A Model for Coalition Building in Urbanizing Areas
Increasingly complex and controversial issues are emerging for Extension educators and decision makers as urbanization of rural and agricultural lands expands. To help address those issues, the present study provides a model for coalition building. The model adopts a focus group approach bringing together farmers, environmentalists, policy makers and the non-farm public. The results suggest that coalition building is best facilitated when views are properly communicated and understood. In addition, participants involved in controversial issues can be brought together most effectively after common agenda items have been identified, and the information generated used to establish a positive mind-set.
Recommended Citation
Tavernier, E. M., & Hartley, M. P. (1995). A Model for Coalition Building in Urbanizing Areas. The Journal of Extension, 33(5), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol33/iss5/4