Parvis e glandibus quercus "Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow"
This unique mentoring program involves volunteer Master Gardeners, specially trained in horticultural therapy, interacting with youth-at-risk students between the ages of 11 and 14. Students participating in the program exhibited increased self-esteem, self-confidence, pride in their accomplishments, enthusiasm, and a positive change in attitude. Truancy has decreased and grades have improved among the students participating in the program. As a result of the program, increased funding has been received from traditional and non- traditional sources and has led to the establishment of an additional youth development position in the county.
Recommended Citation
Hudkins, S. J. (1995). Parvis e glandibus quercus "Great Oaks From Little Acorns Grow". The Journal of Extension, 33(4), Article 16.