Ohio Farmer Use Of The Pesticide Label
Significant human and monetary resources are expended for pesticide training. A descriptive study was conducted to measure pesticide label use of Ohio certified private pesticide applicators (OCPPA). A sample size of OCPPA was used to provide .95 confidence interval for the population parameters. Internal and external validity threats were examined and controlled in the study. OCPPA perceive the label to be very valuable when pesticides are used and they are reading the pesticide label at least one time per year. There are no differences in pesticide label reading (use) of OCPPA by level of education or acres farmed.
Recommended Citation
Prochaska, S. C., & Norland, E. L. (1998). Ohio Farmer Use Of The Pesticide Label. The Journal of Extension, 36(1), Article 7. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol36/iss1/7