Evaluating Curriculum Effectiveness by Asking the Users
To judge the effectiveness of 4-H materials, it is important to evaluate whether they are easy to use and are enjoyable, as well as the traditional assessment of change in knowledge and/or practices of users. This article reports results of an assessment involving 4-H members (ages 9-11), their parents, and leaders who participated in a food safety education program "Operation RISK." Findings indicate that 4-H food/nutrition lessons that actively involve learners are enjoyed more and are easier to use than activities in which the leader is the information-giver and members are passive receivers of facts.
Recommended Citation
Hammerschmidt, P., Murphy, A., Youatt, J., & Sawyer, C. (1994). Evaluating Curriculum Effectiveness by Asking the Users. The Journal of Extension, 32(3), Article 10. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol32/iss3/10