A Research Based Approach to the Development of Educational Programs for Extension Clientele: A Case Study on Land Use Issues in Ohio
In response to concerns expressed by clientele, Extension educators working in Portage County, Ohio initiated a series of surveys of public attitudes regarding land use. The results revealed that respondents were deeply concerned about preserving farmland and rural character, but did not believe they had adequate knowledge as a community to make prudent land use decisions. Use of these results assisted Extension personnel in developing educational programs designed to acquaint clientele with an array of land use tools and farmland preservation methods that might be adopted in the future.
Recommended Citation
Hudkins, S., & Blaine, T. W. (1999). A Research Based Approach to the Development of Educational Programs for Extension Clientele: A Case Study on Land Use Issues in Ohio. The Journal of Extension, 37(4), Article 4. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol37/iss4/4