmann, Polly Gettinger, and Donna Vandergraff
Urban IPM - Alaska Style!
Wayne G. Vandre
Teamwork and Technology: A Communications Showcase
Judy Winn and Bill Watson
Tools of the Trade
Multimedia for the Masses
Barbara Dawkins
Resource for Building Self-Esteem in Youth
Bob Cripe and Cynthia R. Hoover
Leadership for the 21st Century
Betty S. King
Computerizing Contest Information
RL Tormoehlen, ND Long, and RM Ritchie