Ohio State University Extension Agents' Perceptions of Agent Support Teams
The researchers investigated OSU Extension county agents' perceptions of the importance of agent support teams in assisting them with professional growth, program planning and development, and performance evaluation feedback; and the level of support their team actually provided them. The researchers developed a mailed survey to collect data. Findings suggest that Ohio county agents perceive support teams as being important. However, with one exception, mean scores for level of support provided by the teams were consistently lower. This research suggests that the eight conceptual constructs comprising the support team concept could serve as a conceptual framework for Extension education curricula and agent professional development.
Recommended Citation
Zoller, C., & Safrit, R. (1999). Ohio State University Extension Agents' Perceptions of Agent Support Teams. The Journal of Extension, 37(1), Article 11. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss1/11