County Extension Agents and On-Farm Research Work: Results of a Kansas Survey
This paper reports the results of a survey designed to ascertain information about on-farm research, that is, on-farm work (OFW) implemented by county Extension agents (CEAs) in Kansas. The survey collects information on the types of OFW, who was responsible for it, what data were collected, what was done with the results, and attitudes of CEAs toward OFW. The survey results indicate that OFR associated with CEAs in Kansas is fairly common, that CEAs have positive attitudes for OFR and play important roles in initiating, implementing, analyzing, and distributing the results of such work, but major constraints exist to expanding such work.
Recommended Citation
Norman, D., Freyenberger, S., & Schurle, B. (1997). County Extension Agents and On-Farm Research Work: Results of a Kansas Survey. The Journal of Extension, 35(5), Article 7.