Ohio Pasture for Profit Schools: Designing a Successful Format for Grazing Courses
Improved grazing systems offer a profitable sustainable alternative for livestock producers in Ohio. In 1994, Extension agents and state specialists formed an Integrated Forage Management Team and designed regional "Pasture for Profit Schools" for Ohio. Ten teaching outlines were developed that included text and scripts to present in a series of two to three classes. Notebooks and fact sheets were developed, and an on-farm case study would be provided. Twenty-five schools from 1994-96 have been attended by over 700 participants providing an instructor to student ratio of 1:15. Several states have requested the program for implementation.
Recommended Citation
Bennett, M. L., Penrose, C. D., & Bartholomew, H. M. (1997). Ohio Pasture for Profit Schools: Designing a Successful Format for Grazing Courses. The Journal of Extension, 35(2), Article 9. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol35/iss2/9