Volume 37, Number 3 (1999)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Len Calvert
Feature Articles
A Model Train-The-Trainer Program for HACCP-Based Food Safety Training in the Retail/Food Service Industry: An Evaluation
Kenneth E. Martin, Steve Knabel, and Von Mendenhall
Community Surveys: Measuring Citizens' Attitudes Toward Sustainability
Stanley M. Guy and David L. Rogers
Area Of Expertise Teams: The Michigan Approach to Applied Research and Extension
Arlen Leholm, Larry Hamm, Murari Suvedi, and Ian Gray
The Children, Youth, and Families at Risk (CYFAR) Evaluation Collaboration
Lydia I. Marek, Richard AW Byrne, Mary S. Marczak, and Sherry C. Betts
Research in Brief
Program Evaluation and Accountability Training Needs of Extension Agents
Rama Radhakrishna and Mary Martin
Consumer Attitudes and Response Toward State-Sponsored Agricultural Promotion: An Evaluation of the Jersey Fresh Program*
Ramu Govindasamy, John Italia, and Daymon Thatch
A Summary of OSU Extension Internal Salary Study
Daney G. Jackson, Richard Martin, Annie Berry, and Bryan Adkins
Ideas at Work
Junior Master Gardeners[TM] Program Addresses Youth Needs
Douglas F. Welsh, Lisa A. Whittlesey, Randy L. Seagraves, and Gayle W. Hall
Creating a Down-to-Earth Approach To Teaching Science, Math and Technology
Robert Williamson and Ellen Smoak
Empowering Consumers: Hamburger Safety
Mary Kay Wardlaw
Tools of the Trade
Gaining Audience Involvement: Interactive Teaching Exercises
Joseph T. Ponessa