Forestry Demonstrations: What Good is a Walk in the Woods?
Although outdoor demonstrations are a traditional Extension methodology, few studies have documented the educational efficacy of forestry tours. An assessment of the educational effectiveness of Forest Stewardship demonstration in Pennsylvania found that demonstrations enhance learning and induce attitude shifts. Participants tested before the workshop, after an indoor session, and following the field tour scored differently on questions revealing their knowledge of forests and forestry, as well as their attitudes about timber harvesting and clearcutting. Acceptance of clearcutting as a viable forestry tool occurred only after participants toured the demonstration are, including its two-acre clearcut. Demonstrations provide an excellent forum for addressing controversial issues.
Recommended Citation
Harmon, A. H., & Jones, S. B. (1997). Forestry Demonstrations: What Good is a Walk in the Woods?. The Journal of Extension, 35(1), Article 8.