Master Gardeners and Youth Gardeners Raise Vegetables to Help Needy
Master gardeners and youth gardeners raise vegetables to help the needy in Clermont County. This is a joint effort involving two Extension agents, 20 master gardeners, 15 4-H members and their parents, Clermont County commissioners, local businesses, and The Freestore/Foodbank to address this need in our community. Our master gardeners will be able to implement the theoretical knowledge that they have gained by teaching a new generation of gardening enthusiasts--our 4-H members. This should prove to be a rewarding experience for our volunteers as they will be providing those in need of quality vegetables. It is a win-win situation for everyone.
Recommended Citation
Gao, G., Bumgarner, W., & Buettner, A. D. (1995). Master Gardeners and Youth Gardeners Raise Vegetables to Help Needy. The Journal of Extension, 33(5), Article 12.