
Volume 37, Number 5 (1999)

Editor's Page


Editor's Page
Len Calvert



Empowerment: What Is It?
Nanette Page and Cheryl E. Czuba

Feature Articles

Research in Brief


The Domestic Labor Puzzle: Meaning and Emotion
JoLene B. Bunnell and Ivan F. Beutler


Missouri Master Gardener Demographics
Denny S. Schrock, Mary Meyer, Peter Ascher, and Mark Snyder


4-H Projects: Is Completion Important?
Jean M. Woloshuk, Guendoline Brown, and Gena D. Wagaman


Factor Analysis Adds New Dimension to Extension Surveys
J Reynaldo A. Santos and Max D. Clegg

Ideas at Work


Storytelling Festival
Nina Chen


Corn Earworm IPM Educational Program in Utah
Shawn Olsen, Daniel Drost, Wade Bitner, and James Barnhill

Tools of the Trade