If It Sells Soap It Can Help Sell Innovations: A Useful Lesson from Marketing
Promoting innovations is an act of marketing. Carefully conceived marketing plans can greatly enhance success. Understanding that different market segments have different product and information needs is a basic concept in commercial marketing. "Innovativeness" and "Stage in the adoption process" are two useful ways of segmenting a market. The Innovativeness-Stages Matrix, combined with an understanding of the different needs of market segments, provides a powerful tool for focusing marketing efforts without extensive marketing research or resources.
Recommended Citation
Bierma, T. J., Waterstraat, F. L., Kimmel, G., & Nowak, P. (1997). If It Sells Soap It Can Help Sell Innovations: A Useful Lesson from Marketing. The Journal of Extension, 35(5), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol35/iss5/5