Identifying Effective and Efficient Methods To Educate Farmers about Soil Sampling
This study compares three educational methods, (a) a slide set, (b) a pamphlet, and (c) a combination of slide set and pamphlet in identifying the most effective and efficient method of the three for educating 99 farmers about soil sampling. Both immediate and delayed post-tests were used in assessing attitudes about soil sampling, gains in immediate and long term knowledge, and preferences for educational methods. Farmers' attitudes did not adversely impact learning. However, farmers did lack prerequisite skills to correctly perform soil sampling. All three Extension methods were found to be effective with the pamphlet being the most efficient.
Recommended Citation
King, R. N. (1999). Identifying Effective and Efficient Methods To Educate Farmers about Soil Sampling. The Journal of Extension, 37(1), Article 10.