Leading Without Authority: An Examination of the Impact of Transformational Leadership Cooperative Extension Work Groups and Teams
An increased use of ad hoc teams and work-groups to accomplish key Extension objectives combined with reluctance to enlarge existing organizational structures require particular leadership skills for effectiveness. Utilizing Bass'(1985) full-range leadership formulation, and in particular his description of transformational leadership, an exploratory study was undertaken to increase understanding of the efficacy and applicability of the concepts to Extension organizations. The Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire was administered to a group of ten leaders and 47 followers. Results provide extremely strong support for the proposition that new organizational forms will require transformational leadership skills. Limitations and need for additional study is recognized.
Recommended Citation
Brown, W., Birnstihl, E. A., & Wheeler, D. W. (1996). Leading Without Authority: An Examination of the Impact of Transformational Leadership Cooperative Extension Work Groups and Teams. The Journal of Extension, 34(5), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol34/iss5/4