A Model for Integrating Program Development and Evaluation
We present the communication model of Gillespie and Yarbrough and explain how it served as the framework for combining program development and formative evaluation of an osteoporosis prevention program for working mothers. The model includes inputs, an educational intervention, and outcomes. Combining receiver, situational, and educator inputs produced a more viable pilot program that was tested with the target audience at two types of sites convenient for working mothers. We collected both quantitative and qualitative outcome data, allowing a rigorous examination of whether or not program components were successful, and why. Extension educators should consider using the model as an effective way to combine program development and evaluation.
Recommended Citation
Brown, J., & Kiernan, N. E. (1998). A Model for Integrating Program Development and Evaluation. The Journal of Extension, 36(3), Article 10. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol36/iss3/10