
Volume 33, Number 5 (1995)



What Business Are We In?
Earl C. Johnson

Feature Articles


A Model for Coalition Building in Urbanizing Areas
Edmund M. Tavernier and Maurice P. Hartley

Research in Brief


Employee Satisfaction in Extension: A Texas Study
Barbara V. Boltes, Lawrence A. Lippke, and Elizabeth Gregory


An Assessment of Health Insurance Concerns
Beverly J. Keil, Kathryn K. Chenoweth, E Linda Ferris, and Beth D. Gaydos


Montana HAYWATCH: Field Prediction for Timely Alfalfa Harvest
Dennis Cash, Virginia Knerr, Chester Hill, and Ron Carlstrom

Ideas at Work


Collaboration Builds a Successful Recordkeeping Course for Small Businesses
Christopher D. Penrose and Janet M. Hollingsworth


Parent/Teen Relations
Scott Kleon


Master Gardeners and Youth Gardeners Raise Vegetables to Help Needy
Gary Gao, Walt Bumgarner, and Amy Doran Buettner

Tools of the Trade


DOTS: A Visual Assessment Technique for Groups
Larry S. Lev, Fred Smith, and Ray William