"Ohio 4-H CARTEENS": Peer Intervention Safety Program
The Ohio 4-H CARTEENS is a peer education program designed to reduce the number of second time juvenile traffic offenders. 4-H CARTEENS has been in existence for ten years. The unique aspect of the program is that teens collaborate with the juvenile court system and the Ohio Highway Patrol in 34 counties. The teen presenters utilized court violation data to determine program content. Junior leaders or other teen facilitators plan and run the two-hour safety programs. With guidance from the Ohio Highway Patrol and training by the 4-H Youth professional, the facilitators cover topics such as defensive driving techniques, rural road safety, and overcoming negative peer pressure.
Recommended Citation
Cropper, R. J. (1999). "Ohio 4-H CARTEENS": Peer Intervention Safety Program. The Journal of Extension, 37(2), Article 12. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss2/12