Montana HAYWATCH: Field Prediction for Timely Alfalfa Harvest
The Montana HAYWATCH program assists hay producers in scheduling their harvest to optimize forage quality. A simple field estimate of stage of maturity (MSC--mean state by count) was established in 15 Montana counties to predict forage quality of standing alfalfa in 1993 and 1994. HAYWATCH results were posted by electronic mail, newspapers, radio announcements, and voice-mail messages. Although most cooperators are already good hay producers, they did increase their awareness of stage of crop maturity and the value of routine hay quality testing. HAYWATCH provides timely interaction among producers and the Extension Service for all aspects of forage management.
Recommended Citation
Cash, D., Knerr, V., Hill, C., & Carlstrom, R. (1995). Montana HAYWATCH: Field Prediction for Timely Alfalfa Harvest. The Journal of Extension, 33(5), Article 9.