
Volume 32, Number 2 (1994)

Editor's Page


Editor's Page
M T. L

Feature Articles


Managing Diversity Within Cooperative Extension
D Merrill Ewert and Jennifer A. King Rice


Three Keys to a Successful Limited-Resource Families Program
Glennis Couchman, Glenna Williams, and Donna Cadwalader


Learning Best Through Experience
John G. Richardson


Food Safety Assessment and Programming
Gary D. Gilmore, Mary Meehan-Strub, and Douglas Mormann


Farmers Adopt Microcomputers in the 1980s: Educational Needs Surface for the 1990s
David Schmidt, S Kay Rockwell, Larry Bitney, and Elizabeth A. Sarno

Research in Brief


Extension Programming to Educate the Elderly about Nutrition
Georgia C. Lauritzen and Carol T. Windham


Leadership Effectiveness of County Extension Directors
Rama Radhakrishna, Edgar P. Yoder, and Connie D. Baggett


Clarifying Ohio State University Extension's Organizational Values
R Dale Safrit, Jo M. Jones, and Nikki L. Conklin


Public Opinion and Lake Erie Water Quality
Frank R. Lichtkoppler, David O. Kelch, and M Annie Berry


Swine Project Skill Development
Julia Gamon and Ond Pedro Dehegedus-Hetzel

Ideas at Work


Using Clothing Choices and Body Image to Enhance Self-Esteem
Rose Marie Tondl and Alice Henneman


Animal Science Youth Education Conference
Stephen Boyles, William Weldon, Jodi Black, and Stephen Baertsche


Money Management Teaching Tools for Low Income Audiences
Mary Ellen Rider, Karen Konzelmann, Polly Gettinger, and Donna Vandergraff


Urban IPM - Alaska Style!
Wayne G. Vandre

Tools of the Trade


Computerizing Contest Information
RL Tormoehlen, ND Long, and RM Ritchie