Leadership Life Skills Development: Perceptions of Senior 4-H Yout
The purpose of this study was to determine the predictors of youth leadership life skills development among senior 4-H members in three states. The study further sought to determine the extent to which senior 4-H members participate in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of 4-H leadership activities. The top three activities members identified as contributing the most toward their leadership development was holding office, teaching younger members, and fairs. Members indicated their greatest involvement in leadership activities was in implementing, followed by evaluating, with few members involved in planning leadership activities.
Recommended Citation
Seevers, B. S., & Dormody, T. J. (1995). Leadership Life Skills Development: Perceptions of Senior 4-H Yout. The Journal of Extension, 33(4), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol33/iss4/7