Evaluation of Dietary Guideline Bulletins Revised for a Low Literate Audience
In this study, print material written at an advanced reading level was revised for low- to mid-literate individuals. The purpose of the study was to compare changes in knowledge for low- to mid-literate adults that resulted from reading revised vs. unrevised material. Participants (n = 295) were randomly assigned into treatment or control groups. A 35-item multiple choice test was administered immediately before and after reading the materials. Results show increased knowledge overall but the revisions had an insignificant effect. We recommend that materials for low-literate audiences be developed from scratch and not revised from pre-existing material.
Recommended Citation
Achterberg, C. L., Van Horn, B., Maretzki, A., & Matheson, D. (1994). Evaluation of Dietary Guideline Bulletins Revised for a Low Literate Audience. The Journal of Extension, 32(4), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol32/iss4/7