Developing an Extension Pest Management Program Using the Needs-Assessment Process
Designing and improving integrated pest management (IPM) programs requires baseline information and clintele-driven needs assessment about key pests. A multi-phased sequence of needs assessment programs included: (a) identification of the key insect, weed, and disease problems, (b) prioritizing identified pest problems and, (c) developing an action plan, was used to develop a cereal grains IPM program in Montana. This process promoted dialog between clientele, researchers, and Extension personnel, allowed identification of barriers to IPM implementation, and involved clientele in the program development process.
Recommended Citation
Blodgett, S. L., Johnson, G., Kemp, W. P., & Sands, J. K. (1997). Developing an Extension Pest Management Program Using the Needs-Assessment Process. The Journal of Extension, 35(1), Article 3.