Volume 35, Number 5 (1997)
Editor's Page
Editor’s Page
Len Calvert
Opportunities for Cooperative Extension and Local Communities in the Information Age
Daniel J. Tennessen, Steven PonTell, Van Romine, and Suzanne W. Motheral
Manufacturing Extension: A Role for CES?
Theodore J. Maher and Michael P. Spencer
Feature Articles
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Adopting a GIS in the Extension Service: Evidence from the Cooperative Extension Service at Mississippi State University
Joselito K. Estrada and James R. Steil
If It Sells Soap It Can Help Sell Innovations: A Useful Lesson from Marketing
Thomas J. Bierma, Frank L. Waterstraat, Grear Kimmel, and Paul Nowak Jr
4-H Shooting Sports Hits the Mark with Youth-At-Risk
Kenneth E. Sabo and Wendy V. Hamilton
County Extension Agents and On-Farm Research Work: Results of a Kansas Survey
David Norman, Stanley Freyenberger, and Bryan Schurle
Research in Brief
Development and Evaluation of Activity-Oriented Nutrition Classes for Pregnant and Parenting Teens
Darcy Owen, Patricia Kendall, and Karen Wilken
Factors Associated With Clothing Care Practices of Adolescents Enrolled in 4-H Programs
Joyce A. Smith, Kathryn J. Cox, Norma A. Pitts, and Hak P. Tam
Ideas at Work
Job Enrichment in Extension
Louis S. Fourman and Jo Jones
Backpack Buddies: A Newsletter Series for Parents
Rose Fisher Merkowitz, Kathy Jelley, Elaine Collins, and Carol Ford Arkin
Pooling Resources in the Information Age
Daniel J. Tennessen, Steven PonTell, Van Romine, and Suzanne W. Motheral