New National Program Information System for Cooperative Extension: Lessons from Experience
National Extension program information systems focused on Federal needs have been plagued by severe data acquisition problems. These problems may re-occur in a new national program information system which is to include Extension. This new system is being developed in response to the Government Performance and Results Act. To overcome potential data acquisition problems, state and Federal program staffs must collaborate in building mutually relevant, valid, complete, databases for national Extension programs. Under existing institutional arrangements, program staffs in states will engage in such collaboration to the extent that indicator data for the national program information system are useful for state and local program planning, budgeting, management, and marketing. Nine steps are recommended to improve program effectiveness, management of program delivery, and program accountability, which are purposes of the Government Performance and Results Act.
Recommended Citation
Bennett, C. (1996). New National Program Information System for Cooperative Extension: Lessons from Experience. The Journal of Extension, 34(1), Article 2.