Migrant Farmworker Training Needs and the Pesticide Worker Protection Standards
The United States Environmental Protection Agency recently released new worker protection regulations to protect agricultural workers from exposure to pesticides. The study was conducted to assess the farmworkers' level of pesticide safety knowledge and to identify factors which influence their learning process. Four recommendations were provided to strengthen the effectiveness of the education component of the worker protection standards: assess and build on learner knowledge; stimulate interest through relevancy to real life issues; recognize the effectiveness of the existing communication system; and utilize established state contacts, resources, and programs.
Recommended Citation
Spitzer, M. A., Whitford, F., & Frick, M. (1994). Migrant Farmworker Training Needs and the Pesticide Worker Protection Standards. The Journal of Extension, 32(3), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol32/iss3/5