A Model Train-The-Trainer Program for HACCP-Based Food Safety Training in the Retail/Food Service Industry: An Evaluation
A Train-the-Trainer model program is presented for HACCP-based training in the retail/food service industry. With over 50% of the consumer food service dollar spent on eating out, food safety is an important concern in the food service industry. Results of a 50-state survey indicate that states are adopting increased training and certification requirements for food service managers and employees. Providers of food safety training are identified, preferences for types of educational resources are indicated, and impacts of the training effort in the food service establishments of participants are presented.
Recommended Citation
Martin, K. E., Knabel, S., & Mendenhall, V. (1999). A Model Train-The-Trainer Program for HACCP-Based Food Safety Training in the Retail/Food Service Industry: An Evaluation. The Journal of Extension, 37(3), Article 3. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss3/3