
Volume 32, Number 3 (1994)


Feature Articles


Do Local Realities Clash with Federal Expectations?
Georgia L. Stevens, Kathleen Ann Lodl, S Kay Rockwell, and Cheryl Burkhart-Kriesel


Training Needs of Area Specialized Extension Agents
Jerry D. Gibson and John Hillison


Migrant Farmworker Training Needs and the Pesticide Worker Protection Standards
Mary Ann Spitzer, Fred Whitford, and Martin Frick

Research in Brief

Ideas at Work


Strength Runs in Families
Cheryle Jones Syracuse


I Love My Village
Nina Chen


Evaluating Curriculum Effectiveness by Asking the Users
Patricia Hammerschmidt, Anne Murphy, June Youatt, and Carol Sawyer


Abandoned Well Plugging Demonstrates Environmental Concern
Danny H. Rogers and G Morgan Powell

Tools of the Trade


Using a Market Simulator in Extension Programs
Stephen R. Koontz, Derrell S. Peel, James N. Trapp, and Clement E. Ward


Resources for Growth Management Programming
Charles R. Blinn, Elizabeth E. Templin, and Jane H. Stevenson