Exploring Curriculum to Meet the Food Safety Needs of Bilingual Youth
One hundred thirty-two Hispanic youth in grades 4-6 participated in a study to determine the effectiveness of a food safety educational curriculum and a Spanish video. This project adapted youth educational materials and a video on safe food handling developed by Purdue University. The video script was translated into Spanish to reflect cultural language differences and a Spanish version of the video was developed. Four educational treatment groups were developed to determine the effectiveness of the curriculum. Youth who were taught the five lesson unit, completed recommended activities, and viewed the video scored the highest on food safety and handling. The control group scored the lowest.
Recommended Citation
Hoover, T., Cooper, A., Tamplin, M., & Osmond, J. (1996). Exploring Curriculum to Meet the Food Safety Needs of Bilingual Youth. The Journal of Extension, 34(3), Article 6. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol34/iss3/6