Home Composting Program Reduces Landfill Costs
An interagency team consisting of two University of Idaho Extension Educators and the consumer educator for a regional landfill worked together to design, promote, and deliver a home composting program that included distribution of 900 compost bin kits. The program was aimed at residents of a six county area in Southern Idaho which joined forces to build a new Subtitle D Landfill. Results in a follow-up survey of participants indicated that 2.8 cubic yards of waste per compost bin was diverted from the landfill. By reducing the amount of waste hauled, avoided costs for hauling over a one year period will be $51,975.
Recommended Citation
Morales, B. (1995). Home Composting Program Reduces Landfill Costs. The Journal of Extension, 33(4), Article 13. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol33/iss4/13