
Integrated Pest Management in Cucurbit Crops in South-Central USA: Pest Status, Attitudes toward IPM and a Plan for Implementation






USDA Cooperative Agreement Project G-8438 was initiated in 1995 to develop a plan to implement IPM on cucurbit crops in South-Central USA using Texas and Oklahoma as representative states. Through this project, the current status of cucurbit IPM was surveyed in terms of implementation and research. Constraints to an advanced IPM system were identified in facilitated workshops and research, Extension, and education priorities for implementing IPM in cucurbit crops were developed. From the survey it appeared that IPM was fairly well understood by workshop participants. The main tools for management of pests included application of pesticides, disease resistance incorporated into cultivars, and cultural practices such as manipulating planting dates and field rotation. Workshops (consisting of a comprehensive educational program along with facilitated discussions and a short survey) were well received and provided an opportunity for assessment of current IPM programs by representative IPM users in cucurbit crops. Research and Extension continue to be critical for IPM implementation.

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