A Framework for 21st Century Leadership
Early in 1994, a task force, created under the aegis of Michigan State University Extension, was charged with articulating a conceptual framework to guide existing and future community-based leadership development efforts. This article summarizes the definition, driving forces, values, and principles of the framework. Leadership development for the 21st century requires a change in personal practice, conceptual thinking, and organizational application. From the point of view of this framework, leadership development shifts from individual-centered to collective centered; from packaged curriculum to an evolving, customized educational process focused on building relationships; and from discrete leadership development programs to leadership development embedded in concrete issues identified by the participants in the process.
Recommended Citation
Sandmann, L. R., & Vandenberg, L. (1995). A Framework for 21st Century Leadership. The Journal of Extension, 33(6), Article 3. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol33/iss6/3