A Perfect Fit: Involving Youth with Disabilities in 4-H
All youth, regardless of their physical and mental capabilities, need the opportunity to be involved in activities that complement their own special talents and interests. While formal educational systems (public and private schools) have been fairly successful in their efforts to develop specialized programs for youth with disabilities, non-formal educational programs such as 4-H have not made a concerted effort to make their programs truly accessible to all youth. This article summarizes a project underway at Purdue University to ensure that all youth have the opportunity to participate in meaningful activities that make it possible for them to grow mentally, physically, and socially regardless of their physical and/or mental capabilities. The legal implications, benefits of involvement, and ways to adapt projects and activities are also discussed.
Recommended Citation
Tormoehlen, R., & Field, W. (1994). A Perfect Fit: Involving Youth with Disabilities in 4-H. The Journal of Extension, 32(1), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol32/iss1/5