A Family Life Program Accountability Tool
The Cooperative Extension Program Evaluation Survey (CEPES) was created as an accountability tool for research in family life programs. CEPES tests seven dependent variables concerning family life, demographic information, and controls for potential changes in family strain levels. As a pilot, a pretest and posttest were given to 13 different audiences (N = 244) in two states. In the pilot test, family life programs in parenting, communication, conflict resolution, stress management, and balancing work and family were evaluated. Results from CEPES can be used by program leaders, department heads, specialists, and county agents to assess current programs. The assessments can be used to validate programs to clientele, county commissioners, state and national legislators, and funding agencies.
Recommended Citation
Fetsch, R. J., & Gebeke, D. (1994). A Family Life Program Accountability Tool. The Journal of Extension, 32(1), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol32/iss1/7