Staffing Strategies For A More Diverse Workforce: Case Examples In Cornell Cooperative Extension
Strategies for recruiting a diverse workforce are illustrated by case examples from the three stages in Cornell Cooperative Extension's staffing process. Organizational change to address diversity and pluralism requires a change in organizational culture. In the process of recruiting staff from diverse backgrounds, Cornell Cooperative Extension is creating new rules to become more inclusive. Implications indicate that retaining staff from diverse backgrounds needs to be as high a priority as recruiting them. Preparing the workplace to support staff from diverse backgrounds requires greater attention. Changing organizational behavior is the first step in creating a workplace that supports diversity and pluralism. Strategies for helping organizations become more inclusive are reviewed.
Recommended Citation
Grogan, S., & Eshelman, B. (1998). Staffing Strategies For A More Diverse Workforce: Case Examples In Cornell Cooperative Extension. The Journal of Extension, 36(1), Article 3.