Volume 37, Number 5 (1999)
Editor's Page
Editor's Page
Len Calvert
Empowerment: What Is It?
Nanette Page and Cheryl E. Czuba
Perceived Influence of Selected Factors On Decision of High School 4-H Youth to Volunteer
Kenneth Spoto
Feature Articles
Effective Use of Risk Communication Strategies for Health & Safety Educational Materials
Scott Hutcheson
Collaborative Problem Solving: Financial Education for Youth
Judy McKenna and Jan Carroll
Extension's Role with Farmers' Markets: Working with Farmers, Consumers, and Communities
Jennifer Abel, Joan Thomson, and Audrey Maretzki
Research in Brief
The Domestic Labor Puzzle: Meaning and Emotion
JoLene B. Bunnell and Ivan F. Beutler
Stakeholder Satisfaction with a 4-H Extension Program for Five- to Eight-Year-Old Children
Scott D. Scheer and Kenneth R. Lafontaine
Gathering Food and Nutrition Information from Migrant Farmworker Children through In-depth Interviews
Amy Fishman, Karl Pearson, and Marla Reicks
Missouri Master Gardener Demographics
Denny S. Schrock, Mary Meyer, Peter Ascher, and Mark Snyder
4-H Projects: Is Completion Important?
Jean M. Woloshuk, Guendoline Brown, and Gena D. Wagaman
Factor Analysis Adds New Dimension to Extension Surveys
J Reynaldo A. Santos and Max D. Clegg
Ideas at Work
Transferring Poultry Information to the Public Using the Internet: AvianNet @ Purdue University
Mickey A. Latour and Ryan A. Meunier
Storytelling Festival
Nina Chen
Corn Earworm IPM Educational Program in Utah
Shawn Olsen, Daniel Drost, Wade Bitner, and James Barnhill
Tools of the Trade
Dot Posters: A Practical Alternative to Written Questionnaires and Oral Interviews
Larry Lev and Garry Stephenson