"The Impact of the Poultry Industry on the Environment" National Satellite Videoconference
"The Impact of the Poultry Industry on the Environment" National Satellite Videoconference is a method of delivering public policy education through distance education. Its success is based on a network of people concerned about this environmental issue and the dialogue generated during the videoconference. Over 90 people participated from around the country. Collaborators included Extension personnel, League of Women Voters, environmentalists, and the poultry industry. This is a "satellite town meeting" model for future Extension public policy education programs. The Extension System needs to be prepared for the multi-media revolution in distance education.
Recommended Citation
Buck, S. (1995). "The Impact of the Poultry Industry on the Environment" National Satellite Videoconference. The Journal of Extension, 33(2), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol33/iss2/7